I’m kind of disappointed that this didn't pan out into any real intelligent discussion and instead ended up as a flame war. I’m not a troll nor am trying to start a fight. Here is an idea: rather than hiding behind bad-ass personalities on the internet, I would love to get together with anyone willing and actually discuss this with an open mind. The weather will be nice this week so we can meet under tree on the empty lot bordered by walker, Hudson, 10th, and 11th.
Those of you who seem to want to punish me for speaking up for graffiti, with a little research, you can find where I live. And you can tag my building if you wish. As long as you do it reasonably well, it will be an improvement.
To be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect.
That being said, I am intrigued by the process, ideas, motivations, messages, and actual forms of graffiti.
The reality is that we live a very predicable city. Everybody does what we expect them to do. Our buildings look like what other buildings expect them to look like. Our people are the same. Graffiti is spontaneous and bold. It shakes us up. Look at the previous posts for an example. It garners reaction in a conservative city like this one; “stirring the pot” so to speak.
Most public art must the run the gamut of approval from art commissions to local city councils which usually results in a watered-down please-all type of artwork. Graffiti is the anti-thesis to regulated art. It shows up nearly instantaneously proclaiming a bold message or idea.
Shortly after the stock market crash back in September, I noticed letters scrawled across a lonely concrete wall on an empty lot just north of 10th street west of Hudson. “Capitalism will eat us alive” was the message. While I don’t agree with the statement, an empty lot strewn with debris with a gleaming skyline in the background made for a compelling scene nonetheless.
Again, to be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect. I wish there was a way to make it work legally.
Maybe I’m just watching the movie where you root for the bad guy.
Spray Art:
Humorous and not so artful