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Thread: Russian Sam is in OKC!

  1. #51

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Give me the name of a russian beer I should try?

  2. #52

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Baltika, Stepan Razin, White Bear, Afanasiy, Klinskoe, etc. Our beer it is not so good, like an imported (Germany, Czech Republic, UK, Belgique). I like dark beer.

  3. Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Russian Sam, I really hate it that I was not up to getting downtown and meeting you yesterday. It sounds like you are being well cared for and I hope you will take back lots of fond memories when you return to St. Petersburg. By your modeling and interest in our city and people, you have made a most excellent contribution to us, and we thank you.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Russian Sam, I really hate it that I was not up to getting downtown and meeting you yesterday. It sounds like you are being well cared for and I hope you will take back lots of fond memories when you return to St. Petersburg. By your modeling and interest in our city and people, you have made a most excellent contribution to us, and we thank you.
    Thank you very much, Doug! I'm very impressed of OKC and Okies

  5. #55

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Someone needs to find an original OKIE lapel pin for Sam...from about 40 years ago...

  6. #56

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    must resist...must resist... Ahhh, I can't do it....

    Okies are people that no longer live in Oklahoma. They usually left the state as sort of economic refugee in search of employment. I am an Okie, someday I hope to just be call an Oklahoma again.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    must resist...must resist... Ahhh, I can't do it....

    Okies are people that no longer live in Oklahoma. They usually left the state as sort of economic refugee in search of employment. I am an Okie, someday I hope to just be call an Oklahoma again.
    I remember all the hub-bub as well...Okies, I suppose, are the fictional characters that Steinbeck conjured up..."Okies" are anyone who ever lived in Oklahoma...not unlike Texans are people who lived in Texas. But--it might be a nice thing in Russia to remember his trip by...without all the baggage of the character-assassination Steinbeck did on the unfortunate people who were buried by dust/sand from the northern Plains...

  8. Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    must resist...must resist... Ahhh, I can't do it....

    Okies are people that no longer live in Oklahoma. They usually left the state as sort of economic refugee in search of employment. I am an Okie, someday I hope to just be call an Oklahoma again.
    Not me. I'm proud to be an "Okie" TODAY and for others to call us that, as well. Even though the original definition doesn't fit any more, the very same thing can (and should) be said for Oklahoma being called the "Sooner state" and/or the University of Oklahoma taking pride in its fight-song, "Boomer Sooner." Both the sooners and boomers were lawbreakers, criminals, if you will, but we have no difficulty today being associated with those historic terms, even if we see them in a different light today. At least the Okies were not law breakers, just people enduring and trying to survive the hard times of that dust bowl and depression era. All these terms, sooners, boomers, okies, are part of our history, and all are to be embraced as part of who we are and where we came from.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    I spent MANY YEARS disposing of abusers of this state when I lived on the West Coast...never get me started...this small state (population-wise) has MANY superlatives going for it...if you have any doubt--just check out the listings for Miss Americas--not such a big deal today while we are enduring liberal tyranny on all fronts--but--historically important. Oklahoma--love it or leave it, it's a free country, you know...

  10. #60

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Sam needs an OKIE pin...

  11. #61

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    I spent MANY YEARS disposing of abusers of this state when I lived on the West Coast...
    While living in California my dad used to say that when the Okies arrive in California it raised the average IQ in both states. He usually had to explain that joke to the Californian he told it to.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    While living in California my dad used to say that when the Okies arrive in California it raised the average IQ in both states. He usually had to explain that joke to the Californian he told it to.
    An example...a New Yorker (Brooklyn--the worst kind) once laughed in my face when I said that the University of Kansas had good basketball teams...since it was CLOSE to Oklahoma he guffawed--only east coast had good BB, and then said-"they don't even know HOW TO PLAY basketball in Kansas..." Now--how funny was THAT!! I rested my case.

  13. Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    While living in California my dad used to say that when the Okies arrive in California it raised the average IQ in both states. He usually had to explain that joke to the Californian he told it to.
    Actually, it was Will Rogers who first said that.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by clz46 View Post
    dmoor82, I think YOU deserve a big thank you for bringing this to the forum to begin with. So, THANKS!! and ditto for the Mr Wells, Steve and everyone who helped bring Elijah here. He does seem to be a really cool guy. And the model was not to be believed! I am so glad this all worked out and I really hope he has a wonderful time in OKC while here.
    ^^I think it was just good timing all around!It was only a matter of time that this talented youn man was discovered and presented to OKCTalk!I'm glad I had a small and I mean a small part in it!Just by posting in this thread and taking intrest you yourself have a part in it!

  15. #65

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Actually, it was Will Rogers who first said that.
    Yea, that was my dad. Just kidding. When I first moved to Florida I worked for Rand McNally (the map people) in Daytona Beach. On my first day a group asked me to join them for lunch. One woman asked where I was from and I said Oklahoma City. She asked me what state that was in.

    While living in Tampa about 7 years ago a woman that worked with my wife kept going on about how great the University of Florida football program was, all the tradition, all the games they won, the Heisman winners, and their National Championship. After a while my wife got a little tired of it and made a comment about it. The young lady got kind of upset and asked my wife where she went to college, to which my wife replied, the University of Oklahoma. The woman asked if they had a good football team.

  16. Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Now that Ilia "Russian Sam" is here, in all the excitement it might be easy to forget about the financial commitment that Dennis Wells and Miles Associates have made to underwrite this unique trip. Yesterday I ran into Steve, who assures us that NOW is still a great time to contribute to the cause. As related by Steve, anyone who wants to help support Russian Sam's visit to OKC can send a check to Creative Oklahoma, and they will make sure the money gets to the right place. Just write "Russian Sam" on the memo line and send your check to:

    Creative Oklahoma
    133 West Main Street
    Suite 100
    Oklahoma City, OK 73102

    (btw, if anyone from Creative Oklahoma is reading this, if you have a PayPal account set up, please feel free to provide that information. Thanks!)

  17. #67

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Russian Sam, welcome to our home! I so wish that I were in Oklahoma to meet you in person. To know that a person from another side of the world could take such an interest in my beloved hometown is an amazing feeling. It fills my heart with pride and joy, and I hope that you truly enjoy your stay in OKC.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Yea, that was my dad. Just kidding. When I first moved to Florida I worked for Rand McNally (the map people) in Daytona Beach. On my first day a group asked me to join them for lunch. One woman asked where I was from and I said Oklahoma City. She asked me what state that was in.

    While living in Tampa about 7 years ago a woman that worked with my wife kept going on about how great the University of Florida football program was, all the tradition, all the games they won, the Heisman winners, and their National Championship. After a while my wife got a little tired of it and made a comment about it. The young lady got kind of upset and asked my wife where she went to college, to which my wife replied, the University of Oklahoma. The woman asked if they had a good football team.
    Ponder this scene from my freshman year at OU...a guy was commenting in class about Norman and Oklahoma in general and stating he was annoyed that EVERYTHING was named after Indian tribes...Comanche, Apache Streets--even Okla-Homa was about Indians...someone raised a hand and asked.."well--where are you from?"...his reply..."Indianapolis, Indiana." Swear to God--true story.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Priceless, jmarkross!

  20. #70

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    I hope someone has thought to take Sam somewhere to get a frito chili pie and/or some chili fries with a couple of long necks to wash it down...

  21. #71

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    I've known a few of those, they get "upset" because some schools still use Indian mascots, schools like Illinois (Illini) and Utah (Utes) not realizing the state/school name and mascot is an Indian name and the mascot name is that of the actual tribe the state is named for.

    I'm sorry but if you can't make THAT connection, you don't really deserve to have an opinion.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I really wonder what is so special about OKC? There are a few other major cities with more impressive skyscrapers and places.
    Hey...Thunder...Here--we know we belong to the Land...and the Land we belong to is grand...

  23. #73

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Ilila, I'm guessing you are probably already on the way back home and won't see this for a day or so. It was good to share this adventure with you online and in person. (We took a drive together to Yukon.) I hope you found the entire experience rewarding. Please let us know if you post your travel photos or observations about this trip, other projects and the future. Perhaps someday I'll learn some Russian and be lucky enough to visit your country too. Good luck!

  24. Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    Yes, I found the same thing living down in Florida. UF does NOT have a football tradition...all their glory has come within the last 20 years!

    When I told my middle school students in the Orlando area where I was moving to Oklahoma, I got a lot of blank looks..I had to post a map at the front of my classroom to show them where it was within the US. Most of my students were actually from NY, NJ, MA though, and knew nothing about anything west of Pennsylvania and thought that "everything sucks until you get to California." They actually hated FL too and could not wait until they were 18 and could move back to the Northeast.

    I LOVE it here and am proud to be a new Okie!!

  25. #75

    Default Re: Russian Sam is in OKC!

    I love Florida and OKC. Both are VERY similar in many ways.

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