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I felt it went well. The city made the decision to hire a consultant to evaluate alternatives. I was alarmed by Couch's remark that the consultant be yet another traffic engineer, so after that we had an opportunity to stress that we need more diverse perspectives than just a consensus of every traffic engineer west of the Mississippi. I kinda bungled my comment into a joke that we have enough traffic engineers present, but Bob Kemper was very on-target in stressing it needed to be someone with experience designing enhanced boulevards with complete streetscape
Pat Ryan and Skip Kelly were visibly perturbed that we lowly citizens would dare want to be involved and accused us of jumping to conclusions, but Ed Shadid was brilliant, Gary Marrs was even fairly receptive to what we were saying (which is saying a lot), and to be fair to Pat he did lay out the parameters that both sides will need to compromise. I would almost just chalk Pat and Skip's comments up to them not being used to having a huge snafu like this every week. Our turnout was impressive, and the media were all over us.