Re: Streetcar
the bus system is really in a chicken and egg scenario. but most of us realize that the chicken came first since the egg is its reproduction.
IMO, OKC has been using the 'egg' as the excuse here, that people need to move into a dense area in order for bus service to begin. I don't totally disagree BUT I think there are things the city can do to encourage demand in existing, ignored, already dense enough areas. I'll outline my suggestions below:
1) Neighborhood engagement: The city needs to identify existing dense clusters (and OKC does have them outside of the core) and conduct surveys and meetings on how people use/would use transit. This could be a combination of after work town hall sessions, mailers, internet, and social media - get the data on where people work, how many, and what options they currently use. Once you have this data, you can then prioritize transit locations to serve the most pax and get them to their destinations or an easy transfer if the route system is employed (highly recommended).
2) Implement MASS TRANSIT. OKC is currently too hyper-focused on local and destination transit (which tends to attract lower incomes in the inner city btw) that we are missing the bulk of transit likely users, those in and near the suburbs who would commute in. If we complete step 1, identification - then we should implement Park N Ride, Transit Centers, and Commuter points where a MASS of people in a density cluster could walk/park/eventually local bus to said commuter point and the mass transit aka commuter bus bring them into the city. If enough of the masses needs to go to a suburb and/or destination then there could be commuter routes serving those spots. To me, this is what is missing the most in OKC, the 1st and 2nd miles of transit for the bulk of the population of the metro area. Solve this and there is an instant boost in ridership far beyond what's being obtained currently with the inner city/destination focus.
3) More "local" bus options: As steps 1 and 2 mature, we need to get more local buses serving those commuter points. These would be routes local to that neighborhood that would not go downtown but instead would feed the commuter point and riders would transfer to downtown or popular destination by the commuter bus. The local bus is the 1st mile but I think in a city like OKC it needs to be implemented after step 2 above (the 2nd mile) since our density clusters are scattered and end destinations are likely just as scattered.
I imagine just completing these 3 steps would go a very long way to inviting transit usage for MOST of the posters in this thread who've mentioned they don't have a bus that connects to Embark or one that goes to their job on Broadway/Britton. The surveys would identify these riders and this destination, implementing the route would encourage ridership (why not, right?) which would feed the overall system.
Now, IMO we are doing the exact same thing with the streetcar. Step 1 has been completed (sort of); the destinations/venues were identified and the route was selected based on efficient usage of track. Step 2 is being completed with the trains being bought and the track being laid. Step 3 moreso depends on other modes (walking, biking, scooter, local bus, eventual light rail, eventual commuter bus, eventual commuter rail, etc) because the streetcar is the last mile for most journeys. The first mile is what we need to work on next WHILE we expand the streetcar to create an urban network, the bus system and streetcar are not competitors - we just need the same level of analytics and political involvement in the bus system that we've had with the streetcar to make the transit system as a whole what most of us really want - and there wouldn't need to be much moving to 'existing' transit stops.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!