Has anybody mentioned Ishtar?
I'm surprised no one's mentioned 'Gigli' but as lj posted, it too, is probably in its own category.
So . . . Word on the street has it that they are planning a "sequel" to GIGLI and ISHTAR that will merge both films into one for re-release. The working title is I RIG GHASTLI. It will complete the trilogy of cinematic shame. I think it will be about Key Grips in the Italian movie industry. Probably it will feature a romp thorough Tuscany at some point. A Felliniesque romp except if Fellini was brain dead.
What about Bug with Ashley Judd? That movie was so bad it was actually enjoyable because of how bad it was.
Since someone was brave enough to admit to liking my "worst", I guess I'll fess up to enjoying some of the other movies listed. I actually liked The Wrestler, Blue Velvet, and Election quite a bit. I thought Reese Witherspoon was great as Tracy Flick in Election. She really made you dislike her. lol Some of the others I like as just pure brainless fun...Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure...Dude, Where's My Car? (worth watch just for the tatoo scene)...Elf...and Three Amigos. I think Blue Velvet is the only one of those I actually paid to see in a theater. The rest were just rentals.
Southland Tales and Rubber might be added to list of worst movies no one saw in theaters. Just woeful
I loved Elf. Bob Newhart is in classic form. I haven't seen Three Amigos is long time, but I remember liking it. Also, I recently re-watched This Is Spinal Tap for the first time in over a decade and realized there is a lot of subtle comedy that I had missed in prior watchings.
Next to "It Goes Up to 11 . . ." my favorite moment in This Is Spinal Tap was the "unveiling of the, client-specified, Stonehenge."
But that has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the Worst Movies You Ever Saw In [a Theater].
(and I apologize for that digression. please forgive me then carry on. thank you. in advance.)
I'll show my age here. I skipped school one day and decided to go to the movies. I saw the following:
"Godzilla vs the Smog Monster"
This was back in the day when they showed double features. I humbly apologize to all the teachers whose class I missed that day. God! did these two movies stink!
The Jazz Singer "starring" Neil Diamond in the early 80's. Just horrifically, painfully awful and I couldn't leave because it was the choice of my then-girlfriend.
To add insult to injury, she made me stop on the way home to buy the soundtrack.
We didn't last long after that.![]()
Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster was pretty bad. I believe I saw it
at Yale.
Okay . . . So, there I was, thinkin': "Why would anyone pay admission to a theater to watch a movie about condoms?"
And then I went to the IMDB and found out it was about an obsessive-compulsive tire.
Now, here I am, thinkin', "Why would anyone pay admission to a theater to watch a movie about a killer tire?"
Say! Maybe THEY could put a new spin on the concept--throw in a little Stephen King--and make the movie:
"Son of Rubber: Firestone" (or "Firestone: Son of Rubber").
(Obviously there is a market for this sort of thing . . . =)
My girlfriend at the time this movie came out was The Biggest Neil Diamond Fan in The Universe.
I had to sit through it too.
In fact, it was so bad that it was Pepto-Abysmal.
(it was even worse than that pun. that's how bad it was.)
Edited to Add: But still not as bad as The Exorcist II: The Heretic or Battlefield Earth.
Blair Witch Project. I seen it in Baton Rouge the night of the May 3rd, 1999 Tornado. I thought the whole concept was stupid and it gave me a headache. The only reason I went to see it was the fact I was dating a sexy cajun girl that could talk me into just about anything. The headache was eventually soothed with a massage, a little time in the hot tub and well you get the picture. I found out the Tornado hit late that night when I got home. Best night of my life in Baton Rouge was the worst night in ever body else's life back home in Oklahoma.
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