ANother point is, the kids that are from families that are so economically deprived that maybe they can't afford the clothing....they can't afford the heat/electricity to keep their homes warm or the food to feed their children. These kids often have a better experience at school where they stay warm and get a hot meal. The Free Lunch programs help these children far more than them staying home to not eat at all because 1 - they probably don't know how to cook yet and their parent had to go to work, and 2- they probably have their heat turned down to 55 or 60 at home anyway because they can't afford it.
ONG and OG&G have programs to help these people, but that doesn't mean that they can afford to crank the heat up (and no they won't cut people off in extreme conditions like this), but when that bill comes at the end of the month...something has to give.
Now they have 2 more days of ONG to pay.