In their push to pass MAPS 3, City politicians promised you more police and fire fighters and a vote for MAPS 3 was a vote for public safety. They have given you less. Oklahoma City fire fighter resources have been cut at an alarming rate while City leaders continue to insist public safety is one of their top priorities.
Fire fighters make hundreds of emergency calls every day protecting the citizens of Oklahoma City. Fire fighters now need help from you, the citizen.
Call your City politician today and tell them you remember the Mayor's promise that MAPS 3 would provide more fire and police protection.
Call now and hold your City politicians accountable with your tax dollars.
Ward 1 297-2404
Ward 2 297-2402
Ward 3 297-2404
Ward 4 297-2402
Ward 5 297-2569
Ward 6 297-2402
Ward 7 297-2569
Ward 8 297-2404