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People always use the gas argument when the topic of shopping around is discussed, and the answer is always yes, it's worth it. I don't consider Dollar General to be a grocery store option at all (I'd think of Braums for grocery store before Dollar General), so when I discuss shopping options in Mustang I say there's just two. Fake Homeland (whatever they changed the name to when they went on their "cost plus 10%" scam, I don't care) and Walmart that doesn't know how to stock. So...basically no options. There's a weekly run to Yukon where the options are fake Buy For Less, Sprouts, Aldi, Walmart, Walmart Grocery, two real Homelands. About a monthly run to Sam's Club. I'll agree that it would be silly to drive to WinCo or Crest from Mustang just to shop, but that's really only due to time and distance, not prices. Even factoring in the cost of gas it would be worth the trip.
Here's the thing with gas. It's crazy expensive, but it's also not. At $4/gallon (nowhere in the metro is charging this that I know of, many places I drive past are below $2 for the last couple weeks) and 15 MPG (this car sucks, dude), you're looking at a touch over 26 cents/mile. We've already used ridiculous numbers but let's go ahead and raise that to 30 cents. If I drive 10 miles and save three bucks, it's worth it in the crappy gas-guzzling car that I filled up at double the normal price, after we rounded up.
So like I said, it's not the cost of gas, it's the cost of time. I'm looking at 25 minutes (one way) to the nearest WinCo, and a similar time to the Crest on 23rd (if I'm going to 39th and Portland, this would be the best option). I could go to Moore, where there's both stores, but about a 30 minute drive. I wouldn't have to save much to pay for the gas, it's the driving time and then the time in the two stores that's the real problem.