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Thread: OKC Zoo

  1. Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Last pic.....

  2. #52

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    We went last weekend. The baby was a bit wobbly, a great time to go!

  3. #53

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    BBates, thanks for the images. It's been awhile since I've been up there and while I heard of the improvements, I was not expecting this.
    Looks like I need to get back by the zoo when my granddaughter rolls in for her unkie's graduation later this month.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    I love our zoo. Thanks for all the updates.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Thanks for sharing... That new exhibit looks fantastic.

    I was last at the zoo a few years ago and it had been about 15 since my previous trip. It was so different I had a hard time orienting myself.

    I did notice the pachyderm area was pretty much unchanged since the early 60's, which I found somewhat cool from a nostalgia perspective. But of course, it was badly outdated.

    I wonder if they kept the 40 year-old Mold-a-Rama machines anywhere???

  6. Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    I wonder if they kept the 40 year-old Mold-a-Rama machines anywhere???
    I saw some last year. lolol

    I remember getting some of those a long time ago.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    The zoo really needs to update it's website. They don't even have a current park map (just says 'Coming Soon') and the elephant exhibit is listed as under construction with very little other information. For a first-class operation then really should do a better job with this.

    Here is a photo I took in September 2007. I know those machines have been around since the mid-60's:

  8. Default Re: Okc zoo!

    We went at opening this morning. The baby elephant is too cute. She was playing on one of the downed trees placed for them to play with. She got high-centered and had to wiggle around for a few minutes to get off. When she did she ran across the field as toward momma as fast as she could go. If we could speak elephant I'm sure we would have heard "MOMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!". There's also a new litter of prairie dogs that couldn't be more cute.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    It's been several years since I visited the zoo, and with friends visiting from Tulsa, we took the time to go on Saturday (think we missed BBates by an hour or two).

    Things I was impressed with:

    Overall design and flow of things. Top notch facilities, great overlook, viewing areas. It was wonderful to see the animals in a much more natural environment than in the early days where they were really caged in the small almost all-rock viewing areas. It's evident how far the zoo has come from the early days, and it's also evident there are still areas that are in need of improvement, but with obvious leanings towards great new features ahead.

    The Oklahoma Trails: I hadn't seen this since it opened two years ago. What a superb way to feature wildlife found in and around Oklahoma. Even species you know are around you pretty much every day, but don't see, was neat to see. I was very impressed with the scope of this exihbit, especially the bird areas, the "night creature" barn, and even the aquatic area. They really did a very thorough job representing the state through its wildlife. We happened across the back side of this area as we were getting ready to leave. It was apparently feeding time. It was fun seeing the coyote and grey wolf whine and twirl around, just like my dogs do when they know food is on the way. Even the white-tail deer were getting excited and nudging at the door as if they knew a staff member was getting ready to walk through with a big bowl of feed.

    The Great Escape: What a magnificent area. With two individual groups of gorilla, orangatans and chips, this was a fabulous exhibit that really spoke a great deal of the conservation efforts taken globally to save some of these species. It was also really neat to see the gorillas interact in a very natural way with one another. They would play amongst themselves, then come up right at the window and just watch us human folk with great curiosity.

    The Asian / Elephant Exhibit. Wow! What a superb area. Not just the main overlook where Asha, Melee and her aunt are, but the entire surrounding area. Fabulous architecture, with a viewing amphitheatre for educational purposes and lots of room for the elephants to romp, as Melee grows and they begin to expand her world. Of course, she was the star attraction, absolutely adorable venturing off from her mom and aunt just a bit, only to get spooked, and as SoonerSoftail said, come RUNNING back as if mentally screaming "MOMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!" Too cute! Really, everyone should go to watch her. It's truly mesmerizing to see how she explores her world.

    There is signage next to this that says the land will soon be used for new development for their "Asian Exploration." They'll move the black rino, some cat species and hopefully some other species to this area. If it is anything like the elephant overlook and area, it will be spectacular.

    A small miss: I hope they do something with the giraffes soon (maybe move them over to the Asian area, although they're an African animal). Their barn seemed particularly small for such large animals. I'd love to see a larger tundra area where they have multiple hooved animals all grazing and enjoying their spot of land together.

    As for those Mold-O-Ramas, unless they have them in the gift shop or their canopy restaurant (where we did NOT go), I think they're gone, and I kept my eye out for them, as they were one of my favorite things as a child. I really wanted to get one for nostalgia purposes.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    I love the mold a rama machines... i tried to collect every animal the machine offered.. okay lets name them all.. There was the elephant,polar bear,,lion,jaguar,eagle,giraffe,gorilla,dolphin,rh ino.. umm i might be missing some... i loved them.. they need to bring them back .. i hate the crank the penny intoa stamp thing, it sucks

  11. #61

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    here is the zoos master plan for the next 8 years..

    •2013: Set out on an excursion to explore Expedition Asia. See and learn about exotic and endangered species and plants from Asia!
    •2013: New Veterinarian Hospital: This state-of-the-art facility will help our vet staff enhance the already professional healthcare for our 2,000+ animals. Behind-the-scenes viewing opportunities will be available, too!
    •2015: Giraffe Habitat: Watch giraffes graze as you enjoy a worldly dining experience in the brand new African-style restaurant and events center.
    •2017: Herpetarium Relocation: The Zoo’s Canopy Restaurant will be transformed into a new Herpetarium featuring a diverse collection of reptiles and amphibians.
    •2019: Noble Aquatic Center: Aquaticus Renovation: Aquaticus is in need of an extreme makeover! Remodeling for this favorite attraction will include interactive aquariums, and potential to bring in bigger species, like sharks.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    More on the Mold-a-Ramas...

    Internet research indicates there are still about 70 of these around, mainly at zoos in the middle of the country. They were introduced in the early 60's but haven't been manufactured in over 40 years.

    There were six of the machines at the zoo until recently; not sure if any or all remain. The picture above is from the pachyderm building but there was/is also one near the seals and lions.

    Sounds like after all this time, the machines are still popular.

  13. Default Re: Okc zoo!

    I personally didn see any of the Mold-A-Rama machines. But I wasn't looking for them either. Usually though you smell them before you see them.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    ahhh the smell of childhood memories lol, i remember burning my hand on one of them as a kid, my mother always told me to hold it upside down until it cooled off.. MEMORIES

  15. #65

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    My friends from out of country didn't believe me until I took them to our zoo. It really is amazing! With the new elephant exhibit open I've begun warning people that the zoo is really a two day adventure if you want to do it properly.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    I'm headed to the Zoo with my grandaughters pre-K class, I'll post my veiws of the new elephant exhibit, if I make it back alive. LOL

  17. #67

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    The zoo is top-notch and one of the main reasons I frequent OKC. The Oklahoma Trails exhibit is superb; I love the Nocturnal Barn. The zoo is such a great asset to the city; you all should be proud.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Hi okctalk friends, i contact the zoo through facebook, they have taken all the mold-a-ramas out of the okc zoo it costed to much to maintain them. I understand but i hope they put something other then coin presses in their places

  19. #69

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Aw, that's really bad news about the Mold-a-Ramas. I'm sure they were a pain to deal with but they were also one of the last ties to my childhood of the zoo.

    You can't stop progress!

  20. Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Thanks to the Bates for sharing the pic's with the baby. The exibit is larger than life. I have seen it
    minus the baby. And as I am typing this I realize today was the last day for the discounted zoo pass
    from Mathis Brothers. I missed it!! Oh well, full price is still a good deal, and our zoo is awesome!


  21. #71

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    I have a Zoo question. As a child there were some white chickens in the walk in front of the gorilla area. You would put a dime in the machine and a light would come on. The chicken would start dancing and a small amount of feed would come out and the chicken would quickly devour it. On the other side there was a fortune telling chicken that used the same principal. I heard from someone or on some TV show that hot plates were used to get the chicken to perform? Does anyone know if the OKC used this procedure back in the mid to late 60's? Also the train was a fun ride as well at the old Springlake Alpine Sky-way that was relocated to the Zoo.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    The OKC Zoo: Better Than The San Diego Zoo (Seriously) - OKC.NET

    Having never been to the San Diego Zoo, I can't possibly say. But it's a good read, anyway.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    The OKC zoo really is an awesome zoo in my opinion. If I were to change one thing about it, I would redesign the big cat exhibits to make them easier to see, especially the lion exhibit. Other than that, it is an outstanding attraction and a great place to take visitors.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    The OKC zoo really is an awesome zoo in my opinion. If I were to change one thing about it, I would redesign the big cat exhibits to make them easier to see, especially the lion exhibit. Other than that, it is an outstanding attraction and a great place to take visitors.
    They used to have them in smaller enclosures but just built the new facility to give the proper room and privacy.

    Like most animals, they are most active early in the morning or near and after dusk. During the day they are generally looking for a quiet, private place to sleep.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Okc zoo!

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    The OKC Zoo: Better Than The San Diego Zoo (Seriously) - OKC.NET

    Having never been to the San Diego Zoo, I can't possibly say. But it's a good read, anyway.
    I've been and the San Diego Zoo is just on another level. There is no comparison. I'd say our zoo is the best in the region though!

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