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Thread: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

  1. #51

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    Can someone explain the sense in a water bottling plant in the middle of the desert to me? Cause I'm not seeing it. What are they going to do, bottle the water from the dancing fountains?
    Whatever the case, consumers are willing to pay for it, and someone is going to sell it to them. As for me, someone intimated early on that the water from my tap was fine and I did not NEED bottled water. . .

    Thank you very much, but have you tasted MY tap water? It is not that great. Like it or not, I choose bottled water as it has zero calories unlike Cola's and is easy to grab when I leave the house. I am willing to pay the cost. If it will make you feel better, I can ship the empties to you. . .

    I got burned out on city water faster than Richard Pryor did on Crack . . .

  2. Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Here's a good read about a similar controversy regarding Nestle planning for a bottling plant in Arizona.
    Additionally Tapped and Bottled Life are good docs to see on Netflix about the bottled water industry and how they are basically either using city water or just sucking up water from lakes and streams (some in drought stricken areas) for free and bottling it. Nestle is one of the biggest and worst companies doing this, and owns many brands across the US, claiming they are a local brand. Ozarka is owned by Nestle.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by tfvc.org View Post
    Additionally Tapped and Bottled Life are good docs to see on Netflix about the bottled water industry and how they are basically either using city water or just sucking up water from lakes and streams (some in drought stricken areas) for free and bottling it. Nestle is one of the biggest and worst companies doing this, and owns many brands across the US, claiming they are a local brand. Ozarka is owned by Nestle.
    There are two Ozarkas in Oklahoma. One is local (Ozarka drinking water)...the other is owned by Nestle and is not (Ozarka Spring Water) http://kfor.com/2014/11/21/two-kinds...a-a-water-war/

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