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Thread: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

  1. #51

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I have heard some not so good ideas for a landmark,but this is the coolest idea I have seen so far.Impressive indeed.Thanks for the link Writterranger.

  2. #52

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Yeah, originally the London Eye was just built for the Year 2000 for milennial celebrations, but it became so popular it's permanent now. It's synonymous with Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and other London icons, only this one is the icon of the new century. Of course should OKC do one, the Oklahoma River isn't the Thames, but it would still be way cool!

  3. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I don't think we should copy the London Eye anymore than we should copy the Space Needle or the Gateway Arch.

  4. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I don't think we should copy the London Eye anymore than we should copy the Space Needle or the Gateway Arch.
    I agree. But there are a lot of ways to build a Ferris Wheel. The "London Eye" is built as air-conditioned capsules that many people can get into. It's unique and should never be copied. But the concept is certainly nothing new to the world. But, can you imagine something of that magnitude near the intersection of two of America's major interstate highways? Talk about pulling off and checking something out. The only other place you would see something of that magnitude in the USA would be Las Vegas (but what isn't in Las Vegas?). Trust me, another American city will make the giant Ferris a major landmark. Why not OKC at the major intersecting east/west interstate highways?

    And how about this: OKC-IT-ALL. (or some variation thereof.)


  5. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Well, either way, it would be neat to see and get a boardwalk atmosphere going. It might not happen over night, but if we don't get started on it, it won't happen at all. Now is the time for Oklahoma to dump money back into the state during the centennial celebration (which is halfway over by the way) before we lose the momentum.

    I put an amusement ride in Bricktown for families to have a safe, fun time. I'm not getting rich from it but families are enjoying it and it's attracting people to the area (other merchants like it too). That's what it's all about.

    It takes action to bring attraction.

  6. #56

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    What about a 30 - 40 ft tornado shaped monument, with say 5 -10 foot hoops that rotated around in sections at different times so as you were driving or just standing there looking at it you would get the appearance of a rotating tornado funnel. Just something silly I thought up, but might be cool looking if done right.

  7. #57

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I don't think we should copy the London Eye anymore than we should copy the Space Needle or the Gateway Arch.

    Well okay, but I don't want to pave over the Bricktown Canal just because San Antonio had one first!!!

  8. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Actually Spartan, I could care less if someone "trusted me" on this issue of the carousel. You were the one calling me out as a phony and wanted evidence, so I told you where you could find evidence. Many people on this site know and have acknowledged that I've posted information on unannounced projects that have/ or soon will come to fruition. My past posts speak for themselves, just as you have found the evidence you were looking for on this one that proves it was announced what 1 year after I posted it first?? The Centennial Commission has been all over this one quietly and other big names. Hopefully they can come up with a puny $2 million and put this on the river and make a boardwalk. That would be a huge asset to the city.
    Give me some track history.

  9. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    I agree. But there are a lot of ways to build a Ferris Wheel. The "London Eye" is built as air-conditioned capsules that many people can get into. It's unique and should never be copied. But the concept is certainly nothing new to the world. But, can you imagine something of that magnitude near the intersection of two of America's major interstate highways? Talk about pulling off and checking something out. The only other place you would see something of that magnitude in the USA would be Las Vegas (but what isn't in Las Vegas?). Trust me, another American city will make the giant Ferris a major landmark. Why not OKC at the major intersecting east/west interstate highways?

    And how about this: OKC-IT-ALL. (or some variation thereof.)

    Houston has a Ferris wheel as an accompaniment to the Downtown Aquarium. I suppose that might count.

  10. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by SpectralMourning View Post
    Houston has a Ferris wheel as an accompaniment to the Downtown Aquarium. I suppose that might count.
    Oh, there are a lot of Ferris wheels. I just checked and the "Diving Bell" Ferris wheel at the Houston Aquarium is 100-feet tall - and that's actually a BIG Ferris wheel! But, to put that in perspective, the London Eye is 450 feet tall. No American city has a Ferris anywhere close to that. (Yet, as I said earlier, Las Vegas will soon. But, that's just Las Vegas. Lost in the shuffle.) A huge Ferris along the river would be a huge attraction and quite an eye-opener at I-35 and I-40. An attraction like that brings traffic. Traffic brings people to LBT, Bricktown, Oklahoma City. It brings visitors and money. I honestly feel it's something that would make Oklahoma City, not just a stopover, but a destination and gateway to explore everything else we have to offer. Click on the thumbnail of the London Eye and then view the original image (there's a link at the bottom of the picture). Something akin to this kind of landmark would set the country talking. A big centennial year announcement would be huge.


  11. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    A huge Ferris along the river would be a huge attraction and quite an eye-opener at I-35 and I-40. An attraction like that brings traffic. Traffic brings people to LBT, Bricktown, Oklahoma City. It brings visitors and money. I honestly feel it's something that would make Oklahoma City, not just a stopover, but a destination and gateway to explore everything else we have to offer. Click on the thumbnail of the London Eye and then view the original image (there's a link at the bottom of the picture). Something akin to this kind of landmark would set the country talking. A big centennial year announcement would be huge.
    Writerranger, have you submitted this idea on the Maps3 site? I would if you haven't.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Sorry, but there is no way I would support MAPS money to be used on a carnival ride. I want actual MASS useage projects. Give me transportation improvements, or civic works or something, but not a ferris wheel.

  13. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Writerranger, have you submitted this idea on the Maps3 site? I would if you haven't.
    Hi Karrie....

    No, I have never thought of it in MAPS terms. I'm afraid, even though it would be a huge attraction to our city, that people would think exactly like bombermwc. It's funny when you think of it - it's apparently okay for cities to build stadiums for for football teams, arenas for basketball teams, but something that doesn't involve adults playing games for millions of dollars is considered a "carnival ride."

    BTW, I love football and basketball as much as the next guy, it was just a point. And to describe a giant Ferris, like the London Eye, as a "carnival ride," is like calling the Shuttle a silly flying machine. But it's for thinking like that why it probably would have to be a private development. Cities should only get involved if it involves sports (sarcasm). Have a good weekend Karrie!


  14. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by SpectralMourning View Post
    Houston has a Ferris wheel as an accompaniment to the Downtown Aquarium. I suppose that might count.
    There's also a water thingy that kids run around in. Let's make that an official MAPS project.

    I remember the good ol' days when we used to dream big for MAPS.

  15. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    There's also a water thingy that kids run around in. Let's make that an official MAPS project.
    I remember the good ol' days when we used to dream big for MAPS.
    Typical sarcasm from Spartan. And you wonder why a lot of people have problems with your presence here? It's almost like you want disruption in order to promote your own competing forum. I don't get it. Anyway.....

    Did you read where I said it would never fly as a MAPS project? But, a 450-foot Giant Ferris similar to the London Eye would not be BIG? I think that's dreaming pretty big. That would be a bigger attraction than a lot of things we all talk about here. Did you look at the pictures? No way can you say something like that would not be dreaming big.


  16. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post

    Typical sarcasm from Spartan. And you wonder why a lot of people have problems with your presence here? It's almost like you want disruption in order to promote your own competing forum. I don't get it. Anyway.....
    thank you for saying what I was about to

  17. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I'm not promoting squat besides good common sense and something significant that would actually improve OKC. And besides, you were supposed to laugh, as it was a joke about the person who's MAPS III proposal was a water fountain. I of course didn't post in that thread because I was pretty dumbfounded to be honest.

    I am fixing to come out with a Maps III proposal of my own that will have maps, charts, statistics I've been working on, and details on the $$$ side of the matters.

    I think OKC can afford a little more than a water fountain or a carousel or a ferris wheel when it comes to MAPS III proposals. That might all be a nice component of a much larger MAPS III proposal, but something like that does not deserve to be considered a single MAPS project.

    As for a giant ferris wheel, I do not believe we need a ferris wheel that is as tall as our current tallest skyscraper.

    Here's a special challenge that goes out to my pissy detractors, most notably, metro and writerranger who have lately earned a special place in my heart: When you want to slam something I have to say or me in general each time I make a post, instead of using my background in running a real urban enthusiast forum and actual website, why don't you come up with something that is actually relevant? Thank you.

  18. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I'm not promoting squat besides good common sense and something significant that would actually improve OKC. And besides, you were supposed to laugh, as it was a joke about the person who's MAPS III proposal was a water fountain. I of course didn't post in that thread because I was pretty dumbfounded to be honest.

    I am fixing to come out with a Maps III proposal of my own that will have maps, charts, statistics I've been working on, and details on the $$$ side of the matters.

    I think OKC can afford a little more than a water fountain or a carousel or a ferris wheel when it comes to MAPS III proposals. That might all be a nice component of a much larger MAPS III proposal, but something like that does not deserve to be considered a single MAPS project.

    As for a giant ferris wheel, I do not believe we need a ferris wheel that is as tall as our current tallest skyscraper.

    Here's a special challenge that goes out to my pissy detractors, most notably, metro and writerranger who have lately earned a special place in my heart: When you want to slam something I have to say or me in general each time I make a post, instead of using my background in running a real urban enthusiast forum and actual website, why don't you come up with something that is actually relevant? Thank you.

    Frankly, you're doing it again. I am not slamming your background in running another OKC forum. What I, and a lot of other people object to, is the constant baiting with sarcastic remarks. You keep this feud running with Metro with such dripping sarcasm and immaturity that it makes one wonder if it's not intentional disruption of this forum, to promote your own. That's where my mentioning your website comes into the equation. Reading between the lines of your posts can be a full-time job. For example:
    "...instead of using my background in running a real urban enthusiast forum and actual website..."
    (Bolded words above are my emphasis.)

    What are you inferring, Spartan? Seriously! We get your obvious slam against this site with that comment and don't appreciate it. If you don't like being called out on this kind of stuff - then why not stop doing it or, as I suggest often, tend to your own "real" forum and "real" website. Simple.


  19. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I thought in a forum someone who is attacked would get to attack back. When you attack me I am going to attack back.

    I am not keeping a feud running with Metro. Its the posters on this forum such as yourself and Metro who have thus far drawn this out into perpetuity. You are absolutely slamming my background because you have nothing else to do. When I asked you to cut the bull in the other thread this is what I was talking about. My background has nothing to do with this, but it sure makes for feud material.

    Why is it that posters like you seem to be dragging out the long-gone bad diplomacy between me and Todd when EVERYONE INVOLVED has long come to terms and made up. Let's face it. You were not involved. You are a nobody when it comes to mention of the disputes me and Todd have had. And yes, that dispute led to me parting ways for a while when I swore I would never be back here again. Which is even more evidence that I would not be back here if I did not want to be back here again and if me and Todd had not come to peaceable terms.

    I lost a lot in that dispute. I lost some credibility, but more importantly, I was next-in-line with Patrick and Midtowner in terms of post count at the time that me and Midtowner got up and left. Both me and Midtowner lost a place that we had previously enjoyed being leading members at. We enjoyed the debate and I've been trying to gain that back.

    All I am saying is to grow up and stop perpetuating this feud. If you think I've thought it was funny, you're wrong -- I don't appreciate your resurfacing long-gone disputes between people the DO NOT INCLUDE YOU. Nobody that was involved appreciates this of you two, trust me on that.

    Now can we all grow up and move on? That's what this thread was supposed to accomplish. If this thread is successful then OKC Talk stands to infinitely gain by putting this stuff behind us.
    Last edited by Karried; 04-07-2007 at 07:19 AM.

  20. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    ...so how bout them carousels?

  21. #71

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I kind of like the tornado idea. With some brain storming I think this could turn into a viable concept.

  22. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    And besides, you were supposed to laugh, as it was a joke about the person who's MAPS III proposal was a water fountain. I of course didn't post in that thread because I was pretty dumbfounded to be honest.
    Wow. I think it was OBVIOUS that the fountain idea was not intended to be the only aspect of MAPS III. That poster suggested a massive, landmark water feature downtown along with fountains all over the city. He even gave the website for a company that could design such a landmark. Yet you demean him as if he proposed a drinking fountain as a MAPS project. I don't apprecite it.

  23. #73

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I don't know... the Carousel thing is starting to grow on me. Kind of Western, Nostalgic, but undeniably fun. Another reason not to drive on through... I think it'd go good with Bricktown. Have a great sound system hooked up to it, might be pretty cool.

  24. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I just don't think it's worthy of being called MAPS. It's a tourist attraction, not a civic project, which is what MAPS is all about. I understand how it can be a main center for development, but should we rather spend money on something like that instead of something that can daily benefit thousands of OKC residents?

    I don't think anyone could argue that it would be a far different turn for MAPS than in the previous projects. I think the closest you could get would be the trolley busses, and that's a stretch.

  25. #75

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    When I was in Singapore recently they were building there own version of the London Eye.

    The Singapore Flyer

    I'm in agreement this type of thing isn't my prefered choice of how to spend tax revenue!

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