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Thread: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

  1. #801
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    I didn’t even know he was still there. The Oklahoman was already swirling, but USA TODAY/Gannet/whatever the hell has really flushed it. It’s worthless.

  2. #802

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Today's paper had the standard article about new restaurants and ones that have closed. Whether you liked Dave Cathey's articles....it was lightyears ahead of what they are reporting now. Any junior high journalism student could have written the article published today. The information about the new places appeared to basically be a recital of info gleamed from their webpage or facebook posts (and probably OKCTalk as most of the info has already been on here). There are a couple of pictures from 2 of the locations but no information or reviews of the food or that she tasted anything.. Like Cathey or not....he would at least visit the locations and try the food.

    Here is link but it is behind a pay wall I think. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/life...s/69832514007/

  3. #803

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices


    They have been laying off long-time reporters and then hiring kids right out of college, and that's exactly what they did with their food/restaurant writer.
    Everything in that article has been on OKCTalk for weeks if not months.

    Their established reporters continue to sit on OKCTalk and our social media feeds and then write the same stories, just after the fact. Recent examples are Andy B's and Icon Cinemas but there have been hundreds of others.

    Not really sure what purpose they are serving these days even though they are making constant appeals to support 'local journalism'. As I've pointed out, they are as local as an Applebee's: ownership and key management are located elsewhere, part of a massive chain, and the majority of their content isn't local at all. The small number of local writers are just recycling the work of others.

    I believe the number of employees actually living in the OKC area is now well under 100.

  4. #804

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    They have been laying off long-time reporters and then hiring kids right out of college, and that's exactly what they did with their food/restaurant writer.
    Everything in that article has been on OKCTalk for weeks if not months.

    Their established reporters continue to sit on OKCTalk and our social media feeds and then write the same stories, just after the fact. Recent examples are Andy B's and Icon Cinemas but there have been hundreds of others.

    Not really sure what purpose they are serving these days even though they are making constant appeals to support 'local journalism'. As I've pointed out, they are as local as an Applebee's: ownership and key management are located elsewhere, part of a massive chain, and the majority of their content isn't local at all. The small number of local writers are just recycling the work of others.

    I believe the number of employees actually living in the OKC area is now well under 100.
    I had googled the reporter because the article was so generic that I thought she may not even be in OKC. Appears she was from Houston before moving here and graduating from UCO in 2020.

  5. #805

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    I should add that not only are they lifting many stories from OKCTalk (which is always completely free), they almost always put them behind a paywall.

    Proving just a great service to the community.

  6. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    I have to chuckle at Lackmeyer's Twitter page when I come across it. His replies are so often just simply rude to responses he gets. He's certainly setting a standard for the DO's hopes of gaining paying customers!

  7. #807

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    I guess that means Steve didn’t leave Twitter after vowing to and crying about it for a month. He was going to be the King of Mastadon or something like that.

  8. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    My latest beef with The Oklahoman is their coverage of the Thunder. Since they play almost entirely night games there is no coverage until two days later and then usually about a 3 paragraph synopsis. And of course, there are not any recaps of any other NBA game, only 2 day old box scores. We are very lucky to have a major league team in our city, but The Oklahoman couldn't seem to care less.

  9. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    My latest beef with The Oklahoman is their coverage of the Thunder. Since they play almost entirely night games there is no coverage until two days later and then usually about a 3 paragraph synopsis. And of course, there are not any recaps of any other NBA game, only 2 day old box scores. We are very lucky to have a major league team in our city, but The Oklahoman couldn't seem to care less.
    The irony that in the stadium it has 10 ads about "The Oklahoman Knows Sports".

  10. #810

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    They do have current game info on the website.

  11. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Does Joe Mussato even travel to away games? I get a sense that he doesn't.

  12. #812

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    Does Joe Mussato even travel to away games? I get a sense that he doesn't.
    It may not be in the papers budget these days

  13. #813

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Thought some of you might find this interesting.


    And a companion article.


  14. #814

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices


    Thanks for sharing that.

    Since the Ganett/Gatehouse merger:

    In Q4 2022, digital subscriptions at Gannett newspapers — all of them — brought in a total of $35.5 million. But the company spent more than that, $47.3 million, just on debt payments.
    At the end of 2018 — the last full pre-merger year — the two companies had a total of 27,600 employees, according to a Gannett spokesperson. The merger closed in mid-November 2019, by which time it had about 25,000 and was diving headlong into a hunt for “inefficiencies.”

    By December 31, 2019, the combined company was down to 21,255. By the end of 2020, that had dropped to 18,141. A year later: 13,800. And its most recent SEC filing reports that, as of the end of 2022, Gannett had just 11,200 employees remaining.

  15. #815

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    As yet another demonstration of the declining interest in anything the Oklahoman does, in today's weekly chat with Steve Lackmeyer there were a total of 5 questions by 3 different people.


  16. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As yet another demonstration of the declining interest in anything the Oklahoman does, in today's weekly chat with Steve Lackmeyer there were a total of 5 questions by 3 different people.

    That was all the subscribers that could use the internet.

  17. #817

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As yet another demonstration of the declining interest in anything the Oklahoman does, in today's weekly chat with Steve Lackmeyer there were a total of 5 questions by 3 different people.

    and partially / fully incorrect information given on about every answer

  18. #818

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Steve could tell us more, but it is a secret and he is not allowed to talk about it.

  19. Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    He had mentioned a week or so ago about Oak being a landing spot for Ikea. I don't know how he came to that conclusion but I think there is about a 0% chance of that happening.

  20. #820

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard at Remax View Post
    He had mentioned a week or so ago about Oak being a landing spot for Ikea. I don't know how he came to that conclusion but I think there is about a 0% chance of that happening.
    The IKEA in Frisco, TX sits on 22 acres; the entire OAK development is 20 acres and we know 80% of that is already spoken for.

    Even Chisholm Creek isn't that interested because of the massive amount of property they require.

    This is why IKEA is rarely part of a larger development and prefers property off an interstate where they can have oceans of dedicated parking.

  21. #821

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    And the Ikea in Kansas City is 18 Acres.

  22. #822

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    I'm just still trying to figure out whether I know Rainey Williams and whether it would make Dallas and KC jealous if I do.

  23. #823

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As yet another demonstration of the declining interest in anything the Oklahoman does, in today's weekly chat with Steve Lackmeyer there were a total of 5 questions by 3 different people.

    I used to look forward to his chat each week but now it’s just outdated information that has already been posted/discussed on this site. I do still like the chat format and wish this site had something similar at a set time each week. I’d like to see Steve’s face if you did that

  24. #824

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I used to look forward to his chat each week but now it’s just outdated information that has already been posted/discussed on this site. I do still like the chat format and wish this site had something similar at a set time each week. I’d like to see Steve’s face if you did that
    I answer questions 24/7 both here and on social media.

    I get dozens of questions every week, if not hundreds.

  25. #825

    Default Re: OPUBCO / Oklahoman Business Practices

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I used to look forward to his chat each week but now it’s just outdated information that has already been posted/discussed on this site. I do still like the chat format and wish this site had something similar at a set time each week. I’d like to see Steve’s face if you did that
    I used to be a devoted follower of Steve's chats, years ago. Then it devolved into issues that had absolutely nothing to do with OKC development and, frankly, I didn't care what his view was on the social issue du jour, whether I agreed with it or not, and so I haven't paid any attention to it in about 3-4 years. I much prefer the OKCTalk's format. You get much more relevant, timely, and detailed information with good insight into various aspects of development and impacts on the city. And you don't get the extra heavy dose of insinuation that is/was inherent in Steve's chats

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