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Thread: Blizzard Rescue Operations?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Blizzard Rescue Operations?

    For some reason this quote comes to mind....

    "I don't make merry at Christmas myself gentlemen and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments that I have mentioned [prisons and work-houses] -- and those who are badly off should go there.... If they had rather die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

    Words of Ebeneezer Scrooge, from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Blizzard Rescue Operations?

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    That made no sense.

    I figured personal attacks would come next. They always do when there is nothing left to say.
    Originally Posted by RedDirt717
    It's just offensive to say something like what you said earlier. I just find it funny that some of you lefties would say something so offensive, you "help the homeless" types.

    What's the difference in what you said and some right wing nut case saying we should let all the homeless people die, because they're a drain on our resources and are obviously genetically inferior? How they're sick and tired of their tax dollars going toward trying to help someone that can't help themselves, or something of the like?

    Are you starting to get why someone might find what your saying offensive, or is that bleeding heart just assigned to certain social classes?
    I'm not a "righty" though, am I? Also you need to be more specific with the "bailout", because I'm pretty sure most "righties" vehemently oppose the bailouts.

    Pointing a finger at someone else seems to be the left's best defense these days, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and words.

    Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised you'd retort by pointing fingers.

    I'm sure it's all Bush's fault anyway.

    JUST quoting your (or your other personality) own words back to you, or did you bothered to read your ramblings?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Blizzard Rescue Operations?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Originally Posted by RedDirt717
    It's just offensive to say something like what you said earlier. I just find it funny that some of you lefties would say something so offensive, you "help the homeless" types.

    What's the difference in what you said and some right wing nut case saying we should let all the homeless people die, because they're a drain on our resources and are obviously genetically inferior? How they're sick and tired of their tax dollars going toward trying to help someone that can't help themselves, or something of the like?

    Are you starting to get why someone might find what your saying offensive, or is that bleeding heart just assigned to certain social classes?
    I'm not a "righty" though, am I? Also you need to be more specific with the "bailout", because I'm pretty sure most "righties" vehemently oppose the bailouts.

    Pointing a finger at someone else seems to be the left's best defense these days, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and words.

    Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised you'd retort by pointing fingers.

    I'm sure it's all Bush's fault anyway.

    JUST quoting your (or your other personality) own words back to you, or did you bothered to read your ramblings?
    I'm neither on the left or right, so I dont know what your point could possibly be? You're just distracting from the original point that it's somehow to make a joke about people being eliminated from out gene pool if they're on the road, but saying something similar about, say, homeless people would be offensive.

    You're direct response to me was pointing out that the right wingers want society to bail them out when the vast majority of them do not. It was a false statement aimed toward shifting the emphasis on what righties are doing wrong instead of actually addressing my point. It's called evasion.

    So answer this question.

    Is it OK to joke about letting homeless people die, to let natural selection take place?

  4. #54

    Default Re: Blizzard Rescue Operations?

    Pointing a finger at someone else seems to be the left's best defense these days, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and words.

    I'm just tired of people not using common sense.
    The forecast has been warning for DAYS.
    The same dumbasses driving past barricades "HIGH FLOOD WATERS" or "STREET FLOODED", are the same ones who disregard the warnings, and the responders have to go out and help those dumbasses.
    As for the joking the only ones who would be upset is the ones it was meant for.

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