As an implanted Oklahoman, plopped upon the soil at the tender age of six weeks, and,
As an Oklahoman who has only rarely resided outside our state during my four.sumthin decades of enjoying life,
As an almost two.sumthin decade resident of Norman,
as a Normanite who has known several of Norman's finest,
as a Normanite who has known a few I considered not very deserving of ever being referred to as Norman's finest,
I ask that you please consider what I am about to write down in response to your recent concern:
Without hesitation, without reservation, and without any undue concern at any level whatsoever I inform and advise you that
(a) you appear to be excessively concerned over very little,
(b) though I do not share your concerns, I find I sleep just fine at night in my Norman home,
(c) of all the things which might possibly bring on a sleepless night, who is teaching diversity training to the local constables, or the local firefighters, or the local politicos, or the local postal folks, or the local church folks, or even the local bar rats is absotively, posilutely and undeniably not considered newsworthy by me
Clear enough? Very well. At the worst, we have had the opportunity to share our respective perspectives.
The last two posters claim they aren't bothered in the least that a group identified by our government for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood and I should add Hamas gave diversity training to the Norman police department which was covered by a Middle East website Islamonline. No Oklahoman would have read about this in their local paper.
This amounts to nothing one of them said. Apparently, the U.S. government disagrees with your assessment. For they identified that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our country and has set forth a plan to destroy our country from "within its miserable house" so that Islam can reign over us.
You think that document from the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing? This is the largest Islamic movement world-wide.
Are you just unaware of their plans or what?
Time for Oh Gawd and I to put on tinfoil hats...
That's hilarious. The Muslims I know who believe that sort of tripe are ineffectual cowards. They might talk a big game, but when it comes time to act, they do realize how great they have it here.
In some congregations, they absolutely do preach crazy, crazy stuff. The same thing happens at the Westboro Baptist Church and various Christian congregations. All of them are equally unable to carry out anything to bring down the U.S. government.
Betz being the president of NSU doesn't concern me. I certainly don't think I've ever see the campus overrun with lots of timberwolves in turbans spouting unknown languages and firing auto weapons into the air (although not too terribly far from the campus there may yet be a few non turban wearing folks in compounds who are capable of doing exactly that.)
who teaches diversity training to local constables doesn't concern me
followers of Islam shopping in wally world at the same time I am there doesn't concern me
the oh so very remote possibility that followers of radical twists of Islam are plotting to take over my government from within doesn't concern me
peeps freaking out and doing chicken little sky is falling routines over and over and over and over don't concern me
(sometimes it annoys me, but that's hardly the same)
Consider me blind, consider me foolish if you must, or even if you merely prefer. I'll strive to consider you merely, and rather needlessly, obsessed on a point.
Luck to you as you make your way through life, and pay no attention to that car that always seems to linger a block away ... it's not following you, really, it's not.
I think the government should do something.
Can't congress like...Hold hearings...Or something? Like...You know...Drag these people in front of them and have them explain themselves for not acting like an American or something? That would be cool...And probably be looked back upon as a bright spot in American freedoms and history. And we could be a part of it! NEAT!
It's a pity the best you can do is make stupid childish babble in reply. But do keep it up because it actually helps me prove my point easier.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Osama Bin Laden's pilot train in Norman? Now, let's see what was his name? Oh yeah, Ali Nawawi.
And before that didn't Bin Laden's mentor, Abdullah Azzam, speak of hate against America in Oklahoma City in 1988 - one of the first known attempts of an Islamists to garner support from Muslims in Oklahoma. His talk to a room full of Oklahoma Muslims is forever immortalized on video.
And before that didn't the Muslim Brotherhood have shooting camps in Oklahoma?
Then there the video of Mufid Abdulqader singng and dancing in a skit to kill the jews at a major Hamas fundraising conference in Oklahoma City.
Then there's Zacarias Moussaoui who trained at the Airman Flight School in Norman.
But let's not forget that an FBI pilot sends his supervisor in the Oklahoma City FBI office a memo warning that he has observed “large numbers of Middle Eastern males receiving flight training at Oklahoma airports in recent months.” The memo, titled “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” further states this “may be related to planned terrorist activity” and “light planes would be an ideal means of spreading chemicals or biological agents.” The memo does not call for an investigation, and none occurs.
Or that 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi visit the same school in 2000.
Then there hijacker, Nawaf Alhazmi, who got a speeding ticket in Oklahoma in April 2001
So many warnings., so many clues, so many clueless.
Read more here
Andrew Rice, the democrat running for Congress against Jim Inhofe spoke at CAIR's first banquet last year. He praised their work.
No Oklahoma would have known about it except those that diligently look for articles on Islamic activities in Oklahoma over in the Middle East.
In 2002, Dr. Don Betz said: "... the events of 11 September 2001 and the subsequent United States-led war on international terrorism propelled the question of Palestine onto centre stage of popular discussion. The broader public, especially in the United States, had started to ask questions about the occupation of Palestine..."
Did you know that Palestine is not mentioned once in the Quran? The children of Israel and their land is mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran.
Seriously, I do not see where they are coming from because there is no historic reference to Palestine whatsoever in the oldest books known.
Israel, on the other hand, was occupied several times in history, including the Islamic Ottoman caliphate.
.oO(to see himself type apparently)Oo.
There is no historic reference to England whatsoever in the oldest books known.
There is no historic reference to Japan whatsoever in the oldest books known.
There is no historic reference to The United States of America whatsoever in the oldest books known.
Does this mean that they have no right to exist or that you would offer no objection were they to be occupied?
So you are comparing references to Israel in the Bible to the creation of countries that were not around then? Sorry but that makes no sense whatsoever.
I see that Andrew Rice, who praised the Council of American Islamic Relations, like Dr. Don Betz did, has a news ad seeking to gain the support from the Christian right. He should have though of that before he stood along side CAIR, who is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, identified in court papers. CAIR has not denied this relationship.
Right now CAIR has an action alert seeking the freedom of Sami Al-Arian, a convicted terror supporter. They claim he is a political prisoner of the U.S. Al-Arian along with Mousa Marzook, started the Hamas front group, Islamic Association of Palestine. Marzook is the deputy political director of HAMAS.
Any inteliigent questions?
Does he think we don't pay attention?
Actually, I was pointing out that YOU were comparing Israel with a nation that wasn't around then, i.e. Palestine. And you are right; it makes no sense whatsoever. That is my point.
The claim of Israel to this land is also based on invasion, which is well documented in the book of Joshua. It is interesting that this invasion includes stories of repeated genocide inflicted on the cities in the hill country of Judea, and the Joshua stories not only tell of genocide but seem to brag about it. So I guess the answer to your question is that it means absolutely nothing that Israel is mentioned in the bible except as a cautionary tale about how NOT to treat a conquered people. It would be tragic indeed to use old testament standards when formulating a foreign policy for the 21st century.
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