How is what you just said any less intolerant than what Kern said? Why is tolerance a one way street for the modern liberal? Why are conservatives, rednecks, white-trash, hillbillies, Midwesterners, Christians, etc fair game for satire, mockery, scapegoating, and all out hate speech? For the past 7 years we have heard on a daily basis that GW Bush is a terrorist, conservatives are fascists, Christians are worse than nazis, rednecks are sub-human genetic disasters, and that conservative christian rednecks are destorying the country. Why are Kern's comments unacceptable in contrast to the daily drum-beat of modern liberalism?
The only thing worse than intolerance is pretending to be tolerant when you clearly are not. To the modern liberal tolerance seems to mean "anything that is in line with our agenda is tolerated... anything else will be demonized and squashed as ignorance or hate-speech"
And for the record, I am neither a Christian nor a conservative. I also am not anti-gay by any means. I just find the general hypocrisy of the left to be as disgusting (if not more so) as Kern's statements.