Cycletrack protected bike lanes
A busy avenue like Classen will require some kind of protected bike lanes. Talked with a few bikers who are familiar with the bike trails in OKC. Many of the street bike lanes are unprotected; therefore it's the drivers who need to be more aware of their existence. One in particular is NW 39th Street between Youngs Blvd., & Penn Avenue.
My brother & his wife frequent the Oklahoma River bike trails on weekends; they do not trust the streets. I use to jog those river trails, now the weekend bike traffic has become so intense that my activities are restricted to the downtown YMCA upper track over the gym, pool & the weight rooms.
It will take time for bikers to feel the trust needed to use bike lanes on busy avenues especially the unprotected ones:!4d-97.547068
Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center: The cost of a five-foot bicycle lane can range from approximately $5,000 to $535,000 per mile, with an average cost around $130,000. The costs can vary greatly due to differences in project specifications and the scale and length of the treatment.