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Thread: Little League coach sues former player

  1. #51

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    Another starving lawyer/shyster story. Both he and his/her clients are fools. This is like the fool that gets hit by a foul ball and then wants to sue. Puhleeze this is part and parel of the decline of this country.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    Great. One more little controversy that will ultimately insert itself in how kids' sports leagues conduct themselves and are insured. That never ends well. It won't change a boisterous kid throwing a helmet (he already knows better) but it will drive up the costs for everyone. I'd be way more sympathetic if it was a problem that is a common problem with a league. I'm also skeptical that this guy managed to get his achilles tendon slashed under these circumstances. SNAP!

    ETA, I read the story and responded before listening to the video. I just watched the video.

    That "victim," who says he feels like a victim, is an ass. He had a pre-existing injury in the area, didn't contact the parents for six months and sued for $500,000.00. He said he didn't know his attorney had asked for that much (he wanted about 20-25). He ought to be ashamed of himself. I hope he doesn't go near another kids' game. I don't like people like him.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Great. One more little controversy that will ultimately insert itself in how kids' sports leagues conduct themselves and are insured. That never ends well. It won't change a boisterous kid throwing a helmet (he already knows better) but it will drive up the costs for everyone. I'd be way more sympathetic if it was a problem that is a common problem with a league. I'm also skeptical that this guy managed to get his achilles tendon slashed under these circumstances. SNAP!

    ETA, I read the story and responded before listening to the video. I just watched the video.

    That "victim," who says he feels like a victim, is an ass. He had a pre-existing injury in the area, didn't contact the parents for six months and sued for $500,000.00. He said he didn't know his attorney had asked for that much (he wanted about 20-25). He ought to be ashamed of himself. I hope he doesn't go near another kids' game. I don't like people like him.
    Could not agree more with your cogent and spot on post.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    I think this whole thing would make a great "reality TV show" . . . especially if they were able to work "Here Comes ...... Boo-Boo" into the title.
    (it could generate a spin-off with Honey Boo-Boo suing for trademark infringement or something.)

    Bob and Ray would have had a field day on old time radio with this one.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    On a heel far away
    Stood an old rugged coach
    Writhing in deep severe pain
    For a helmet was thrown
    and a tendon was slain
    And a course of recovery was born

    (with apologies to old gospel tune lovers everywhere)

  6. #56

    Default Re: Little League coach sues former player

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    On a heel far away
    Stood an old rugged coach
    Writhing in deep severe pain
    For a helmet was thrown
    and a tendon was slain
    And a course of recovery was born

    (with apologies to old gospel tune lovers everywhere)
    har, har, har!!! Well done, Kevin.

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