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Thread: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

  1. #51

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    If he's going to let a kid get to him like that in broad daylight, with hundreds of witnesses, what would he do when provoked on a dark state highway with no one around?

    Good point. (Really . . . Having dealt with "backwoodsy" PD's in OK for a long time.)

  2. #52

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It's Destruction of Personal Property. There's other similar terms. Brian can tell you more about it. He's an expert (go-to guy).

    Well I would buy that before I would assault.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Assaulting someone to me is hitting, kicking, in some way physically hurting someone.
    That's battery.

    Is there a term for assault lite?
    I think stabby eyes fits that description but probably not the other way around.

  4. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    So the guy gets in the officer's face smelling like God knows what, saying God knows what, spitting God knows what in the officer's face yet just so flippantly he should lose his job, destroy who knows how long of a career - a dream - a family legacy...who knows? Hope this officer wouldn't have been the one who saves your life from the burning car you might be trapped in some day. Hope this officer wouldn't be the one who shoots the guy raping your wife or the one who catches the guy who just murdered the bar patron down the street. Just fire him. No big deal. That officer isn't human I guess.

    Each of you put yourselves in the officer's place and think about how much of that verbal crap any one of you would take without flinching a muscle like you seem to expect from this officer. The troll is fishing for a reaction, he's doing anything he can short of physically accosting the officer to see how far he can go and, hopefully, get his face on TV some more. How much abuse would you take before you removed a few of his teeth?

  5. #55

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It's Destruction of Personal Property. There's other similar terms. Brian can tell you more about it. He's an expert (go-to guy).
    "Destruction of Personal Property" (et.al./there'[sic]s similar terms.)

    Yup. Sho is.
    Hopefully the wormy little "Agent Provacature" for OWWhuteveah can make his way safely to The Burning Man Festival out there towards the West Coast in the vicinity of The Cartwright Ranch. Them thar' LawEnforcers warn't nearly as professional and restrained. An' still ain't t' this very day.

  6. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Lets play a game. List all the charges that Jay can press against the officer.

    Destruction of Property (evidence available in video)
    Emotional Damage (totally so common in many claims)
    Mental Damage (I know there is a legal term for this)
    Financial Damage/Hardship (repair or replace phone)

    Google doesn't know how to bring up all charges that are available to be used in court. I only know a few.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Mug'oB: To avoid confusion: I agree with you.
    Had I been an Oklahoma State Trooper--in that situation, in 2012
    (act 1978)--I would have been looking for the nearest bus
    to toss him under.

    On the other hand, I hope the mindless little f....prick in the video actually tunes in to the civic and civil response to his response and the responsed of his cohorts. =)

  8. #58

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Lets play a game. List all the charges that Jay can press against the officer.

    Destruction of Property (evidence available in video)
    Emotional Damage (totally so common in many claims)
    Mental Damage (I know there is a legal term for this)
    Financial Damage/Hardship (repair or replace phone)

    Google doesn't know how to bring up all charges that are available to be used in court. I only know a few.
    Isn't there an ordinance about leaving a dog turd on the sidewalk?
    (extending to the street and enivorns thereof . . .?)
    (especially dogs with cameras?)

    I see sins of both ommision and commision here..

  9. #59

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    So the guy gets in the officer's face smelling like God knows what, saying God knows what, spitting God knows what in the officer's face yet just so flippantly he should lose his job, destroy who knows how long of a career - a dream - a family legacy...who knows? Hope this officer wouldn't have been the one who saves your life from the burning car you might be trapped in some day. Hope this officer wouldn't be the one who shoots the guy raping your wife or the one who catches the guy who just murdered the bar patron down the street. Just fire him. No big deal. That officer isn't human I guess.

    Each of you put yourselves in the officer's place and think about how much of that verbal crap any one of you would take without flinching a muscle like you seem to expect from this officer. The troll is fishing for a reaction, he's doing anything he can short of physically accosting the officer to see how far he can go and, hopefully, get his face on TV some more. How much abuse would you take before you removed a few of his teeth?
    Holy Hyperbole Batman! Glad you could get that off your chest, but it has little to do with reality. The Jay fella appeared clean and well dressed. As one can't smell via you tube and no reports I'm aware of suggest any order issues, it is fair to presume that's a non issue as well. As to what he was saying, hello, caught on tape fairly clearly. As to spitting .. well, you just flat made that up in a snit or something. no evidence whatsoever. As to many wanting his career over, poor reading comprehension went along with the fantasy you created as only one suggested a career end, and sheesh, even Thunder wasn't married to that.

    The whole hey this guy might stop the rape of your wife? Sheesh, it is one think to not like lil' aggitaters like the jay fella, but way way way over the top.

    You had three officers side by side and only one blew his cool and became unprofessional. Regrettably, in doing so he served as a bad example for his department, likely damaged property, possibly made physical contact. In short, he took the bait and got outwitted by a troller. Should he be canned? No. Should he be reprimanded? Yes. It's really not that complicated. It's a shame he couldn't hold his act together like the other two did. I suspect he will hear that from a higher up before it is all said and done, either formally or informally.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Correct . . . Correct . . . Correct . . . Kevin.
    Guilty of Correctness on All Counts. =)

    The Trooper's Supervisor should require that he, that is, The Trooper, read and internalize everything said on this thread on this Website. Just so will know he was wrong about being such a hardass in an otherwise non-threatening situation.

    The wormy little punk instigator should also be required to read the thoughts herein . . .
    And watch his back appropriately.

    Shouldn't he?

  11. #61

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I sure hope I have my seat belt fastened if THAT trooper pulls me over . . . =)
    Just don't be an ass, do as he tells you, don't get in his face trying to get a reaction and cry like a 2 year old when you get said reaction, and you'll be OK.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    What about that lady standing there with uptight facial expression? Does anyone know what she was whispering into another officer's ear?
    She was whispering "his daddy should have taken him out behind the shed years ago".

  13. #63

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Is there a "personal space" clause in the law? How close is a person allowed to be before a person is legally threatened? Does it take a person actually touching someone before retaliation is warranted?

  14. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    Is there a "personal space" clause in the law? How close is a person allowed to be before a person is legally threatened? Does it take a person actually touching someone before retaliation is warranted?
    My understanding is it is like most self defense laws and comes down to what is considered reasonable by the average person. Part of the problem for the officer would be that striking the protester would most likely not be seen as reasonable. That said, I doubt he faces any charges and most likely nothing more than a footnote in his jacket.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Just don't be an ass, do as he tells you, don't get in his face trying to get a reaction and cry like a 2 year old when you get said reaction, and you'll be OK.
    Evidentally, you don't think as much of our officers as I do. I expect them to be better than this pest...not worse. And he was worse! Folks seem to have forgotten that the protester ALSO had a camera "in his face". But somehow, he managed to deal with that problem far, far better than the officer who lost his cool. Since the officer filming the protester was also trying to provoke a reation, would the proper response have been to slap the camera out of his hand? Or do you guys have shifting values? lol

  16. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    The Dbag was probably out there protesting the road because he prob doesn't have a car to be able to use it.

    Good for the highway patrol. I would have throttled the kid. Guess thats why I am not an officer. There is a different between free speech and free speech trying to instigate a reaction out of someone.

    I do think it was out of line for knock camera down though, he'll prob get a day suspension or something.

    It just amazes me that these kids fail to realize that these officers risk thier lives every day to protect us. Not many people out there would do that.

  17. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    ...There is a different between free speech and free speech trying to instigate a reaction out of someone...
    Actually, I think many a historian could argue that is EXACTLY what the idea of free speech is all about.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    This is situation is one of things that frustrates me. A person can go up and be a complete ass to somebody and get away with it. When somebody steps up does something about it they have to be controlled and play by the rules. This guy clearly provoked the trooper so he is just as guilty as the trooper.

    Anybody who is familiar with police training knows one the first rules of self defense is not allowing some to enter your personal space. When someone enters your personal space you give the command to step back, you step back, or you strike the threat. Where the trooper went wrong was not instructing the guy to step back. If the guy had step forward again, knock the phone out of his hand would have been justified. The most that should happen (probably already happened) is the Trooper should be counseled on his conduct and reminded he needs to keep his cool. He should not allow his buttons to be pushed by anyone.

    We don't have to like everyone in this world however, we need to treat everyone with respect (including people of authority). I have no tolerance for those that provoke others. If you poke the bear in the cage don't cry about it when he breaks out of the cage and mauls you to death.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Let's review:
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Destruction of Property (evidence available in video)
    Damage to the property? Perhaps, but wasn't he later using that same phone at the end of that video? Couldn't have been too damaged if he was still able to use it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Emotional Damage (totally so common in many claims)
    He's already emotionally damaged (as evidenced by his own actions), so it might be difficult to prove that there was ADDITIONAL emotional damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Mental Damage (I know there is a legal term for this)
    Again, he already appears to be mentally damaged (as evidenced by his own actions), so it again might be difficult to prove that there was ADDITIONAL damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Financial Damage/Hardship (repair or replace phone)
    Financial damage? Perhaps a scratch or two, especially since it seemed to be working for him at the end of the video. Hardship? Hardly.

    As others have referenced, that guy was a pain in the ass douchebag and was unabashedly so. However, as a professional, that trooper did not exercise sufficient restraint and his actions, while understandable, are hardly justifiable and I will be very surprised if there is not some sort of internal discipline. If any of us did that to another person, you can bet that same trooper could very well take action against us for assault, even if the other person was within our personal space. Bad judgment on his part, but I don't blame him. The kid was an ass.

  20. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Just making sure Of Sound Mind understand clearly that I'm not on the protestor's side.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    If any of us did that to another person, you can bet that same trooper could very well take action against us for assault, even if the other person was within our personal space.
    You bet your booty they'd arrest you for assault!

  22. #72

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    The trooper should have taken whatever steps he could to get the jerk to step over the line so he could legally face plant him. I bet the idiot would have taken the bait if it had been presented correctly.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    TaoMaas, is it just me or are you pissed off at this officer? I'm starting to think you have a not so pleasant history with him.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    The trooper should have taken whatever steps he could to get the jerk to step over the line so he could legally face plant him. I bet the idiot would have taken the bait if it had been presented correctly.
    Yeah, that's what I want officers to focus on ... how to get away with face planting someone. Sheeeesh.

  25. Default Re: Occupy OKC Prostest the I40 crosstown opening

    Let's not forget that if there wasn't a camera on this dbag, he wouldn't have been instigating crap. Just a big setup to get a reaction to post on youtube.

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