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Thread: BoBo's Chicken

  1. #51

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    That's sad news that Bobo died.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    I had a friend who went there this weekend. Can we change the name of this thread now that the issue has been resolved?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    I was looking forward to going to Bobo's all day today...Only to find an empty lot just before 9 pm! I would think they'd had been open by then. Did I just go too early? Or are they gone for good? What's the deal??

  4. #54

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by henrybui View Post
    is bobo's back yet? i havent had this in years. moved to the carolinas then back, and then got deployed when i moved back. would love to get some tonight. anybody know?
    It got bought out by Hoho's Clams and Oysters.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    I heard it got shut down due to tax problems. Apparently he opened up at odd hours to avoid it, but it caught up to him. Just a rumor though.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Someone told me yesterday it was on like 23rd and MLK only open from like 11 to 2 to avoid tax problems and they actually went there, and its in a alley apparently. So please be careful if you all go there that late....

  7. #57

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Sounds like a lot of rumors, and speculation.
    I really hope it's not true.
    But if so, whatever the reason... Bobo's will be missed!

  8. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    The wife and I went there last in March of this year (photo). It was in their usual place, usual hours (6ish - 4am weekends).

    Not a huge fan of the food, just like the experience.

    Hope its not true they are gone for good. Every city needs these types of places.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    I went Friday. No Bobos. Sad face! I hope someone finds out what happened to them!

  10. #60

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    We have been 2 weekends in a row Friday & Saturday night and No BoBo's chicken it made me very sad I was so craving some honey smothered chicken!! My quest is not over yet I will continue to search for him!

  11. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    I made an inquiry and was told the current owner is/was an Andrew Robinson and that he was recently convicted of drug crimes and sent to prison and that other family members had no interest in running the chicken stand. Don't know if this is factual, but I consider the source usually pretty reliable.

    Can anyone confirm this?

  12. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Brian, you're out on those streets more than I am. If that's what you're hearing, it's probably as authoritative as anything else on this board.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I made an inquiry and was told the current owner is/was an Andrew Robinson and that he was recently convicted of drug crimes and sent to prison and that other family members had no interest in running the chicken stand. Don't know if this is factual, but I consider the source usually pretty reliable.

    Can anyone confirm this?
    You wouldn't happen to be Brian Bates the Video Vigilante would you?

  14. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    You wouldn't happen to be Brian Bates the Video Vigilante would you?

  15. #65

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I made an inquiry and was told the current owner is/was an Andrew Robinson and that he was recently convicted of drug crimes and sent to prison and that other family members had no interest in running the chicken stand. Don't know if this is factual, but I consider the source usually pretty reliable.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    No wonder Bobos chicken was addictive. Bobo was lacing the chicken with narcotics, everyone just thought it was the honey.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I made an inquiry and was told the current owner is/was an Andrew Robinson and that he was recently convicted of drug crimes and sent to prison and that other family members had no interest in running the chicken stand. Don't know if this is factual, but I consider the source usually pretty reliable.

    Can anyone confirm this?
    If he is not pimping hoes, why do you have an interest?

  17. #67

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by jstaylor62 View Post
    If he is not pimping hoes, why do you have an interest?
    Maybe he just really liked BOBO's chicken and missed it.
    Odd Q all in all.

  18. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by jstaylor62 View Post
    If he is not pimping hoes, why do you have an interest?
    I agree with Kevin, that is an odd question. But, maybe I just missed something in the whole speech to text transition.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Obviously you haven't been to Bobos or you would know why the vigilante likes it. 1. The chicken is fantastic. 2. Who do you think eats there at 2 and 3 in the morning? Drunks and hookers.

    I hope he isn't in prison. Really.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    The owner passed away and one of his crew struggled to keep on but it was not really profitable to run every weekend. In years past he would go thru 1800-2000 lbs of chicken in a weekend.

    Towards the end he was lucky to use 250lbs. I have spoke with the the last proprieter and if he feels there is a market he might return this summer.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    According to the bobo's Facebook group,

    "bobo's is back open! eating chicken now... nom nom nom nom nom. He took his kids and went on vacation. That's why they were closed." that was posted on Saturday 6/12

  22. Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by okyeah View Post
    According to the bobo's Facebook group,

    "bobo's is back open! eating chicken now... nom nom nom nom nom. He took his kids and went on vacation. That's why they were closed." that was posted on Saturday 6/12
    BoBo's Chicken | Facebook

  23. #73

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    Awesome of ronronnie to call us racists! Thanks for linking back to okctalk, it'll just increase our user base.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    hallelujah! I'll go by this weekend.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Does anyone know what happened to Bobo's chicken?

    we went yesterday early evening around 9ish and the food was amazing as usual.

    i know that part of the allure of this place is white suburb people driving to a poor black section of the city, but its really more hype than anything else. we drove around the neighborhood for a little bit afterwards and its really no different than lower income areas of edmond, moore, or norman. but if the owners food is good enough to have people drive back into the inner city after regular work hours and track down a food truck that parks in different locations then you know they have good food.

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