Re: HUGE NEWS! Clay Bennett & Co. buy Supersonics!
I agree about the city of Seattle's actions. In actuality, if the city does enact that ordinance; it could let Bennett and the NBA off the hook - given its unconstitutionality and the fact that if/when passed, it not only makes Bennett's Oct 31 deadline MUTE but it also shows the NBA that it is the CITY who has not been acting in good faith.
I can count the incidents where the CITY did not show good faith; Let's see
1) immediately after Clay bought the franchise, the CITY of Seattle refused to meet with Bennett to negotiate a new arena or EVEN renegotiate the Key Arena terms.
2) shortly after the purchase, the majority of the citizens of Seattle enacted I-91 which prohibits public finance of any sports facilities unless the franchise guarantees profit sharing of some sort (I forget the proportion but it is ridiculous). This initiative guarantees that no new arena will be built in the city unless it is privately financed, since no owner in his/her right mind would ever agree to building something and sharing majority of the profits with the city just to get a little public funding
3) Despite Clay's attempt at staying in Metro Seattle (now), the Washington Leg gave him the finger, didn't even bring his bill - which was sponsored by Ways and Means committee chair - to the floor for discussion and/or debate.
4) Lately there has been some 'rumblings' of private interest in an arena but nothing concrete is on the table (since everybody knows you need public financing for a good portion of it - unless it is in the city of Seattle). 68 days to go and still nothing on the table and nothing looks to be on it either, even tho we/Seattle supposedly has all of these billionaires and millionaires just sitting around (should tell ya something ....)
5) and NOW, the city council will enact an ordinance that would prohibit sports teams from renegotiating lease agreements - which is unconstitutional by the way
Like I said, I hope the city goes forward with this, since it will show their incompetence and the CITY's lack of good faith as I described above. All would have to be done, is for
A) Clay et al to keep their mouth shut aside from stating their disappointment with the city's action (SAY NOTHING ELSE RIGHT NOW).
B) Let the city pass the ordinance then,
C) Since the ordinance passed, go to the city of Seattle with a briefcase of cash for a buyout. Of course, the city can not accept but you need to do this because ....
D) NOW, Have Clay's/Aubrey's lawyers go to the Federal courts to challenge the constitutionality of the ordinance. By enacting the ordinance, the city basically voided the lease - since they felt the need to pass an ordinance to state the terms of contracts thereby forcing a business to conduct in its city (which Surely the courts would rule in Bennett's favor since this is unconstitutional. Bennett needs to show up with a buyout tho, even with the ordinance in place - to show his due diligence).
E) At the same time as E, go to Stern and meet individually with Key team owners and determine now where they stand. would they approve relo and if so when.
F) After all of the above is done, announce that the Sonics will relocate to OKC in 2007.
Think this wont work? Given the City's ordinance, it would invalidate any lease agreement since momentarily it would superscede any contract agreement (since contracts by nature, must have their terms listed on said contract and agreed to by both parties, the ordinance thus supersceding the lease and thus by its nature violating us law). Then, given the ordinance - all Bennett would ahve to do is show up trying to break the lease. He could do so sooner than Oct 31 since the ordinance essentially voided the lease and esp if the majority of the other owners are on his side. He shows up to Seattle and they follow the ordinance, it shows the courts that Bennett did due diligence and that the city did in-fact enact an unconstitutional ordinance. It also shows the courts that as such, the city is not acting in good faith since the ordinance precludes the lease, thereby violating the lease itself and making it unenforceable (since both parties can no longer agree to its terms).
No lease, Hasta La Vista. and the SOONER the better! dont wait until 2008, move in 2007 - as soon as the aformentioned takes place. Of course, if the courts take longer, then the move could take place in 2008 (maybe starting with the STORM 2008 season).
In the end, the City of Seattle gets NOTHING and the Seattle fans get a HUGE slap in their arrogant elitist faces!!!
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!