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Thread: dirty campaign

  1. #51

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Iron types more loudly than most of us. So? If you choose to deny him the right to express himself because you think so lowly of him then you are denying yourself an opportunity to: A.) hear the opposition (and in most every opposition one can find merit), or at very least B.) to edify your own agenda, your own talking points, your own stance. Wouldn't it be fair to say that Iron has found insight in some of the oppositions threads?
    I'm very happy with him expressing himself. I suspect he's doing a better job promoting MAPS than he would ever guess.

  2. #52

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I'm very happy with him expressing himself. I suspect he's doing a better job promoting MAPS than he would ever guess.
    That's the truth.

  3. Default Re: dirty campaign

    My 3 vote yes signs, no stuck in the city's easement but further back on my side of the sidewalk, were removed 2 nights ago. No problemo. I'll put up 5 this time.

  4. #54

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by ssandedoc View Post
    The "Not This Maps" people went to the Crossroads Best Buy during Black Friday around 4am and passed out anti-MAPS propaganda and also handed out free donuts. They came to me in line (while wearing this smarky Tee shirts) and I yelled "I'm voting YES for MAPS." I took the guy by surprise and he hurried down the line.

    Where can I get yard signs?
    And? the guy is respecting your pov, he was passing it out to those ready to take the No pov..
    Why would he argue with someone whose combative or loud?
    its like blowing in the wind.

  5. #55

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    disagreeing with someone denies them nothing.

    Being loud, as you described him, doesn't warrant a high level of consideration in return.

    Calling someone out for a lie or distortion can impact their credibility, but it is the lie or distortion which does so, not a light shining on it. And that statement is not limited to a specific poster, or even a specific side of the debate, or even to the MAPs3 debates. It's simply a universal truth.

    There are folks here who debate passionately, but respectfully. There are folks who do not even make the attempt. May the board always have more of the former than the latter.

    Good grief man, no one is asking for your consideration. Isn't every point of veiw, no matter how poorly punctuated, poorly referenced, poorly framed (or in your case highly condescending and argumentative at is very core) indicative of someone's belief? Shouldn't you also publicly respect those whom privately you despise simply for the sake of ease of use on this site?

    I'll grant you "that disagreeing with someone denies them nothing." What I can't stomach is your choice to fight this fight as someone whose argument means more to anybody but himself, in fact in this latest thread that just the means by which you present your argument is somehow lofty and erudite. Arguing about how one argues is unnecessary, using sophistry to outmanuever the topic at hand.

    Please spare us this for argument's sake. Don't read threads from those you don't like, and then what we are left with is just passionate, or factual, or obviously wrong, or blatantly pathetic posts that are all....right.

    Back to topic: I'm voting no. Our signs are also vandilized.

  6. #56

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    MGE1977, you have your style, I have mine.

    I don't have a problem calling out nonsense, you appear to think it need not be done. To each their own opinion, and style of expression.

    As for signs getting thrashed, no legally placed sign should be disturbed, irrespective of its message.

    If there are 1,000 even 10,000 Not this Maps signs placed where they are permitted, every last legal sign should still be in place until the polls close on the 8th, and removed shortly thereafter by those on that side of the issue.

    The same is true for the Vote YES MAPs signs, whether there are 1,000 or 10,000 of those.

    Removal of signs legally placed is childish at best, the act of cowards and hooligans at worst.

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