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History is replete with conquered peoples. Good on Natives that they have their own viewpoint, but just because they didn't believe land could be owned didn't make it so. And to be fair, I'd challenge you to find a single tribe which still believes land cannot be owned.
As far as the land run participants were concerned, this was land bought fair and square from the French, was lost by the tribes as part of their punishment for picking the wrong side in the Civil War, and was now being settled. We need not treat conquered peoples with such kid gloves. They are free to view this as something unfortunate, but for the many people who participated, many themselves conquered and marginalized minorities (the Irish), this was a great opportunity.
It's also part of Oklahoma's legend--the great landrun. It's an act which we can be proud of. I visit most cities in the world and there are hundreds, sometimes thousands of year-old things still in existence. To think that someone as near in time as my great grandmother came to this state when there was almost no human habitation whatsoever and that those people built the whole damn thing is something we can be proud of, not ashamed of.