After the bars close, your options are: Denny's, Whataburger, or go a movie...and sleep it off. Feel free to insert 'play video games' in place of 'watch a movie', if that's your thing. If this isn't your cup of need to relocate.
One such pool room is Mikey's 24/7, a thrown beer bottle's-distance from Industry. It's smoky as all get-out, but the tables, last I was there a few years ago, are in rather decent shape given the traffic there. There's even a snooker table. I am not sure if Chester's on 50th and May, similarly polluted, is still open.
We are blessed to have such a nice fast food burger place as Whataburger not only open 24 hours, but open in the LOBBY 24 hours.
IHOP in the evening is MADE for the after-bar crowd. I'm sure that's when they put their B-crew on.
There really are plenty of other 24-hour restaurants too.
I'd assume (based on replies here), that if I asked the best place in the metro to go see a meteor shower, I'd get..
19 posts telling me that viewing meteor showers is evil.
7 posts telling me I should be at home with my family, and not viewing meteor showers.
6 posts questioning if meteor showers are real, or a conspiracy.
2 posts offering suggestions of good viewing locations.
And 1 post trying to connect two completely unrelated activities.
Unless the other place is across the street from the bar that just closed, I don't want people driving around looking for another activity to do. How many DD's actually stay with their friends until close?
To help even the score of moral griping posts to posts that actually relate to the thread title, here is the running list of late night options.
Metro Area Casinos: Riverwind, Newcastle, Thunderbird (a bit far though), Fire Lake.
-Is Remington's casino open 24/7?
-The Wreck Room
-Friends... Anybody know any detail about this place? I have never been.
-24 hour restaurants... Plenty of options here. I know Jack in Box lobby in Norman is open 24/7. (Not sure if all locations lobbies are 24/7)
-24 hour Pool halls.. Chester's, Mickeys
- Ed's new place next month
- anything else?
I have a feeling this thread could be spelled - Generation Gap.
If yer gonna drink til 2 and still be wide eyed, your old enough to forego IHOPs and graduate on up to Waffle House.
Be forewarned though. Not everyone can eyeball a platter of scattered covered chunked diced capped and topped at 2:45 am.
And for you onion heads, they'll smother it for ya as well.
Granted you are not seriously asking this but you would get a better view outside of the metro due to light pollution
these are roughly the same view of the sky about an hour drive time apart; the top is from a small town, the bottom is from a suburb in like the 50th largest metro in the US
Love those photos. One of the added bennies of camping with the Scouts when my lads were younger was sitting up long after the lads were tuckered out and just sitting and enjoying the night sky. Nice. Real nice.
Might wanna lighten up a notch. Folks who have accidents or acquire a ticket every now and again still drive vehicles.
A pub intox offense, while perhaps a tad embarrassing and an expensive lesson, isn't an end all incident for someone to enjoy a night out with friends.
As a night owl that doesn't drink, it's both hilarious and sad to go to IHOP or Whataburger around 1:30-2:00 AM and see large crowds of drunk folks streaming in.
I think I might start using Whataburger as my late night hangout spot rather than IHOP, though. At least at Whataburger, you don't have to flag down your server constantly because you can get up and refill your own dang soda. I hope they don't decide to start closing the lobby overnight; we need more clean, well-lit places that are open late. Not everybody works 9AM-5PM.
Fer that matter, going into a Wally world at 2:40 am is an adventure all its own, and can be dang cheap entertainment (unless of course you are one of the entertainers.)
no good comes from being up past 2 am
deleted by Pete
Not the place for this
Do you notice a trend here? With your great 'friends'?
I dont like cops, and I think alot of them are dicks. But in my 30 years ive managed to never have anything more than a speeding ticket...BECAUSE...I didnt put myself into bad situations with bad people and expect good outcomes.
I lived in a party house in stillwater and survived undergrad and grad school with less drama than you guys have had in a month.
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