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Thread: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

  1. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    How comical this is!

    I think we have some basic misunderstandings between the spammers and the REAL forum members.

    For some reason the Northeast spammers think that when people respond abrasively to their posts, it's because we are offended or intimidated or upset or defensive or unsure of what we speak. No, that's not it. We are ANNOYED. Simple as that. You spammers are ANNOYING.

    This forum is not a graffiti message board. People who frequently contribute to this forum are launching civil service campaigns, performing think tank oriented functions for this city, making friends, finding dwelling places, learning more about their future home, helping in defining the direction of this city and other IMPORTANT undertakings. You spammers on the other hand contribute absolutely nothing to these causes. Your aim is simply to make sure no one gets too happy or excited. Again, you contribute absolutely NOTHING to this forum. For my broadband connection I have Norton, AOL has a pop-up blocker, Outlook takes care of email spam. For you I have nothing. Again, YOU ARE ANNOYING. Do not mistake my annoyance for defensiveness. For instance:

    There is a gnat in my house right now. It can't do anything harmful to me. I know it's not important.......I'm gonna kill it anyway....Not out of self defense....The gnat doesn't seem to understand it's place. It lands on the lip of my cup..Not a matter of life and death, but I have to wash it and pour another glass of OJ...ANNOYANCE.....It lands on the TV screen......I can still see the thread, I mean the show, but I'm gonna kill it anyway.....ANNOYANCE....You see, if a discussion is going on about something that is important to the forum and a spammer just sporadically decides to spray "TULSA'S BETTER OKC SUCKS" graffiti, it's annoying. Sure, we can argue, but we're not mad, we're annoyed..YOU'RE ANNOYING...Patrick can re-direct the thread, but Patrick has better things to be thinking and typing about....It's a waste of his time and it's annoying.

    Still don't get it do you In_Tulsa? If we were defensive we would spam on Tulsanow. We're not unsure of ourselves so therefore, we don't. OKC comes up on just about every thread on Tulsanow and I don't see many flaming tirades in the capitols defense showing up.

    Still don't get it? Maybe you don't think you're a spammer. Here's some help. This is your first quote from the first thread you ever started: Okc Trip

    Well this is my first post and let me first say this is a very good site. Now I have read alot of posts on this site and so I took a little trip to OKC the (big city) and I was very surprised. OKC was not what I thought it was, now DON'T take this the wrong way but it feels like a run down Tulsa. Is it bigger than Tulsa? because it does not seem bigger at all. Tulsa seems more urban and traffic is ten times worse in Tulsa. Now I have been to Kansas City and Dallas many times and I have to say Tulsa seems more in line with those cities than OKC. I am NOT downing OKC it is a nice little town but I was not blown away. I do like Bricktown it was nice, so that what I have to say about OKC. Please don't hate me I just wanted to tell you what I thought of your city, now come to Tulsa and tell me what you thank of my city.

    After being challenged, this was your response.

    I was not trying to be mean and I never said Tulsa was better. It was just what went through my head when I went to OKC. It just seems like more people are in Tulsa when you drive through it and it is more compact which means it seems bigger. So Sorry if I upset anyone that was not what I was trying to do.

    Where do you live again? Huh? I didn't hear you...Where?

    Like I said. You are ANNOYING.

    For you spammers who get excited when you think that you've shaken someone's confidence or rattled their resolve to continue to aid in the betterment of this city, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED and feel stupid. You're like a gnat. You're not intimidating, you're usually dead wrong. You almost never initiate threads yet consider yourselves the arbiter of everyone elses good ideas and forward thinking. Shame, shame, shame. You are not opposition. You're annoying. You're a waste of time. A thread highjacker. A distraction. Fly in the ointment. Graffiti on Pelli's new arena....yeah you could always wash it off, but for what? Why the hell was it sprayed in the first place. The artist may say that he was expressing himself.....You know, all the worlds a canvas....Nope...He was wrong and you're annoyed....You spammers are ANNOYING....Your opinion is rarely objective and even less frequently correct....Being called a hick is ANNOYING to someone who isn't hick..Not because you cracked their shell and made them aware of their inner hickness, they're just wishing you were a happier person and had something more constructive to CONTRIBUTE to this cause for your own sake.....They, of course, already know that you don't.

    Remember, we could easily ignore you and......Nope you just got happy when I said that didn't you. We don't ignore the problems OKC has, we exist to aid in their correction. You know the saying. One bomb destorys a building but it takes tons of planning and skillful labor to erect one. So for the people who are future inhabitants of our city who are perusing this forum, we cannot let you gnats poison their minds by pooping on the dinner we've painstakingly prepared....Understand?.... Probably not. No matter. Just stopping feeling good about being pathetic or a least start a new thread when you feel like venting your frustration.

  2. #52

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Well it is time for the truth OKC is a nice city Tulsa is a nice city I do live in Tulsa and I do enjoy going to OKC. Now it's nice to meet all of you. I say we work together to make this state GREAT with two hot cities. I hope to post good news about Tulsa and I hope to read good news about OKC from all of you I look forward to getting to know all of you. In_Tulsa

  3. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Thank you, we're looking forward to getting to know you too. I love hearing great things about Tulsa and there are plenty of great things to hear. This thread was originally about census estimates and I think Tulsa should be commended regarding the growth they've shown in light of the economic set backs they've had. They came through it with flying colors. They also have some great things planned for their CBD not to mention the projects YPTulsa is undertaking.

  4. #54
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Omaha Cowboy
    'Or could Tulsa MSA and CMSA be counting entire counties instead of just contiguous urbanized area?'..

    Tulsa, Omaha, OKC, Boston..ANY MSA and it's CMSA is counted as population of the counties included..Not just the urbanized area..FYI..


    Sorry for 'taking over this forum'..Whatever..

    I honestly don't know why someone would say Omaha is taking over this forum. To each there own however, as the saying goes.

  5. #55
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by swake
    Wah, Tulsa's not being nice, they think they're better.

    Come on, grow up, I said OKC was more hick than two small cities that are very white collar and not very diverse. I never mentioned Tulsa at all. My point was that "hickness" and size are not directly related.

    What are you all so defensive about?
    OKC actually is statistically more "white collar" than the rest of our nation.

  6. #56
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by In_Tulsa
    What are you talking about I live in this crap town called OKC I wish I was In_Tulsa
    = You.

  7. #57

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Sooner&RiceGrad
    I honestly don't know why someone would say Omaha is taking over this forum. To each there own however, as the saying goes.
    Agreed..I'm just here to share information and provide an 'outsider' perspective to this forum from time to time. No reason for anyone to get their panties in a bunch lol..


  8. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Yes, Omaha Cowboy, we appreciate feedback and opinions from other places and people - it's just when it gets really insulting and childish, we start getting a little annoyed as you can see from the above posts.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #59

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_2525
    Is Omaha taking over this forum?

    I thought this was an Oklahoma City forum.

    I can appreciate that..But 7 posts into this thread, without ANY insults or unfriendly jabs of ANY kind, the above poster submitted the above quoted comment..

    It kind of makes you feel a little more than a bit unwelcome around here..


  10. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    I wasnt stating that to be "unwelcoming" at all.

    I guess a better post would have been...I appreciate all of the input from outsiders, but this is an OKC forum and posts need to be centered around OKC and not other cities.


  11. #61
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    I actually enjoy hearing about other cities.
    Sure, threads shouldn't focus on other cities entirely, but I think we can learn a lot from other cities. Obviously, when we were building our canal we spoke with city leaders in San Antonio. We learned from their mistakes and capitalized on their successes. As we look at other cities, the same strategy can be used.

  12. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Omaha Cowboy, Yes, I can see how that might feel a little unwelcominging - I know I speak for many when I say Welcome to OKC Omaha Cowboy ....we look forward to your input and getting to know you.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #63

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Thank you..

    I appreciate it!..


  14. Talking Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by In_Tulsa
    Well it is time for the truth OKC is a nice city Tulsa is a nice city I do live in Tulsa and I do enjoy going to OKC. Now it's nice to meet all of you. I say we work together to make this state GREAT with two hot cities. I hope to post good news about Tulsa and I hope to read good news about OKC from all of you I look forward to getting to know all of you. In_Tulsa

    Great to finally meet the real you. Thanks for realizing your "faults" and joining us with the renaissance.

    Hopefully, you could spread the word up in Tulsa that we in OKC want to work together and together make our state number 1. We on this forum know it is the cities that will make us prosperous. And without a doubt, in Oklahoma - it will be Oklahoma City and Tulsa! as long as we fight (or Tulsa refuses to work with us), Tulsa and Oklahoma will suffer. Proof is already there!

    But, if we can move forward; hold hands (more or less), and patronize and celebrate each other! Well then, that is the start to a wonderful relationship that should be beneficial for the state as a whole!

    (I know this and I dont even live in OKC anymore). But it is great to meet you, hope you will contribute positive (or at least constructive if it is negative) info and concerns.

    Take care, welcome, and Continue the Renaissance.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. Talking Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Omaha Cowboy

    I can appreciate that..But 7 posts into this thread, without ANY insults or unfriendly jabs of ANY kind, the above poster submitted the above quoted comment..

    It kind of makes you feel a little more than a bit unwelcome around here..

    Oh, Im sure you are more than welcome here, Omaha Cowboy!

    Im from Seattle and have been welcome ever since I received the invite from Patrick to join (and even before that in the 1990s when I met Patrick, mranderson, Keith, etc at the Oklahoman MAPS forum).

    Although I was born and raised in OKC, Ive been living in Seattle for 15 years now, so the PAC NW is definitely home now. But, I hold a nice heart for OKC as does many others up here in Seattle (especially those from OKC). I like to post to learn about what's going on and contribute anything I can to progress in OKC.

    I might be a little more liberal than most on the forum, but I always feel welcome that they at least read and consider my ideas, as they are great ideas. Maybe not always practical for OKC - ok, I agree with that.

    But I do feel welcome when I return to visit OKC and on this forum; and hope you do too.

    Continue the Renaissance!
    Last edited by Patrick; 04-26-2005 at 02:15 PM.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  16. #66

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Thank you Hot Rod!..

    I'll do my best to continue the Renaissance from here in the 'Big O' (Omaha)!..


  17. Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Omaha Cowboy,

    Ever been to Oklahoma City before? If not, would you consider a visit? We'd certainly apprecaite a visit and feedback on what we have accomplished and what improvements can be made.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  18. #68

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse
    Omaha Cowboy,

    Ever been to Oklahoma City before? If not, would you consider a visit? We'd certainly apprecaite a visit and feedback on what we have accomplished and what improvements can be made.
    I have been to OKC many times..Tulsa as well..Both are fine cities and compare very much to my hometown of Omaha..

    I will provide my view of OKC here very soon in a future post!..


  19. #69
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: 2004 Metro population estimates from the US Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Omaha Cowboy
    I will provide my view of OKC here very soon in a future post!..

    That would be great! We'd love to hear your opinion as on outsider! Feel free to be honest and present the negative with the positive. Most of what you say we'll probably agree with you on.

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