This is the Friday newspaper, not exactly a bastion of journalistic expertise, but there's some information in here I'd not read anywhere else.
Union bosses challenged on MAPS 3 stand
The CEO of the Greater Oklahoma City Cham-ber has challenged the credibility of the heads of the two unions who are opposing citizen approval of MAPs 3, which will be voted on in two weeks. Roy Williams, CEO of the Chamber, which is backing the continuance of MAPs, said leaders of the city’s police and fire unions, at their press conference opposing the approval of MAPS 3, repeatedly “pointed out that their only concern was public safety -- no other issues.”
Williams added that “Recently both unions submitted their best and final offer to the city for the arbitration hearings relative to failed contract negotiations.”
And “not a single one of these issues addresses public safety. In fact the opposite.” One of the police union demands was to add a full-time city-paid police officer to the payroll to spend full-time doing work for the union. Two other demands were for a paid day off during each 28-day work period, and agree to the “me too” clause that would give pay raises to any other city employee group.
The Fire union final demands were sick leave, holidays, vacations, overtime, wages, pay matrix, longevity schedule and drug and alcohol policy. “None of these issues addresses public safety. Each one is about additional benefits and compensation and pay for existing employees.” Williams said. “And the head of the Police union lives in Newcastle and the Fire union head lives in Norman.
MAPS 3 is an Oklahoma City issue only. It would not raise sales taxes above the existing level