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I agree, the city is doing more to make the city more walkable but at the moment it isnt the end all be all. Once we get to european style gas prices then it might be more important. I will say, when I lived in stillwater there were periods of time where i never drove my truck, it was nice and i was in great shape. I could easily get to campus, easily to the gym, easily to the bar, easily to work with a 5-15 minute bike ride on all counts. Looking back I enjoyed it alot more than i ever thought i would now and the only time i used my truck was going to the grocery store once a week.
Now as an adult with kids is that realistic, no. But it would be nice to be able to have the ability to run small errands once in awhile with out getting into my 2 ton vehicle, firing it up at 3-4 bucks a gallon and driving to the gym.
One thing that I would love OKC and Suburbs to do is to plant more trees. Planting trees is extremely easy and low cost and would help our city look so much better. It cuts down on wind, cuts down on noise, reduces pollution, improves property value, and all the other good stuff. Outside of eastern portions of the city that have cross timbers coverage the city is pretty barren.