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Thread: Red light running

  1. #51

    Default Re: Red light running

    There's a four-way stop sign in front of our house (25 mph speed limit). Literally every day we see people blow through that thing like it's not even a thought. And the intersection is very well-marked. It's flat, there are no trees in the way as you approach, and there are stop signs on both sides of the lane on each side (the road is divided by a median). This is particularly disturbing in our neighborhood because it's a major walking/strollering/cycling type of area. It's amazing that no one's been struck (to my knowledge). I've trained our little girl to never trust the fact that there's a stop sign, and to look both ways regardless. Heck, I've even personally seen two high-speed chases come through here with both perp and law enforcement going the wrong way down the road. But that's fodder for another discussion...

  2. #52

    Default Re: Red light running

    Same here, there's a four way in front of my house in a residential area and plenty blow though it, all the bikes and a lot of the motor-vehicles.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Red light running

    Just yesterday I saw the same driver run two red lights going west on 10th at Robinson and Harvey.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Red light running

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    You don't want red light cameras in OKC.

    We have them here and they are very nerve wracking. Sometimes they flash you when you are going through a green light.

    Other people slam on their brakes on a yellow light, even when they were close enough and fast enough to make it through. All of the contents in your car end up on the floor. If you were on the way back from the grocery store, your eggs are most likely all broken. Your soda is shaken up and flat now.

    These lights are completely unsafe because people are terrified to go through intersections because they are afraid they will get a bill. People even come to full stops on greens to make a right turn, just to be safe to not set the camera off.

    They are terrible inventions, not to mention the legal aspect of being proven guilty on the spot, and not knowing you were at fault for many weeks after the incident. Thus making any possibility of defending yourself in court impossible. (Do you remember if you ran a yellow light, July 12th? what were the circumstances behind that? Oh you don't remember)
    WTF? If you travel at a safe distance from the person in front of you, it shouldn't matter if they slam on their brakes. It is your own fault if your eggs are broken if you are tailing somebody.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Red light running


  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Red light running

    Bad thing about trying to keep a safe distance is too many people take that as an invitation to pull in front of you or pass you and get right back in front of you. I hate slam and swerves too.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Red light running

    Quote Originally Posted by MitchellCole View Post
    WTF? If you travel at a safe distance from the person in front of you, it shouldn't matter if they slam on their brakes. It is your own fault if your eggs are broken if you are tailing somebody.
    Obviously you don't have a ton of experience dealing with these lights. One is down the streets from my apartment in Portland and people absolutely drive irrationally around them.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Red light running

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Obviously you don't have a ton of experience dealing with these lights. One is down the streets from my apartment in Portland and people absolutely drive irrationally around them.
    You are correct. This is normal city driving. There is no huge space between cars because someone else will take that space. What they should do is have the yellow a couple seconds longer and then have a 3 second delay between red/green. No need to start putting cameras up.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Red light running

    Quote Originally Posted by KayneMo View Post
    Just yesterday I saw the same driver run two red lights going west on 10th at Robinson and Harvey.
    This! Yesterday from our balcony we watched at least two cars drive right through the light at 2nd and Walnut. Not even slow down - drive right through! Unreal. I know Oklahomans suck at driving, but how do you just drive right through a red light? Insane.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Red light running

    I can't count the number of times I've seen someone blast through the southbound stop sign on S High Ave, where the southbound off-ramp from I-35 to SE 59th St intersects High. I've almost gotten hit several times, if not for being aware of my surroundings and slowing way, way down.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Red light running

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    This! Yesterday from our balcony we watched at least two cars drive right through the light at 2nd and Walnut. Not even slow down - drive right through! Unreal. I know Oklahomans suck at driving, but how do you just drive right through a red light? Insane.
    That's the light I cross at twice an evening walking my dog - not reassuring.

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