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Thread: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

  1. #51

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Oh the garage hoarding in America is real. The combination of people not wanting to get rid of "junk" and everyone owning giant trucks and SUVs.

    Drive through any middle-class suburb and see how many trucks are just sitting in driveways and on the street. I am surprised there is multiple people in here claiming everyone they know parks in a garage.

    With modern trucks being worth more than 60K today - it is hard to believe everyone's stuff they have stored is worth anything close to that.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Oh the garage hoarding in America is real. The combination of people not wanting to get rid of "junk" and everyone owning giant trucks and SUVs.

    Drive through any middle-class suburb and see how many trucks are just sitting in driveways and on the street. I am surprised there is multiple people in here claiming everyone they know parks in a garage.

    With modern trucks being worth more than 60K today - it is hard to believe everyone's stuff they have stored is worth anything close to that.
    I think the large SUV / TRUCKS has a lot to do with it ..

    we have a extra long 2 car garage .. and wife wife parks in it all the time ..

    the other side I have set up as a work shop .. with the garage fridge/freezer at the end ..

    i could park my large SUV/TRUCK inside but .. it would take up most of the room and I would have to put up / set up the work shop every time i wanted to use it .. so i just park in the drive way ..

  3. #53

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    We have a three car garage, but I prefer to park my truck outside. I move it in for severe weather.

  4. #54
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    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    These Lennar houses are just awful.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MagzOK View Post
    I move it in for severe weather.
    this is what i do as well

  6. #56

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    These Lennar houses are just awful.
    Glad I am not alone. My uncle asked me about these several months ago so I drove by and I just don't think they will age well. I am glad it is filling a hole in the starter home market, but that's about it. Wouldn't surprise me if this was a rental community in five or so years.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lennar Homes.jpg 
Views:	98 
Size:	23.6 KB 
ID:	19513

    Above is the screenshot I took from Googlemaps dated July of 2024.

  7. Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    This is trash and I really wish the city was just barely progressive enough to just reject property development from companies like this. Cool ... headline of this thread may as well be "garbage tract housing manufacturer to build hundreds of cookie cutter cracker boxes on the far northern sprawl zone near Edmond schools" lol gross
    I'm not a lawyer so how would you legally go about excluding one homebuilder because "you don't like it?" With affordable housing being a major issue today, to get it you have to have some quantity of small, cookie cutter, tract homes.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Glad I am not alone. My uncle asked me about these several months ago so I drove by and I just don't think they will age well. I am glad it is filling a hole in the starter home market, but that's about it. Wouldn't surprise me if this was a rental community in five or so years.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lennar Homes.jpg 
Views:	98 
Size:	23.6 KB 
ID:	19513

    Above is the screenshot I took from Googlemaps dated July of 2024.
    Those look awful. What is the lot size, sq footage and cost for one of those?

  9. #59

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    How many people do you know lolol.

    Drive around any neighborhood with an average price per square foot under $175, and at least half the homes will have at least one car parked out front.
    My car is parked in the driveway because even though our garage has two doors, it was built in the 1960s after they converted the original single-car garage into a club room and built a new garage up to about 3 feet from the lot line and we're on a corner, so it slants on that side, and we really only have a 1.5 car garage and the second door is non-functional. Works great as storage, so we don't have to have a shed in the back yard like 90% of our neighbors do to store lawn equipment, etc.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Embarrassingly, we are also bad about this. Having just moved to Florida we FINALLY have a house big enough for me, my wife, and my 81 year old mom who lives with us. Finally have that 3 car garage too. But, both cars are in the driveway. lol.

    The stuff in the middle and the boxes behind the golf cart are all trash or donation stuff, so once that's gone I won't look as much like a hoarder. Plus we have an extra dining table and chairs in there that our daughter wants once she has room for it, so of course we have to keep it in our garage.

    I don't have a covered grilling area and I grill A LOT. Speaking of A LOT, in Florida it rains a lot too. lol. So, we currently have a grill area in the garage so that I can open the door and grill while it's raining.

    Cars are both 10 years old or older so for now we don't mind them being in the driveway. Don't even own an ice scraper so that's not a concern, but this summer might be an issue with the heat.

    Now, when it gets closer to hurricane season, there might need to be some adjustments made. I also have 3 large outdoor grills that will need to come inside too, so not sure how that's going to look. lol And, if we ever get newer vehicles, that will likely change my opinion as well.

    These lennar homes are crazy. I watch a lot of Florida real estate videos on YouTube since it's such a unique and crazy market right now. I have seen several that are realtors doing video tours of lennar homes and they basically treat them as skeleton starters. They don't even really talk about the finishes and interior components, rather talk about home price PLUS an estimated amount needed to make the house move in ready. lol.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Not enough grills.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Not enough grills.
    Lol. I have these 3 as well. Some people say I have a problem....

  13. #63

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Was in an area with massive growth 30 years ago and the "slap together home building" was extremely prevalent. I remember looking at one house and the kitchen floor, if a ball was placed at one end it would flow around the kitchen like a roller coaster. I don't know how they passed inspection.

    When I was young I trusted everyone, through life experiences, I now question everything/everyone. It takes a lot more work but tired of getting burned.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Norman is also being Lennar'd:


    New construction for under $150 / sq ft

  15. #65

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    I think these are great houses. Me and my roommate are considering one in LA and another one in Valencia. I prefer to live in Orange County, but those are pretty pricey.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Those look awful. What is the lot size, sq footage and cost for one of those?
    In the area in question off of 150th and Portland, the cheapest house is $205,000, is 1,297 sf and is a three bed, 2.5 bath. So, right at $150/sf

  17. #67

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Fortunately, we now have almost unlimited housing options in and around OKC.

    These are not my style but it allows a young family to own and send their kids to Deer Creek Schools.

    If there wasn't demand, they wouldn't be building them.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Fortunately, we now have almost unlimited housing options in and around OKC.

    These are not my style but it allows a young family to own and send their kids to Deer Creek Schools.

    If there wasn't demand, they wouldn't be building them.
    these are in Edmond Schools boundaries


  19. Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    these are in Edmond Schools boundaries

    Yes, they are. My office is just south of Parkway Square, Lennar's name for this development, and I have seen Edmond school buses shuttling back and forth.

    It always struck me as odd that Gaillardia is partly Deer Creek and partly Edmond. The corner of MacArthur and Memorial seems a long way from Edmond to me.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Yes, they are. My office is just south of Parkway Square, Lennar's name for this development, and I have seen Edmond school buses shuttling back and forth.

    It always struck me as odd that Gaillardia is partly Deer Creek and partly Edmond. The corner of MacArthur and Memorial seems a long way from Edmond to me.
    There are three kinds of boundaries in the metro area - actual city/town/village/whatever boundaries, school district boundaries, and zip code/post office boundaries, and they don't always line up with each other.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieinGeorgia View Post
    Lol. I have these 3 as well. Some people say I have a problem....

    The only problem is that you aren't my neighbor...

  22. #72

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Yes, they are. My office is just south of Parkway Square, Lennar's name for this development, and I have seen Edmond school buses shuttling back and forth.

    It always struck me as odd that Gaillardia is partly Deer Creek and partly Edmond. The corner of MacArthur and Memorial seems a long way from Edmond to me.
    while clearly closer to both ... it is strange to me that rose creek is also cut in half .. between deer creek and edmond also ..

    and i think the district lines are older then the development .. because the cut through the middle of some of the houses ..

  23. #73

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Fortunately, we now have almost unlimited housing options in and around OKC.

    These are not my style but it allows a young family to own and send their kids to Deer Creek Schools.

    If there wasn't demand, they wouldn't be building them.
    I don't like the style but can appreciate and like the need it fills. Both things can be true.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Lennar Homes coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieinGeorgia View Post
    Lol. I have these 3 as well. Some people say I have a problem....

    YES, same here! We've got the conventional charcoaler, a smoker, and a flattop! Love them all!

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