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Thread: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Oklahoma Blvd/Pkwy/Corridor

  2. #52

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Billboard on The New! Improved! I-40:
    (to replace "Stay At The Hotel Black we welcome you with open arms" way out there on Old Route 66/Highway62 back in the day . . .=)

    FollowThe RedDirt Brick Road
    we're not in kansas anymore
    thank god (?) (picture of Dorothy and Toto . . . which witch? . . . hmmmm)

    BTW: "ThunderRoad" was not generic (nor whateverelsewise). It was cool. Except for the Sonics.

    In all honesty, my true feelings are back around Post #27 . . . He was a Ray of Sunlight into a pretty bleak area . . .

    And thanks to the historian with the musicvideoklip featuring the star of the "original" ThunderRoad... I remember it well. Coolest song ever (no basketballsportsteaminginvolved) . . . about the time I purchased 409. The song by Robert Mitchum was way better than the cheesy black and white version of The Birth of a NASCAR . . . =)

    Every town that is on the interstate system has an exit?? sign. When it gets into the town though, it turns into main street or 3rd street, etc......
    (tru dat . . . MEAN STREET BLVD next right? sure hope not . . . =)

    btw: that hole elevated (above pedestrianlevel) road plan for the as yet unnamed tribute to transportation needs to be reconsidered unless "the fix" is already in . . . =)

    sorry . . . almost forgot (thread title): Thunder Road . . . . No.
    plus kudos to Post #3.

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