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Thread: Devon Energy Center

  1. #6701

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    I thought the mech floors were the two top floors, not the dining we have heard about.

  2. #6702

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Typically the Rooftops are less than beautiful becuase they are not seen very often and typically, and in this case also, house mechanical functions. So where as we have been blessed with a nice three sided glass curtainwall that screens much of this, It would be suprising to see any glazing for the roof.

  3. #6703

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    New shot I took today, from midtown.

  4. #6704

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Great pic! I think this is the best angle of downtown. On wikipedia's pictures for the top 50 cities by population (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_..._by_population) there is a terrible pic from the highway. This should replace it IMHO...

  5. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    For those here who took time to post on some other forums and speak out for OKC, I salute you this 4th of July!

  6. #6706

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    For those here who took time to post on some other forums and speak out for OKC, I salute you this 4th of July!
    ^^And I salute back to you!Happy Fourth to you and yours!

  7. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    I peruse skyscraperpage.com for the pics, not the misinformed comments. I really don't want this building to finish, it's been too dadgone fun.

  8. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    I'm actually looking forward to it being finished. Having devoted the past year on actively going down there regularly and taking up the project of recording the construction, I'm ready to move on to something new. After the building is topped out, there's still quite a bit left to do until 2012. It will be great to walk in after it opens and taking an elevator to the top. However I do hope sometime soon after this is all done that another big visible project is on the horizon. Perhaps SandRidge...
    I'm thinking of doing the Skydance Bridge.

  9. #6709

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    ... Perhaps SandRidge... I'm thinking of doing the Skydance Bridge.
    The next boathouse or two ... Aloft, Level, water rapids project, Apts. at old Mercy site, new school, demo of Stage Center (should it go that way), etc.

  10. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Yeah I know there's a lot of projects... but I have a full time job. There's no way I can do all of those. The apartments are already pretty far along. We'll see what happens I guess.

  11. #6711

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Today, a building permit was issued for $600,000 to create a pedestrian walkway at 100 N. Harvey (address of east Galleria parking garage -- the one not owned by Devon).

    I just talked to the architect that is handling this and he said that the walkway will actually be inside that east garage on the 3rd floor. They are taking some parking spaces and creating a link from the Devon complex through the structure and tying it into the skybridge that connects the east garage with Oklahoma Tower (pictured below):

  12. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Got a thoughtful reply back from Devon. Hope they don't mind me posting some of it here. Here's a short excerpt -

    Thank you for sharing your videos of the project. We appreciate your interest and documentation efforts. It is clear that you have devoted an incredible amount of time and energy to them and it is remarkable to see the progress captured in such a creative way. We understand the importance of preserving history with photography and video, as we are also documenting the construction. Thank you for ensuring we are aware of your efforts. We will keep your contact information on hand.
    Thanks again for your shared interest in Oklahoma City.

  13. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    UnFrSaKn, you've got yourself a job at Devon!!! I wonder when they will call you up for something. :-D

  14. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Here some pix I took yesterday. Most of them was from the Water Taxi ride. :-)

    I was trying to figure out the settings on my phone (Samsung Epic) due to the bright sun being a "background light" so there was a bunch of panic pix in a hurry trying to take as much as I could in between settings. Only the few that I found to be the best.

  15. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Here's my take on the July 3 Bricktown fireworks. Better watch before they take it down for copyright infringement or something.

  16. #6716

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Thanks for the FiReWoRkS!!!!l.......and everything else you do!!!!!!!!!

  17. #6717

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Wish I could watch it, but the option is unavailable on my android... go figure!

  18. #6718

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    A SketchUp model of what the new skyline will look like in just several weeks!

  19. #6719

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    In response to the critics of the scale of the Devon tower, it really depends upon where you're standing. From my house, the tower looks fairly similar in size to the rest of the downtown buildings. From I-40 west of the tower it looks massive. It's all a matter of perspective.

  20. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    One superstar and a bunch of team players.

  21. #6721

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I love this picture Thunder, good job.

    Re: the scale of the tower, from my usual perspective driving up and down I-235 every day it fits in nicely.

  22. #6722

    Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    UnFrSaKn, you've got yourself a job at Devon!!! I wonder when they will call you up for something. :-D
    Unless you know somebody that works there to refer you, good luck. Now and days it's all about who you know, not what know.

  23. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    I'll say this once more. I'm not looking for a job at Devon. Doing what exactly? Having a hundred people in line waiting for you to screw up so they can get your job? No thanks. My $10 hr job pays fine, even though I hate doing what I do and working in a big car lot that feels like 120° all day.

  24. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Re: scale of DT compared to the rest of downtown:

    1. I'm sure people felt the same way in 1931 when First National and Ramsey Tower went up to ne'er before seen heights. OMG, they dwarf the existing buildings!
    2. DT is to the rest of the OKC skyline as BoA tower was in Charlotte when it was first built...and the Sear's Tower (or whatever it's called now) in Chicago...and the Burj Dubai (or whatever it's called now) in Dubai. There is precedent.
    3. At least it's located in the CBD, not out in the 'burbs like the City of Faith hospital in Tulsa (or whatever it's called now)...or Williams Tower in Houston. Now those really seem out of place.
    3. I like it alot and that's all that matters.

  25. Default Re: Devon Energy Center (Devon Tower)

    Better comparison. From earlier this morning.

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