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Thread: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

  1. #51

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Go for it I say.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Before everybody says "Let's do this" Mustang is super small and OKC stands to benefit immensely from Mustang "bursting at the seams". Mustang is growing rapidly and they will quickly run out of area to expand forcing expansion into OKC territory and increasing tax revenues.

    I'm very serious about the RTA thing. Hold onto the land and when it comes time to push for the RTA, make some guarantees that they will receive viable transit service to other parts of the metro especially to downtown, and then just give them the land (exceedingly more than they're currently asking for) for their agreement to participate in the x% sales-tax revenue that goes toward the RTA.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    I remember when we all got excited about finally getting our first stop light at Mustang Road and Hwy 152. It has grown a bit.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    I think they're playing small ball. Annex all the way to the river!
    Whatever the amount though, put a clause in there to prohibit building any not for profit, tax free organizations.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Of note apparently Yukon is in similar negotiations with OKC currently.
    The most logical place I could see Yukon annexing land would be near i40 & Frisco, since Yukon is thinking about funding entrances & exits to i40 there 2020-ish.

    South of 10th around Garth Brooks might be a place they might try but I think OKC may already have enough infrastructure there it would not be as plausible.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    I say we set up a Thunderdome, OKC City Council versus Mustang's, whoever wins takes some land.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    I think they're playing small ball. Annex all the way to the river!
    Whatever the amount though, put a clause in there to prohibit building any not for profit, tax free organizations.
    I think a lot of resident in that area would be on board honestly.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Moore doesn't want to retain their history? Fine with me. It's a crap place to live and with less history preserved it will be even Moore crap(see what I did there ).
    Just curious....have you ever lived in Moore? Or, are you just spouting off crap that you have no clue about? Moore has all the basic things a person needs and the people who live in Moore are resilient when faced with overwhelming tragedies. My parents chose to live in Moore and are quite happy. I live in S OKC and my kids go to Moore Schools and although I would like a few more locally owned restaurants, living down here is great. I can well afford to live anywhere in OKC or the burbs and this is where I choose. I lived in Heritage Hills before moving here and have lived 20 different places in two different continents, three different countries and 7 different states so I have a little bit of life experience to be able to know that the people living in the communities are what makes a great community. There are reasons I don't want to live in Edmond, Gallardia, Deer Creek, etc but those are based on my wants, needs, and current lifestyle. It does not make those communities crap communities just because I don't want to live there.

  9. Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Just curious....have you ever lived in Moore? Or, are you just spouting off crap that you have no clue about?
    He was just lashing out at me egging him on about speeding.... I thought it was pretty funny myself.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    He was just lashing out at me egging him on about speeding.... I thought it was pretty funny myself.

    I caught that. I rather enjoy your postings about your "little BBQ adventures". I mean, it isn't as it didn't take you multiple weekends researching and visiting the places and hours compiling the data before you just whipped it out. Not like you haven't been to judging schools or anything like that.

    I normally just rack up most everything said as lack of experience but that one comment was more than immaturity showing through.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Why? Why not establish a code that governs land use instead of getting rid of land we might need in the future to grow into?

    We'll probably need it since half of the people on here don't want tall buildings and instead want smaller buildings that take up more space for urban infill.
    Lol. See Washington DC.

  12. Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    I caught that. I rather enjoy your postings about your "little BBQ adventures".
    Thanks! ...... Now to get us half way back on track..... Maybe someone will open a new Q-raunt in this area so I can write another silly little BBQ adventure about it.... Hopefully one not named Billy Sims or Rib Crib.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Well, it's often brought up about how large OKC land area is, and how much of it isn't utilized.
    Second, if there isn't infrastructure already out there on OKC's behalf, it only makes sense that this would be a better fit to be accounted into Mustang limits.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Thanks! ...... Now to get us half way back on track..... Maybe someone will open a new Q-raunt in this area so I can write another silly little BBQ adventure about it.... Hopefully one not named Billy Sims or Rib Crib.
    I Can always talk BBQ. I have 45 lbs of brisket on the Fast Eddy right now. Trying one with Kozmo's rub with the dehydrated honey. But...back to Mustang. I am surprised that there really isn't a good Q joint over there. If there is...I have missed it as all I see is Swadleys, Rib Crib and Billy Sims. I haven't even seen a good BBQ trailer set up over there.

    Mustang talks about being out of room but I still see plenty of areas along 152 coming into town that could be filled.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Looks like the land they want has now expanded in some areas and other areas have changed. Here is the most recent article in the paper.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    I go down HWY 4 to catch the turnpike spur into Norman. This is some low lying area and I thought it was a farm. I know the decedents of many a old time family farm are selling out because the profit margin is shrinking for smaller farms and developers walk in talking major money. I am not anti-religion but please, no more Churches. Unless it's the fried chicken place.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    What I find ironic is the original area they wanted to annex is completely absent from this latest area.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    What I find ironic is the original area they wanted to annex is completely absent from this latest area.
    It looks like the more recent area proposed is entirely farmland (from the article sounds like owned by one guy), the original proposed area has a small development with some buildings and the property probably split among several owners, it is almost surely a longer process if that is even what everyone who owns property there and both cities want.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Yet more in the paper about this, Mustang passed the resolution.


  20. #70

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Been awhile since I've seen anything about this, but I noticed it showed up on the council agenda for OKC finally. Looks like recommendation is to deny it. I'm guessing OKC doesn't want to lose out on the potential for businesses going in which I know is the long term goal along Sara road.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land


  22. #72

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Been awhile since I've seen anything about this, but I noticed it showed up on the council agenda for OKC finally. Looks like recommendation is to deny it. I'm guessing OKC doesn't want to lose out on the potential for businesses going in which I know is the long term goal along Sara road.
    If so, how very "big league" of Oklahoma City.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  23. #73

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Been awhile since I've seen anything about this, but I noticed it showed up on the council agenda for OKC finally. Looks like recommendation is to deny it. I'm guessing OKC doesn't want to lose out on the potential for businesses going in which I know is the long term goal along Sara road.
    Oklahoma City needs MORE of this, not less! We have wayyyy too much incorporated land and yes, there are business considerations, but along with that come expenses that OKC should begin cutting back on. Just my opinion, but I know it's shared by many at City Hall.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    it'll be interesting to see what comes of this.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Mustang wants to annex OKC land

    That's intriguing, seems as if OKC is being greedy at a point where they really don't need to be. Just give the small tract of land to Mustang already, it'll only benefit both cities.

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