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Thread: New downtown boulevard...

  1. #51
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Kirk Humphreys Blvd. He was around during the completion of most of the projects.

  2. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    How about Easy Street
    We already have an "easy street." It is in the northeast side.

  3. #53
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Mick Cornett will be instrumental in getting this completed. Why not call it Cornett Blvd?

    Istook found the funding for the Crosstown project. Why not name it Istook Blvd? Okay, maybe not.

  4. #54

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by floater View Post
    I like the thread title - Downtown Boulevard.

    I actually like that too.

  5. #55
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Not very original, but different.

  6. #56

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by ChristianConservative View Post
    Not very original, but different.
    not much is original....like the Oklahoma River in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in Oklahoma County

  7. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    It could be confusing. In Plano, Texas, they have two major streets named as follows: Park and Parker. IT confuses the dispatchers at the wrecker services all the time. Plus the public service people have been known to be confused.

    Here is a scenerio. You have a traffic collision on Central. The name Central parkway (or other ending) has been chosen. You report the collision in the 2300 block of Central. The emergency services person could send fire personnel to either. So. Point being. There should only be one street with a certain name.

    Another example. We have Virginia Avenue and Virginia Drive. They are miles apart. Many people get lost between them. I have once or twice.
    And yet you are the one that suggested calling it Centennial Blvd. when there is already a Centennial Expressway that would connect to it. How confusing is that?

    What about Woody Guthrie Parkway?

  8. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    And yet you are the one that suggested calling it Centennial Blvd. when there is already a Centennial Expressway that would connect to it. How confusing is that?

    What about Woody Guthrie Parkway?
    Whereas there IS officially a Centennial expressway, that name is not used. It is known simpally as I-235. So, the conflict would not exist.

  9. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    I'm warming to the idea of Woody Guthrie Parkway.

  10. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    Whereas there IS officially a Centennial expressway, that name is not used. It is known simpally as I-235. So, the conflict would not exist.
    But that is still one of the names and there are large signs labeling it as such, therefore in your scenario it is quite possible that a person could look up and see Centennial Expressway and say that on the phone, especially if they were from out of town or something and didn't know better.

  11. #61

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    How about not naming it after a person? Enough with naming streets after people.

  12. #62

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Exposition Parkway - This is the gateway to Bricktown, COX Convention Ceter, the Ford Center, Myriad Gardens, and the Performin Arts Center. If a high-end shoppng district is built it could be called "The Shops at Exposition". It has a nice ring to it.

  13. #63

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Since the latest renaissance is directly tied to the spirit of the people lost in the bombing and to those who retook the reigns by voting in MAPS, a new grand boulevard in Oklahoma City might properly be called The Avenue of Hope to represent their unequaled ideals. If New York City can have the Avenue of the Americas, Oklahoma City can create a beautifully landscaped, divided boulevard with elegant markers – perhaps reliefs on a red-hewed granite – commemorating significant points in our history. Think unending rows of redbuds blossoming in the spring the way the cherry blossoms bloom alongside the Tidal Basin in DC each year. Think... a gateway to the City: past, present and future.

  14. #64
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    I like Renaissance Blvd.

  15. #65

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Woodie Guthrie was a communist -- yes, literally a communist.

    I don't want this town to have a thing to do with him. He and his buddies like Eugene Debs came extremely close to making this a communist country back in the 20's. We certainly should not be in the business of remembering such people fondly.

    They were the enemy within.

    How about Thomas A. Blair Blvd.?

    -- Marine Lance Corporal Thomas A. Blair was the first Oklahoman killed in the 2nd Iraq war.

  16. #66

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Naming an important boulevard after a historical figure is bound to create political debate no matter what. That's certainly not desireable when this new roadway is supposedly going to be the showcase for a city on the verge of the big time.

    My recommendation would be to name the boulevard Progress Parkway. While I like the name Renaissance Parkway or Renaissance Boulevard, the term "Renaissance" still makes me think of the middle ages, not the present and future. That's why I like Progress Parkway.

    We actually have a Progress Parkway in St. Louis (well, Maryland Heights to be exact) however it's not a major thoroughfare but rather a feeder street within the Edward Jones HQ's campus. OKC can certainly do better by the name by applying it to a major new avenue that's going to showcase all that is going right with the downtown area.

  17. #67
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    I know Downtown Blvd. isn't very original, but it would be the main street coming towards downtown!

  18. #68

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Is it too soon for a Stoops Avenue?

  19. #69

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Is it too soon for a Stoops Avenue?

    Yes - In fact, if he keeps losing in September and October there might be a Stoops Highway.

  20. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    If you guys do not like my idea of honoring Mayor Latting, then what about Charles Haskell Parkway?

  21. #71

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Like OKCTalk has any say whatsoever

    These threads about 60-story oil rigs, NFL stadiums, etc. are absolutely hilarious.

    How about OCURA Blvd.?

  22. Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Since the latest renaissance is directly tied to the spirit of the people lost in the bombing and to those who retook the reigns by voting in MAPS, a new grand boulevard in Oklahoma City might properly be called The Avenue of Hope to represent their unequaled ideals. If New York City can have the Avenue of the Americas, Oklahoma City can create a beautifully landscaped, divided boulevard with elegant markers – perhaps reliefs on a red-hewed granite – commemorating significant points in our history. Think unending rows of redbuds blossoming in the spring the way the cherry blossoms bloom alongside the Tidal Basin in DC each year. Think... a gateway to the City: past, present and future.
    I really like this idea.

  23. #73
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Problem is MAPS was voted on long before the OKC Bombing. Bombing was in 1995, MAPS started in 1992.

  24. #74
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Is it too soon for a Stoops Avenue?
    Maybe for Norman.

    How about a Byron Scott Avenue? LOL!

  25. #75
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: New downtown boulevard...

    Since we are a Red state, why not call it Conservative Blvd.?

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