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Thread: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

  1. #876

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    But that’s NOT the only scenario. He could also opt out for a stretch deal, say 4/$40 guaranteed. Now, would the Thunder want to own that contract? Doubtful, especially in light of not wanting to even consider a bench role now that it’s obvious he doesn’t necessarily fit this team as a starter. But that’s a contract they could move. He knows that. And I think his comments may indicate he’s considering something like that so that he could land on a team where he’s a more obvious fit. Which would be great for everybody.
    I don't think you can use stretch contracts the way you're proposing. You can only stretch players contracts when you buy them out and they're not on the team. So, the Thunder can buy out Melo and then stretch his deal over several years and he could then sign with another team.

    Here's the scenarios from worst to best:
    1. Melo re-signs on a longer deal
    2. Melo picks up his one season option
    3. Melo opts out and leaves

    I didn't add a scenario where Melo opts out and signs a lesser deal with the Thunder because I don't see it as plausible, but maybe I'm wrong. Of course, how these options influence PG is even more important. Re-signing PG is the most important things by far.

  2. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I've been told by more than one person whose info I trust that he can opt out and restructure with the Thunder. If this happens he could keep his protective trade clause intact but the upside for the Thunder is that they could get back value in a trade. Similar to a sign and trade. The upside to him is that he isn't on the open market so could dictate some terms in the contract to a team (the Thunder) that would like to lose his $27 million and the associated luxury tax. More protection to him than simply opting out, plus the Thunder receives whatever trade value they can get for a $10M Melo.

    By the way, that is essentially option 1. in your list of options. All I'm saying is that it is done with an eye to a trade, which vaults it from worst option on your list to best option. I think the worst option for everybody concerned (including Melo) is that he just opts in for the $27 million.

  3. #878

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Interesting. I definitely didn't think players could restructure deals in the NBA. I thought he'd have to opt out and do a completely new deal. But I'm no salary cap expert. Good question for Jon Hamm.

    On another note: Report: George will leave Thunder this summer

    If PG3 is gone then that's pretty damaging, especially next year and for Russ' legacy. Fair or not, he'll likely be remembered as the superstar no one wanted to play with. Long wait until July 1st.

  4. #879

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I took the time to research the stretch out option. Per the 2011 CBA, a team may stretch out a contract on a player they have waived. I could find no other reason.
    A team can stretch out a contract by multiplying by 2 the remaining years and add one. In Melo's case that is total of three years of stretch. Because it is for players that have been waived, there is no player input on this if the team exercises it. Whether Melo stays or goes, it is my opinion that ultimately it is up to Westbrook. If he wants him here, he will be here.

    Dan two years ago you said Westbrook could not get a new deal and shortly after he did.

    As far a Melo volunteering to do any restructuring, it will have to benefit him. He does not need to leave money on the table and I would not be surprised if he would have to have his baby mama sign off on a deal that could impact support payments. If he does nothing he gets 28 million next year and then leave. Then he goes where it works best for him and get 8 million a year(what he is worth) for a couple more years, netting 44 million over 3 years. Melo is not going to take a hit to make Presti look better.

    If PG is gone the damage to Presti is really damaging. He took a huge gamble on this and Melo working out and it looks like he could have made a multi million dollar goof.

    Read more on the stretch option here:

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I used the term stretch here and I think it is the wrong term as that is specific to paying out a player who was waived. What I mean is that he can opt out to restructure. This can be done if both parties agree.

    I'm not suggesting for a second that Carmelo would do something detrimental to his own bottom line, nor do I think he should. It's a business. He can certainly hold the Thunder's feet to the fire on the remainder of his contract, but I don't think that benefits him. If he can get a multi-year deal that roughly equals what he would get for those years on the open market, combined with the money remaining on his agreement, he can (and probably should) do that. It's good business for him and for the Thunder. If it can be structured in such a way that it is palatable to a team that wants to take a flyer on him, and if said team is willing to give up some decent assets to take a shot, once again it is good for him AND good for the Thunder.

    Point being that opting out or riding out are NOT the only two options.

  6. #881

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    So, here, I think restructuring is also the wrong term. It would just be a completely new deal, not a restructuring of an old one.

    On the open market, I'm not sure Melo can get $5 million per year so I can't see how opting out is in his personal interest. And I think having Melo for more than one more year would be against the Thunder's interest... even if he was on a minimum contract. Melo's play was really detrimental to OKC in the playoffs (I was dead wrong and thought he might be helpful in the playoffs...he wasn't). Literally, kicking him off the team would have helped OKC's chances of winning tremendously.

    As to what I said about Westbrook's contract two years ago, I am sure I have been wrong plenty of times. Lol.

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Hahaha $5 million? C’mon Dan...people dumb. Someone idiot is likely to pony up twice that. I mean, just last year someone thought he was worth 5x that money!

  8. #883

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Hahaha $5 million? C’mon Dan...people dumb. Someone idiot is likely to pony up twice that. I mean, just last year someone thought he was worth 5x that money!
    We'll see. I don't think there's a $10 million offer out there. Opinions shift fast and the opinion around the league is that Melo is no longer a helpful player for a team, which may or may not be true. And, remember, Melo isn't going to open his market to the entire league. He's not going to play in Sacramento, Phoenix, or Orlando so his market is probably less than 10 teams, maybe less than 5. Since he'll limit his suitors, I could see it as being plausible that he only gets vet minimum offers.

  9. #884
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    Thunder Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Dan, you are correct in your assessment; 'Opinions shift fast and the opinion around the league is that Melo is no longer a helpful player for a team...'

    We agree that Melo fell far short of expectations.
    Melo's (Apathy) showed what he was all about in the game where Billy attempted to send him in to replace a tired Grant and Melo flat refused after Jerami canned a trey--saying he'll be alright and took a seat. Did you see Maurice Cheeks get in Melo's ass?

    Melo's contract expires after next season 2018-19. Can you blame PG13 if he decides to leave.

    Presti brought Melo in; it's incumbent upon him to fix this. Where I do fault Billy, you're the head coach, you need to take charge; our entire management & coaches have gotten too comfortable in their roles--it's time to turn on the heat.

  10. #885

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post

    Where I do fault Billy, you're the head coach, you need to take charge; our entire management & coaches have gotten too comfortable in their roles--it's time to turn on the heat.
    The reality of today in the NBA is that it is a players league and coaching dictates go nowhere fast. Unlike the Spurs, the coach is not the shot caller, it is the GM. Donovan is severely restricted in what he can dictate or "request".

  11. #886
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    Thunder Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    The reality of today in the NBA is that it is a players league and coaching dictates go nowhere fast. Unlike the Spurs, the coach is not the shot caller, it is the GM. Donovan is severely restricted in what he can dictate or "request".
    Quin Snyder didn't have anything to do with the Jazz series win over the Thunder 4 - 2. The Jazz lead the Rockets 56-37 in game 2; 2nd quarter in Houston with less than 6 minutes to go. Big difference when you have players who know how to block out, space the floor & rebound.

  12. #887

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Melo's (Apathy) showed what he was all about in the game where Billy attempted to send him in to replace a tired Grant and Melo flat refused after Jerami canned a trey--saying he'll be alright and took a seat. Did you see Maurice Cheeks get in Melo's ass?
    I agree with your other comments, but Melo is the opposite of apathy... and I want a player to want to be in the game. I had no problem with Melo wanting in... that's passion and pride. But it was the right move to leave him on the bench. He shoudn't have come back in later either. But this is not a problem unique to the Thunder. Aging stars struggle with declining roles. Melo just got useless real quick.

  13. #888
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    I agree with your other comments, but Melo is the opposite of apathy... and I want a player to want to be in the game. I had no problem with Melo wanting in... that's passion and pride. But it was the right move to leave him on the bench. He shoudn't have come back in later either. But this is not a problem unique to the Thunder. Aging stars struggle with declining roles. Melo just got useless real quick.
    So true!

    The pressure to put an overnight winner in the Big Apple took its toll on Anthony.

    Just didn't like Melo's comment about coming off the bench; hence OKC is not an assisted living center for aging emeritus superstars.

  14. #889
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Utah Jazz just defeated the Rockets in game 2 in Houston 116-108.

  15. #890

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Presti made it pretty obvious in his presser that they want Melo gone. He basically only had a spiel about Melo being a complete professional and a great player that sacrificed a lot. But after that, every reference about the team included Russ, PG, and Adams. I think it was obvious that Presti wants a core of Russ/PG/Adams/Grant/Dre.

  16. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Would be a great core and a contender if it could be pulled off. Obviously would need a few other moves to be fully effective. Also a few other retentions would be nice if possible, starting with Felton.

  17. #892

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    So, with the Thunder being out of the playoffs now, who is everyone rooting for? Personally, I am going for the Raptors or the 76ers. Thoughts?

  18. #893

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Mostly the Jazz... Maybe Lebron.

    Basically anyone with a shot to overthrow the GSW regime. Rocket fans trash Russ and OKC for losing to the Jazz, now their series is going the exact same. Plus the way Harden plays is infuriating.

    Add to the fact that GSW purposely lost to the Jazz to avoid having to play OKC or Utah in the first round is another reason I want the Jazz to face them in the WCF.

  19. #894

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Mostly the Jazz... Maybe Lebron.

    Basically anyone with a shot to overthrow the GSW regime. Rocket fans trash Russ and OKC for losing to the Jazz, now their series is going the exact same. Plus the way Harden plays is infuriating.

    Add to the fact that GSW purposely lost to the Jazz to avoid having to play OKC or Utah in the first round is another reason I want the Jazz to face them in the WCF.
    Personally, I am not going for any team in the West. I, obviously, don't want GSW to win and don't want the Rockets to win, because then we hear all about Harden and how bad that trade was. I would be ok with NO, but would prefer anybody in the east over any team in the West.

  20. #895

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    The Celtics- they are punching above their weight, great ball movement, and play a good team concept.

  21. #896

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Any salary cap experts out there: If PG decides to leave, that basically means we are screwed for the purposes of signing another elite level player because we would only have somewhere in the range of $10-11 million in cap space (assuming we buy out/trade Melo), right?

    Our contract obligations are at $137 million on a cap of $100 million/$120 luxury apron. Melo is owed $28 million and George $20 million (player option). So if George leaves, our obligations drop to $117 million. If we waive/buy out Melo or he opts out, our obligation is $89 million. So we have ~$11 million in cap space to sign a free agent.

    I assume we would find a free agent willing to sign for that amount and then try to re-sign Jerami Grant using his Bird Rights, but keep us under the luxury apron to avoid the repeater tax.

    In fact, it looks like it will be 2020 before we get enough cap space to sign an elite free agent.

    I'm one who is slightly optimistic George stays, at least for another year, but I wanted to think through how this might affect our strategy going forward and I'm not a expert in the salary cap (though I'd like to be!)

  22. #897

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    If George doesn't sign, we're going to be in the 8-5 seed doldrums for the foreseeable future.

    I think there's a chance he signs a one year deal, but I'm prepared for the worst.

  23. #898

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Don't know if it means anything or not, but Gabe ikard claimed a rumor that George pulled his kid out of High School before the end of the term.

    Gabe Ikard‏Verified account @GabeIkard · 5h5 hours ago

    There’s a rumor going around that Paul George pulled his kid out of Heritage Hall this morning. Just a rumor...but I’m sure Thunder fans will take this well.

  24. #899

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Don't know if it means anything or not, but Gabe ikard claimed a rumor that George pulled his kid out of High School before the end of the term.

    Gabe Ikard‏Verified account @GabeIkard · 5h5 hours ago

    There’s a rumor going around that Paul George pulled his kid out of Heritage Hall this morning. Just a rumor...but I’m sure Thunder fans will take this well.
    I'm pretty sure Paul George's daughter is 4 years old. Pulling a 4 year old out of school is not that big of a deal.

  25. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Mostly the Jazz... Maybe Lebron.

    Basically anyone with a shot to overthrow the GSW regime. Rocket fans trash Russ and OKC for losing to the Jazz, now their series is going the exact same. Plus the way Harden plays is infuriating.

    Add to the fact that GSW purposely lost to the Jazz to avoid having to play OKC or Utah in the first round is another reason I want the Jazz to face them in the WCF.
    +1 everything in this post.

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