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Thread: Dana new member

  1. #51

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Ok my home was never found unclean I don't know where that came from either. I never said I hid the child either ECO seems to adding things to my story that I never said. She works with DHS and used to work for DHS so I can only assume that she wants to cover for them but I am more than willing to answer any and all questions I have nothing to hide. Please remember I am not the one with a criminal history that would be the caseworker. I can prove and have documentation for everything I say.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Dana new member

    dana... you have like six posts in a row... if you're responding to other posts it might be easier for others to understand you if you either quote the post to which you're responding or address the person to whom you're responding.


  3. #53

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Ok before anymore people say that DHS does not steal children for money please watch these stories and I am only including some stories done by reputable news people that were on T.V.
    YouTube - Child Protective System Part 1 - Video - WLKY Louisville
    YouTube - Mass CPS corruption P2
    YouTube - More CPS Corruption...
    YouTube - Oklahoma DHS Corruption
    This last link is what happens to some children while in DHS protective care the key words here so called protective care.
    Child Protective Services' News -2008

  4. #54

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    dana... you have like six posts in a row... if you're responding to other posts it might be easier for others to understand you if you either quote the post to which you're responding or address the person to whom you're responding.

    Ok sorry wasn't sure how to do it that way thank you for the help.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Dana, I did watch the video. It was chilling.

    I don't work for DHS (as I have posted).

    Why didn't the counselor report the foster parent to the authorities?

    Are the police investigating the alleged murder attempt the father made on your daughter's life?

    Why do you think DHS or the courts would doctor the drug test results?

    How would they get the lab to do that?

    Did you say that twice the police came to the home and you kept the child from them because you knew they were breaking the law? The third time, you weren't there and they took him? Perhaps I misunderstood. Maybe you could explain, again.

    Why was your son placed in foster care?

    Was your daughter ever in foster care? Why?

    Who paid for the unwed mother's home?

  6. #56

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Dana, I did watch the video. It was chilling.

    I don't work for DHS (as I have posted).

    Why didn't the counselor report the foster parent to the authorities?

    Are the police investigating the alleged murder attempt the father made on your daughter's life?

    Why do you think DHS or the courts would doctor the drug test results?

    How would they get the lab to do that?

    Did you say that twice the police came to the home and you kept the child from them because you knew they were breaking the law? The third time, you weren't there and they took him? Perhaps I misunderstood. Maybe you could explain, again.

    Why was your son placed in foster care?

    Was your daughter ever in foster care? Why?

    Who paid for the unwed mother's home?
    My daughter was never in foster care
    They doctored the test to keep the child I had to call the DA when they were trying to terminate 30 days after pickup which everybody has told me that is just way too fast. They say they have never heard of DHS trying to terminate that fast but yet they were trying to do it to us. To answer about the pickup yes that is close to what I said. The first time the workers tried to take him from the Holy Family Home with no police and no warrant or court order that is illegal.
    The 2nd time was at my house the police officer told the worker I can't take him there is no valid reason. The worker got mad and started screaming at him over the phone. He moved his phone away from his ear and I heard the worker say"I sent you out there to pick up that baby now I want they baby picked up. Police Officer "maam I can't there is no valid reason it is illegal. Worker"If you don't pick up that baby I will find someone who will" Police Officer then told me watch your back she wants this baby for some reason and sooner or later she is going to find a crooked cop or a rookie cop that doesn't know the ropes that will do what she wants. He told me then he was making notes of all this in his "CAP notes" whatever those are.
    I answered all the other questions in previous posts.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Actually, I don't think you answered any of the questions in previous posts. Why was you son in foster care? Why didn't the counselor report abuse?

    Who paid for the unwed mother's home?

    Now, why did your daughter to take parenting classes twice? How many children does she have? Is this the first time she has had a run in with DHS?

    Did you discuss whether the police are investigating the allegation that the father tried to murder your daughter?

  8. #58

    Default Re: Dana new member

    You are a lawyer.
    Nice round of questioning.
    I will hire you if I need someone in DC area.
    Keep asking the questions we all want to know.
    Greta Van Susteren better watch out.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Actually, I don't think you answered any of the questions in previous posts. Why was you son in foster care? Why didn't the counselor report abuse?

    Who paid for the unwed mother's home?

    Now, why did your daughter to take parenting classes twice? How many children does she have? Is this the first time she has had a run in with DHS?

    Did you discuss whether the police are investigating the allegation that the father tried to murder your daughter?
    Ok here is the post from page two I just did a copy paste don't want to type it all, all over again.

    Ok let me see if I can finally set you straight I know you think that we Okies are stupid but you are the one that is getting some of the facts wrong. #1 I never said I hid the child. #2 My son went to school with a bruise and the school thought that I did it which I didn't and my son told them so for 3 days. After 3 days they decided my son was telling the truth when he told them my mommy never hits me she puts me in time out. #3 During those 3 days they decided I did not make enough money to support my child even though I had been doing it for 5 years by myself. They told me I needed to apply for Food Stamps so I did. I was told I did not qualify because I made $6 a month too much. I told them fine I didn't really want them anyway. I told CPS what I was told so they could check it out they did and told me that I could not have him back until I got Food Stamps so I went back and told them what CPS told me. When I got to end of my rope I went to the Governors office and told them my story. During this time almost 2 months had gone by and my son had been in foster care with the child molestor. The Governors office called DHS and gave them 72 hours to get me Food Stamps and my son which did happen. After my son came home he was not the same problems arose so I took him to a doctor and they recommended counseling. In counseling he told the doctor what happened but as you know client records are confidential. After he killed himself I went and told his doctor that he was dead I made the comment that I guess he could never get over what happened while he was in foster care. The doctor said I didn't know you knew but your right he could never get over what that man did to him. The doctor never knew that he was telling me all this for the first time. As far as prosecuting the man and his son that did these vial things to my son since DHS won't tell me where he was and who had him that is impossible. I would love to prosecute this man hell I would love to kick his ass myself but since they won't tell me who he is that is kinda hard to do wouldn't you think? As far as the Unwed mothers home I guess you don't know as much as you think it does exist and it is at 6821 Eddie Drive in MidWest City it is run by Catholic Charities. I took her there because I knew she would be safe and the baby's daddy would not know where to find her. That way I could go to work pay my taxes like a good american and not have to worry about coming home and finding my daughter dead. Now the reason there was a delay of time between the test at DHS and the other one is #1 it took 20 minutes to drive to the other place then we had to check in then we had to set in the lobby while all the other people that were there before us got their test. So it sounds to me it is not me that needs to do research it is you. I don't know about you but I can't just walk into a place and say take care of me now and let these other people wait I am more important. I guess that only works in your world you must be special. Seems to me that you are just looking for a way to cover for DHS when it is clear what they did and are doing like a pie in the face. So just wipe it off and keep deluding yourself that everything is wonderful. Now I only have 2 more things to say to you #1 I don't appreciate you calling me a lier when I can prove everything I say and #2 if there is something else that you don't understand or want documentation on just let me know I have it all including a copy of the arrest warrant for the case worker that took my son but nobody seems to care that she has a record while my daughter and I are clean. Hmmmmmmmm

    She took classes once in the home and once after and this is her only child and the reason she took them twice is you do what DHS tells you to do.

    Ok the police said they couldn't arrest him because he was not on our property when they got here. Sounds strange to me but that is what they said I guess they think the wound was self inflicted because it wasn't that bad.

    The home is non-profit runs off donations which I was doing long before she got pregnant. I am also a volunteer for Red Cross, I also donate to the Jesus House, Citizens Caring for Children, & Positive Tomorrows ( which is also called Neighborhood Services Organization) just in case you wanted to know all the other bad things I do. Some of you people are acting like I am the criminal here and ignoring the fact that the state of Oklahoma let a criminal come into my house and steal my grandchild. If there is anything else I can clear up for you just let me know.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Dana, if a counselor reported sexual abuse, you wouldn't need to know the name of the perpetrator because the police already would have that name. I am not asking why you didn't sue him, civilly. I am asking why he wasn't prosecuted criminally if this took place and the child reported it to a therapist. So did the therapist turn it in? Child abuse is NOT protected by any confidentiality. No way, no how. Are you trying to say that because of confidentiality, the police couldn't prosecute the foster parent? Are you saying DHS refused to give the police the name of the foster parent so the police couldn't investigate? Or did they try to prosecute and nothing came of it? Your story raises more questions than it answers. How old was your son when this happened? How old was he when he died? (I'm very sorry about that, btw - I'm a mom, too).

    How many children has your daughter had? How old is she?

    What sort of wound did she have when she was attacked by the father? Did she go to the hospital? Was there an investigation? Why do you think they might think the wound was self inflicted? If it was a minor wound, why are you claiming it was attempted murder?

    Where was your daughter living when she wasn't living with you or at the home?

    Do you have anyone else living in the home?

    Oh, and I am an Okie - thus the screen name. I am working out of state and can't wait to get back home, permanently (where I have a home). I certainly don't think Okies are stupid - I think they are wonderful.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Dana new member

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Dana, if a counselor reported sexual abuse, you wouldn't need to know the name of the perpetrator because the police already would have that name. I am not asking why you didn't sue him, civilly. I am asking why he wasn't prosecuted criminally if this took place and the child reported it to a therapist. So did the therapist turn it in? Child abuse is NOT protected by any confidentiality. No way, no how. Are you trying to say that because of confidentiality, the police couldn't prosecute the foster parent? Are you saying DHS refused to give the police the name of the foster parent so the police couldn't investigate? Or did they try to prosecute and nothing came of it? Your story raises more questions than it answers. How old was your son when this happened? How old was he when he died? (I'm very sorry about that, btw - I'm a mom, too).

    How many children has your daughter had? How old is she?

    What sort of wound did she have when she was attacked by the father? Did she go to the hospital? Was there an investigation? Why do you think they might think the wound was self inflicted? If it was a minor wound, why are you claiming it was attempted murder?

    Where was your daughter living when she wasn't living with you or at the home?

    Do you have anyone else living in the home?

    Oh, and I am an Okie - thus the screen name. I am working out of state and can't wait to get back home, permanently (where I have a home). I certainly don't think Okies are stupid - I think they are wonderful.
    Ok #1 DHS will not release the name of the man and his son that abused my son. He was 5 when they abused him shot himself the first time when he was 12 continued therapy and then shot himself again at 18 and it was fatal.

    My daughter is 18 this is her only child and she has vowed to never have anymore. She never wants to go through this stuff again and as of last week she is now going to have to be put on blood pressure medicine. This whole thing has traumatized her and she crys all the time.

    He knocked on the door she opened it when he tried to stab her in the stomach while she was still pregnant she went to close the door and he made a small cut on her arm.

    She was living with me when this happened I moved her to the home then when they tried to take my grandson I moved her back and she is still here.

    Nobody else lives here I am not married and I do not date.

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