I'm not a big fan of their practice of limiting orders either. Not our fault that they can't keep up with production demands. I think the sales should be done first-come, first-served.
I'm not a big fan of their practice of limiting orders either. Not our fault that they can't keep up with production demands. I think the sales should be done first-come, first-served.
How difficult is it to place a large order the day before?
Limiting orders is a fairly common practice at many specialty restaurants especially when they first open and are trying to judge demand. Most have no problems accommodating a large order if given a decent amount of time to prepare, if you want quantity you can always go to Sam's/Wal-Mart. It is also a matter of common courtesy.....
That's like walking into a restaurant and expecting them to cater you a meal for 20 people on the spot.
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable policy to me. Long live Cuppies & Joe.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
yeah, but is a dozen cupcakes a "large order?" I mean I can see if it someone wants several dozen, but one dozen? A dozen or bakers dozen sounds like it'd be common at a bakery type shop. Sara Sara has no problems accommodating people wanting a dozen.
Anyhow, I gave the place another shot Friday night. I took the wife there after having dinner at Bellini's and then we walked off dinner at the Paseo Friday Night Walk. It was a perfect end-cap to our date night. The place was PACKED. Even saw former Mayor Humphreys and his wife and crew there as well as several other people I knew.
It was so packed (50 people or so) we had to get ours to go. It was nice hey had live music, but it was so packed, you couldn't enjoy it. It was elbow to elbow the entire house/shop. Since several on this board were wanting me to give this place another shot, we got 4 different cupcakes, an orange dreamsicle brownie and a frozen hot chocolate to go. Don't worry, we didn't eat it all that night (don't need to get a self induced diabetic coma!).
My wife really enjoyed the orange vanilla dreamsicle brownie ($1) and I thought it was pretty good too. She really loved the frozen hot chocolate, i thought it was alright. We took a bite of each of the cupcakes, the only one I would re-order was the chocolate peanut butter, everything else was just okay Betty Crocker tasting like I could make myself at home. The chocolate peanut butter was like those peanut butter kiss cookies and even had a hershey's kiss on the inside.
I'll go back on a non-weekend night for the cozy atmosphere, but hands down Sara Sara is still way better, although not close to out of state places unfortunately. I'd really like OKC to have a true gourmet cupcake place. Oh well, at least we have two new concepts to the market that will hold us over until we get one.
I think all local cupcake stores need all of the local support they can get. Some of you are going to choose one over the other, but at the very least, choose one. They need all of us going 5-7 times a month....this is a really difficult concept for one to be successful.
They aren't the same business model, I see no reason why anyone should feel the need to split their business out of obligation. If you want rich cupcakes and a cold-milk bar in a "boutique" style atmosphere and don't mind the cost - Sara Sara is where you should stop. On the other hand if you're in the mood for delicious but simple cupcakes and good quality coffee/espresso (or milk for $1) in a relaxed environment, at a more reasonable cost - C&J is an obvious choice.
I hope both do well, but they're two starkly different places that will have largely divergent clientele - no need to split loyalty on any basis but their offerings and your preferences.
I bet they don't.Sara Sara has no problems accommodating people wanting a dozen.
...and you should. As of now, they're not a primary bakery. It's a product they offer along side coffee. If they were to sell out what they have on hand to large orders - what effect would that have on the many customers who come there to sit and enjoy a cupcake and coffee with friends?
I enjoy the place - but I do my bakery shopping and Brown's, not C&J's.
Man, after looking at this thread, and the ongoing muck in some other threads about local businesses, I've come to the conclusion that some people will complain about ANYTHING and rate that establishment on a SINGLE experience rather than giving a place an opportunity to shine.
It's no wonder it's so hard for local businesses to really do well here in the long-term.
As much as we say "we want, we want," we gritch and moan when people don't come up with perfect.
Lighten the load, folks, and if you can't, why don't you open a "new concept" yourself and see how well you do it.
I think you may be missing the point. People go out to get ice cream when they could just buy ice cream at a store and take it home. People go out and get a smoothie when they could easily make a smoothie at home. The point is that most people go out to places so they can "go out." I'm sure if I put my mind to it, I could make the cupcakes at C&J right in my own home and maybe save a couple bucks. But that's not the point. The point is that you can go out to a new place, have a pretty good cupcake, enjoy your company and hopefully take in the nice atmosphere, all of which C&J provides. I admit that taking in the atmosphere for you was probably difficult since the place was really crowded. However, that's not C&J's fault. They can't control the fact that they are really popular, and I don't think anyone should expect them to.
You have a valid point, and I agree that is why some people go there, heck, that's why I went there that night, for the atmosphere, if I wanted a better cupcake, I knew to go to Sara Sara.
I originally went there (C&J) hoping to find the amazing gourmet cupcakes that started the whole cupcake trend in the first place though. Sara Sara is closer, but no cigar. I'm not worried about saving the couple bucks as you say, I'd rather save the time. Until you've been to a true gourmet cupcake place, I guess you can't appreciate what I'm trying to say.
I have been to a true cupcake place...Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich. However, you might not consider it gourmet since it's on the EAST coast. Their cupcakes were over $3 each and were dry. People were lined up down the block for one.
I don't think the folks of OKC are especially looking for what you call gourmet cupcakes. I think they just appreciate having somewhere different to go for a treat and to hang out (C & J or Sara Sara) Many people I speak to are just glad that these two places have come in to help revitalize the downtown business area. They're also family owned and run businesses so I don't think they have any intention of being gourmet like your Kara's.
I look forward to reading this thread each week so I can see how many more times you will mention your gourmet cupcakes visits on the west coast!![]()
Last edited by AB'smama; 02-14-2009 at 09:04 AM. Reason: grammar
I really liked their frosting, but IMO Sara's cupcake is better frosting so so.
I finally found a good gourmet cupcake at Market C, I had the hot chocolate cupcake for $2.50 and it was amazing. Hands down the best cupcake by far I've had in OKC. Very comparable to the real gourmet cupcake shops, I'd put it up there with them.
Took my wife to C&J last night for dessert on date night. She had the red velvet cuppie and I had The Don. Loved them both and definitely not "Betty Crocker" like as has been suggested by metro.
Also discovered that their coffee is very reasonably priced and quite good. Had a huge Americano that was fantastic and the wife enjoyed a frozen hot chocolate.
Great place for hanging out and conversation.
abson, difference of opinion. Have the hot chocolate cupcake at Market C or try one at a gourmet place out of state, then get back to me on how you feel about it. I never said they are bad, just not gourmet. C&J is a great hang out place, was there the other night, the same day I had one from Market C. It's great for fellowship and cheap coffee drinks. My wife loves the Frozen Hot Chocolate, as for a gourmet cupcake shop, that its not, but they are still a good snack.
Okay, metro, we get it. This isn't your most favorite place ever. Every time someone says they like the place, you come in and say it's not gourmet, or it's not as good as so-and-so's. I don't know how many times you feel you need to tell us that some other place's cupcake is better...or more "gourmet"...
And what the hell is a "gourmet" cupcake, anyway? It's a CUPCAKE. I just made some in the kitchen. They have whiskey-coffee-chocolate cream cheese frosting on top of chocolate cake. Is that gourmet because I made a fancy frosting?
I hate to hijack the thread...I haven't even been to C&J's though a lot of my students and coworkers have, and they all raved about the place. Those who have been to SaraSara said it was just SoSo. I plan to go by C&J's soon.
Still corrupting young minds
I know, mecarr. I've read the whole thread. In fact, I do ADORE cupcakes, and I just finished one of my own creations just now. However, I just feel that a lot of this thread has been about metro's thoughts on his limited experience with the place, and how much he doesn't think of the place. Just my opinion. He has given his.
Still corrupting young minds
Isn't this a family business? People should remember that when walking in the door... yes it's a business but it's run by a family and right now it's a huge hit. I think it's a great sign that a new business can prosper during this economy. I hope they continue to keep people lined up for $2 cupcakes!
Metro, you obviously have a high opinion of the west-coast shops, and they may well have fantastic cupcakes, but isn't it time to let that go and let the rest of us enjoy OKC cupcakes? Ignorance is bliss, so let us be blissful. And, when it comes to personal taste, what would you say if we went out to San Fran. and came bake and said we actually didn't enjoy them?
Rant done... sorry, we really need to stop the threadjack and let this be about C&J.
I went last night by myself (was waiting on a friend). I was thoroughly impressed. First off, the signage, while not big and bright, was classy. Parking was not an issue at all as I just used the back parking lot.
Once inside, the atmosphere lived up to the hype. It is so welcoming in there you really never want to leave. They took the whole "2nd home" approach that Starbucks attempts and made it way better. It did not have a corporate feel at all. In a way, it was like going home.
I had to wait in a small line and I observed nearly everybody in there in conversation with somebody else or reading. I think i was the only one connected to technology as I was playing around on my cell phone..
I got a vanilla skye cupcake, and it was very good. The frosting was different in a good way and I like how they give you a real plate and fork to use( i didn't need the fork). Didn't try the coffee because i do not like coffee, but nearly everyone else was ordering it so it must be halfway decent.
This place will succeed and they have a great thing going there. I highly recommend.
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