Re: OKC Regional Transit System
OK guys and gals. Let's talk some transit sense.
Most if not all of you on here are going on and on about this city and that dropping out, like it's a ballbuster. When in fact, the cities only need to be involved primarily for the stations/park n ride(s) that stop in their city. RTD is a regional government that can tax without approval of the cities. Sure, it'd be great if they also had those councils support but if they decide not to it's not a deal breaker - the RTD would just fund the rail through those cities. The biggest deal breaker would be Oklahoma City, followed by Norman, Edmond, and Tinker since those are Termini of the commuter rail lines, you gotta have somewhere for the trains to go right?. Rail and cities inbetween are not a major concern since the RTD can fund the rails with it's regional power (still tax in those cities) and the cities can opt in and build their stations/park n ride later, or not.
Here in the seattle, tacoma area. We have an RTD known as Sound Transit. They get funding regardless of what the cities of Seattle or Tacoma or wherever else say and Sound Transit pays for the track through cities that don't get service. Seattle and Tacoma operate their rail stations but the ops, rail cars, and rails - it's the regional transit authority. The same would be adopted for OKC.
Would be great to have cities onboard, but not a requirement or dealbreaker other than OKC and the Termini.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!