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Thread: Smoking

  1. #51

    Default Re: Smoking

    It'll be a year for me in a couple weeks.

    I took a cig butt, wrote the date on it, and thumbtacked that bassturd to the wall, and then marched my two kids in to see it. I told them, "That's the last cigarette your dad will ever smoke."

    No problem.
    It has affected everything. I don't cough and hack anymore, I have tons more energy. My Cardio and stamina are off the chart (I'm an aggressive inline skater) and I save a couple grand $$ per year.

    My house doesn't stink, nor do my clothes. My breath isn't foul, and I haven't had to worry about where my lighter is.

    Do it for your family, if not for yourself.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    They'd actually lose billions in lost tax revenue from current smokers.

    Anyone who quits today is basically stealing tax money from the government.
    Actually if you look at if from the standpoint that non-smokers live longer, than the government would actually gain revenue from banning smoking. If people live longer, they will earn taxable income longer, purchase goods and services longer, etc.

    That being said, I do not think it is the governments business to regulate my health. I need to be personably responsible for my actions. I do not smoke, but do enjoy a weekly (sometimes a little more often) cigar. Cigar's (good aged cigars) are actually less damaging than cigarettes. As a cigar ages it loses its nicotene. It still produces toxic second hand smoke however. My preferred cigar is Cohiba Cubana Churchills, but I typically smoke Henry Upman vintage cameroon churchills.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Smoking

    I enjoy cigars, I just don't light them. I'm currently gnawing on a Punch Gusto.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Smoking

    Why is all the fun stuff bad for you? I want to quit but I am so dang scared I'm going to gain weight. I really can't afford to pack on one more pound. I'm trying to exercise more so that I'll be in a little better shape when I do kick the habit for good.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by HeatherDawn View Post
    Why is all the fun stuff bad for you? I want to quit but I am so dang scared I'm going to gain weight. I really can't afford to pack on one more pound. I'm trying to exercise more so that I'll be in a little better shape when I do kick the habit for good.
    Good luck. I hope you get to a good place and go ahead and quit. If you want some inspiration, go hang out at at Quest laboratory and see the smokers come in once things start hitting the fan, healthwise. You'd gladly exchange a few pounds for the frequent alternative - hacking, shuffling, bad color and horribly aged faces of smokers. They look to be in their 80s, frequently, when they are just in their late fifties. Smoking is hell on women's faces.

    At my last highschool reunion, I was shocked at the faces of some of the "girls" I used to run with. It was our 30 something reunion and some of us had skin that wasn't all that different than it was in our twenties. Lord have mercy, though - the women who were long term smokers looked like grannies. It was frightening to see former cheerleader types look so gruesome. Honest to god, the lady who was greeting us at the door - I swear to you - I thought she was her grandmother and when I realized who she was, it was really freaky.

  6. Default Re: Smoking

    I think I'm gonna give this another attempt to quit. The other day, a friend caught me smoking. He wasn't aware during the whole time I was working there and didn't smell anything from it. The expression on his face was priceless. Later, on YIM, he said that he was disappointed in me and demanded that I quit. Sadly, I was smoking while we was chatting online and I didn't tell him. I'm on this last pack and will try not to buy another. People at work, one by one, are being shocked when they discover me smoking. It is just that something they don't expect from me.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Smoking

    Second hand smoke can do you in just as well. I haven't smoked in 35 years but when I'm doing comedy in clubs, I'm very conscious of their ventilation system. My comedy buddy, Roger, hadn't smoked for twenty years but had two heart attacks. When they did a triple bypass on him the doctors said his lungs looked like he was a pack a day smoker.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Smoking

    After smoking for probably 40 years. Tomorrow it will be 8 weeks that I have quit. Believe me, in the past 8 weeks I have had thoughts, but I got through them. Now when I smell cig smoke, it really stinks. When I get around someone that smokes I can really smell it. I'm putting the money that I would have spent on cigs in my savings, I going to save up the money and maybe take a trip to England.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Smoking

    WTG, TownHero! You can do it!

    I've now been smoke-free for 14 months after a 30 year, 2 pack a day habit.

    I gained 30 pounds, but have lost 10 of those. I'm working out and have the stamina to do 20 minutes of step aerobics every morning on WII-Fit, plus yoga and toning. It sucked that I had to buy new "fat" clothes, but overall it was worth it to have clean lungs and better skin.

    After watching my mom die of lung disease and my significant other gasp for breath in the ER, I wonder what took me so long to quit. I vowed I wouldn't make my kids and grandkids go through what I went through.

    I've saved enough money to go to Las Vegas, Costa Rica and soon - San Francisco.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Smoking

    I started smoking to lose weight, not to look cool. Now I just wish I could quit. As someone mentioned earlier, the whole one-cigarette-an-hour for the first week, then one every 90 mintutes, and so on worked for my aunt. I'm using the nicotine lozenge (i dont feel like looking up the spelling, so rag away if you must.)

    Another thing that helps is to start running. After a 5 mile run, the last thing you'll want is a cigarette.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Smoking

    If you have decent health insurance, it will pay for Chantix. After trying the lozenge, gum, spray, patch - all to no avail - I went the Chantix route. It targets the pleasure center of your brain and works (really) to make you not want or enjoy a smoke.

    As my doctor said - do you "cure" an alcoholic by giving him a beer? Then why give nicotine to someone trying to stop smoking?

    It's expensive - about $120 month without insurance. BCBS paid all but $12 co-pay. Of course, cigarettes cost a lot more.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Smoking

    Best of luck everyone. Stick with your goal.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  13. #63

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Another thing that helps is to start running. After a 5 mile run, the last thing you'll want is a cigarette.
    This doesn't have much to do with quitting smoking, but a few years ago, one of my neighbors took up running. The first day he was out, he came huffing and puffing up the last block towards his house. As he was coming down the street, his wife stepped out on the porch and started yelling, "Run, Forrest! Run!" LOL LOL I couldn't decide whether to cuss her for being heartless or to laugh because it was so funny!

  14. #64

    Default Re: Smoking

    Patients always tell me, "well I can't afford Chantix. I don't have insurance."

    Then I ask them..."well how much do you smoke?"

    Their response: "1 pack per day" or "2 packs per day"

    My response: Avg cost per pack of cigarettes: $5. Total cost per month if 1 pack per day smoker: 30 x $5 = $150. Total cost if 2 pack per day: 30 X $10 = $300.

    Cost of Chantix per month: $120. It's actually less than their smoking habit.

  15. Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Patients always tell me, "well I can't afford Chantix. I don't have insurance."

    Then I ask them..."well how much do you smoke?"

    Their response: "1 pack per day" or "2 packs per day"

    My response: Avg cost per pack of cigarettes: $5. Total cost per month if 1 pack per day smoker: 30 x $5 = $150. Total cost if 2 pack per day: 30 X $10 = $300.

    Cost of Chantix per month: $120. It's actually less than their smoking habit.
    Some live paycheck to paycheck, and only afford what they can buy for 2 weeks.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    The first day he was out, he came huffing and puffing up the last block towards his house. As he was coming down the street, his wife stepped out on the porch and started yelling, "Run, Forrest! Run!" LOL LOL I couldn't decide whether to cuss her for being heartless or to laugh because it was so funny!
    I'd go with laughing. I'm betting that sense of humor is one of the things he loves about her.

    And I'll bet she loves him back.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Some live paycheck to paycheck, and only afford what they can buy for 2 weeks.

    You can get some deep discount coupons from Pfizer - what you spend on smokes for two weeks would equal out.

    The thing is, in all fairness to those who are still smoking - you will quit when you are ready, or die a smoker. I never thought I would quit after being a 30 year, 2 pack a day huffer. I even used to joke that they'd pry my last cigarette from my cold fingers.

    Then I watched my mom die, gasping for breath, and my S.O. have lung surgery and nearly die. I realized that I wanted to see my grandson graduate from high school and college - something my mom did not get to do with her grandchildren. That was my glimmer of light.

    Quitting was the toughest thing I ever did, but also the best gift to myself and my family. Hell yes I'm proud - but I tried at least a dozen times before I did it. You gotta be ready - and no one can tell you that you are until it happens.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Smoking

    I've recently cleared five years, and there are STILL little triggers out there that truly mandate an effort to successfully avoid a return.

    Not every day, not even every quarter, but yeah, some triggers do still crop up from time to time. So far, so good.

  19. Default Re: Smoking

    isn't Chantix the stuff that causes alot of people to commit suicide??

  20. #70

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    isn't Chantix the stuff that causes alot of people to commit suicide??

    According to the FDA

    "Smoking cessation, with or without treatment, is associated with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and has also been associated with the exacerbation of underlying psychiatric illness."
    That being said - yes, there were a few reports, but no connection was established. Doctors were asked to keep an eye on their patients taking Chantix. I Googled and found one reported death and many (over 1000) reports of suicidal thoughts. No action was taken by the FDA except to require the statement to include side effects of possibility of depression, suicidal thoughts, urge to gamble, etc.

    (Look at the possible side effects of Viagra for a real scare. Of course if it lasts more than 4 hours you should call someone - a doctor or friends of your wife.)

  21. #71

    Default Re: Smoking

    Studies have been inconclusive. Most show no more suicides completed than placebo.

    And, congrats Lauri on quitting! You did it!

  22. #72

    Default Re: Smoking

    This Sunday marks my official quitting smoking date. I'm down to 5 cigs a day right now, except for those drinking nights...but school starts back up, summer is over, it's time for me to kick the habit all together. I'm trying the meds this time, we'll see. I hope it works and doesn't make me insane.

    Anyway, I had this website I used the last time I quit smoking that really helped keep me on track and I can't find it. It came with the packs of nicorette patches. It gave you daily workout routines, kept track of the money you save, food ideas, everything really. I've searched through every smoking website I could find via google and I can't find it. Does anyone know what this is?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    ...but school starts back up, summer is over, it's time for me to kick the habit all together. I'm trying the meds this time, we'll see. I hope it works and doesn't make me insane.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!

  24. #74

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    Anyway, I had this website I used the last time I quit smoking that really helped keep me on track and I can't find it. It came with the packs of nicorette patches. It gave you daily workout routines, kept track of the money you save, food ideas, everything really. I've searched through every smoking website I could find via google and I can't find it. Does anyone know what this is?
    First of all - good luck kmf! I've been smoke free now for 17 months and I know how much better I feel!

    Here are a couple of websites:

    and, for Chantix users:

    I used Chantix and I'm convinced that it was the best way to go. I had been patched, hypnotized, chewed gum, popped rubber bands - finally, Chantix did it. I was lucky - my insurance paid for all but $25 a month - but I would have paid the full price - it was that good!
    I smoked for over 35 years and I thought I would die a smoker. Now I'm living and have extra money for fun.
    - You can do it!

  25. #75

    Default Re: Smoking

    Thanks for the support guys! I appreciate it. Those websites are great but still not what I'm looking for. The one I used had a daily "to do" list that included workouts, busy activities, diet, and a journal to keep track of emotions and activities. It was great! I can't believe I can't find it.

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