1a. Eliminate the off-ramp from I-240 to Walker
1b. Lengthen the on-ramp from Western to I-240, since the Walker off-ramp would be gone
1c. New Exit 2 will be for Western and Walker
2. Eliminate the on-ramp from Walker to I-240
3a. Create 4th EB lane first as acceleration lane from Shields, then as exit-only lane for I-35 South
3b. Keep Interstate 240 3 lanes in each direction throughout the Interstate 35 interchange, not just on overpasses
1a. Create 4th WB lane as acceleration lane from I-35 South, then as exit-only lane for Shields
1b. Straighten out off-ramp from I-240 to Shields
1c. Extend acceleration ramp from Shields through Santa Fe overpass, instead of stopping prior to it like it does now
2. Eliminate the on-ramp from Santa Fe to I-240
3. Eliminate the on-ramp from Walker to I-240