Kilpatrick Turnpike to be widened
By Brian Brus
Journal Record
Oklahoma City reporter
Posted: 06:29 PM Tuesday, January 17, 2012

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Kilpatrick Turnpike in the northern part of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area will be widened from four lanes to six, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority officials said Tuesday.

The turnpike, the first phase of which was opened 20 years ago, is quickly running out of capacity for traffic, Deputy Director Tim Stewart said. Annual automobile growth has been 3 percent to 5 percent, and traffic has reached an average of more than 55,000 vehicles per day on its busiest section.

However, original plans allowed for that to happen someday, with extra space in the median intended for widening. So most of the work on the project won’t spill out to Memorial Road running parallel to the turnpike, Stewart said. No new right of way will be required.

The project, estimated at $60 million, is comprised of about eight miles from MacArthur Boulevard to Eastern Avenue, including eight bridges. Stewart said construction will replace the BNSF Railroad bridge as well, which raised some concerns from Oklahoma City Council members with the development of a commuter transit system in mind.

Authority officials said BNSF has asked for enough space for future expansion of a second track, but no intent has been clarified for commuter rail yet. The state Transportation Department is also working with BNSF and project managers.

City Hall for several years has been planning the development of a central hub for multimodal transit to include bus and rail. Some of the city’s MAPS 3 sales tax issue projects are expected to tie into the system, and the placement of a new convention center takes the hub into consideration.

Stewart said the authority will also provide a Kilpatrick Turnpike noise barrier near Eastern Avenue to protect the interests of The Oaks neighborhood nearby.

Final plans for the project are due Feb. 7, with bids awarded March 2. Construction is expected to begin in April. The full project will take two years to complete. Stewart said contract details will include clear periods during the heaviest holiday shopping traffic in November and December.

The authority was created by the state Legislature in 1947 to operate and maintain the turnpike system across the state, which now totals about 600 miles. The authority receives no tax revenues; all repairs and operations are paid by tolls, and major projects are covered by bonds that are also paid covered by tolls. Stewart said bond funds have already been secured to widen Kilpatrick and the work will not affect current toll rates. Cash plazas will remain in place.