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Thread: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

  1. #51

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Just special, actually....

  2. #52

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by daveskater View Post
    just special, actually....
    and me?!?!?!?!?!!?!

  3. #53

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    One of my best friends is les, she's taken me to just about every gay club in the city. I'm a pro gay rights republican, I've spoken at a log cabin republican convention on the ills of intolerance a few years ago.
    Oh, do tell, how in the world can it be possible there can be such a thing as a pro gay rights Republican? After all, I thought Republicans believed there can no be gay rights because they would only be special rights. You pass anti-discrimination laws to protect gays. Then on the day they go into effect, all of a sudden every gay in a work place has a special right to his or her job. This is because one reason he or she can't get fired is on account of being gay. It doesn't work to say the law also means that straights can't get fired for being straight because getting fired for being straight has hardly ever been a problem in society. This is how people on the right have tried to get across to me as to why gay rights are really special rights and shouldn't be passed.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Oh, do tell, how in the world can it be possible there can be such a thing as a pro gay rights Republican? After all, I thought Republicans believed there can no be gay rights because they would only be special rights. You pass anti-discrimination laws to protect gays. Then on the day they go into effect, all of a sudden every gay in a work place has a special right to his or her job. This is because one reason he or she can't get fired is on account of being gay. It doesn't work to say the law also means that straights can't get fired for being straight because getting fired for being straight has hardly ever been a problem in society. This is how people on the right have tried to get across to me as to why gay rights are really special rights and shouldn't be passed.

    Not every liberal agrees on all points. Same is true of the folks who adhere to a conservatives philosophy. Bunty, you know this. Why you pretend to be just silly sometimes, I won't speculate.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Ya'll need to put this debate to bed. I don't see anything going forward here. JMHO

  6. #56

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Oh, do tell, how in the world can it be possible there can be such a thing as a pro gay rights Republican? After all, I thought Republicans believed there can no be gay rights because they would only be special rights. You pass anti-discrimination laws to protect gays. Then on the day they go into effect, all of a sudden every gay in a work place has a special right to his or her job. This is because one reason he or she can't get fired is on account of being gay. It doesn't work to say the law also means that straights can't get fired for being straight because getting fired for being straight has hardly ever been a problem in society. This is how people on the right have tried to get across to me as to why gay rights are really special rights and shouldn't be passed.
    Bunty posting tacting #1 - Proclaim that others *must* think in some absurd way.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Oh, do tell, how in the world can it be possible there can be such a thing as a pro gay rights Republican? After all, I thought Republicans believed there can no be gay rights because they would only be special rights. You pass anti-discrimination laws to protect gays. Then on the day they go into effect, all of a sudden every gay in a work place has a special right to his or her job. This is because one reason he or she can't get fired is on account of being gay. It doesn't work to say the law also means that straights can't get fired for being straight because getting fired for being straight has hardly ever been a problem in society. This is how people on the right have tried to get across to me as to why gay rights are really special rights and shouldn't be passed.
    First, I consider myself to be a pro-gay-rights individual. Also, I am a Republican. So it is possible. I also know several homosexuals who are also politically conservative and do vote for Republicans.

    Second, as I understand it, the new law prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation. By that language, the law cuts both ways. If you're fired for being homosexual, you have recourse; conversely, if you are fired for being heterosexual, you also have recourse. Even if you're fired for being asexual, you'll have recourse.

    So now, everyone has these 'special rights,' and I guess that's okay. It's just as illegitimate to fire someone because of who they sleep with outside the workplace as it is to fire someone for racial or religious reasons.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    Bunty posting tacting #1 - Proclaim that others *must* think in some absurd way.
    Well, at least one of my favorite posters of this board, Midtowner, can respond to my posting in an intelligent and thougtful matter.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    and me?!?!?!?!?!!?!
    Yes GM, you're special too. Feeling left out there?

  10. #60

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation


  11. Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    That's what he claimed.

    I'm not seeing any hard evidence.
    What, do you need the slurs carved into his skin with the knife??

    Why would you "jump" someone but not take anything, unless you were just wanting to beat him up because you didn't like something about him?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. #62

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Slurs carved in the skin would probably constitute "hard" evidence. But evidence definitely falls on a range. Not all gay people who are attacked are victims due to their orientation. We need more evidence to know.

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