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Thread: Video Games

  1. #576

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by TU 'cane View Post
    As someone who has been a victim of a Bethesda product before, I won't be picking up FO4 for a number of months. And by then I'll have decided how much time I'll be putting in, which will allow me to choose between PC/PS4.
    Don't get the hatred Bethesda gets, the last four release day titles I have purchased, FO4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, have all been very stable. Not perfect mind you, but still better than quite a few games ive purchased on release day where bugs and unfinished content were prevalent.

  2. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Don't get the hatred Bethesda gets, the last four release day titles I have purchased, FO4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, have all been very stable. Not perfect mind you, but still better than quite a few games ive purchased on release day where bugs and unfinished content were prevalent.
    Remember the last Batman game? It didn't even run. Don't get my started on Diablo 3....

  3. #578

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Remember the last Batman game? It didn't even run. Don't get my started on Diablo 3....
    Ive heard the last Batman was a real piece of work, didn't it get re-released with supposed many fixes but is still a steaming pile? And Diablo 3 was a disgrace compared to what came before, dumbed down indeed.

  4. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Ive heard the last Batman was a real piece of work, didn't it get re-released with supposed many fixes but is still a steaming pile? And Diablo 3 was a disgrace compared to what came before, dumbed down indeed.
    Pretty much. They re released it then pulled it again and are doing full refunds until the end of the year. If I were them I would just stop....Stop with the crappy ports.

  5. #580

    Default Re: Video Games

    So, I played fallout 4 for about 10 hours... It's sweeeeet. A few gripes of course, no surround, the facial animation is crap compared to the other games releasing this period. Bit gameplay is awesome. I've been a PC gamer since PC games existed, open GL, quake engine, all that jazz.. Switched to Xbox one about a month ago, I'm tired of video card drivers and glitches and AMD vs INTEL working good on some games but not others. I've been really happy just to have a smooth platform that works consistently. Been playing all the fall releases simultaneously and am really happy with the results. I was especially pleased with the halo remastered copies I was able to relive my youth with. I have a new 60 frame TV and the graphics rate is noticeable. It's also nice to tie into the 5.1 home theater when applicable.

    Anyway on FO4 it's a solid 8/10 so far. BlackOps III is the best COD campaign I've played since #2. The mechanics of the new assassins creed fixes all my gripes, the story is excellent. Can't wait for battlefront. On my back burner is GTA V and dragon age inquisition. I also want to check out skyrim when backwards compatibility comes around. I couldn't finish it on PC, the bugs and graphics glitches made it unplayable on my AMD crossfire cards.

  6. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    So, I played fallout 4 for about 10 hours... It's sweeeeet. A few gripes of course, no surround, the facial animation is crap compared to the other games releasing this period. Bit gameplay is awesome. I've been a PC gamer since PC games existed, open GL, quake engine, all that jazz.. Switched to Xbox one about a month ago, I'm tired of video card drivers and glitches and AMD vs INTEL working good on some games but not others. I've been really happy just to have a smooth platform that works consistently. Been playing all the fall releases simultaneously and am really happy with the results. I was especially pleased with the halo remastered copies I was able to relive my youth with. I have a new 60 frame TV and the graphics rate is noticeable. It's also nice to tie into the 5.1 home theater when applicable.

    Anyway on FO4 it's a solid 8/10 so far. BlackOps III is the best COD campaign I've played since #2. The mechanics of the new assassins creed fixes all my gripes, the story is excellent. Can't wait for battlefront. On my back burner is GTA V and dragon age inquisition. I also want to check out skyrim when backwards compatibility comes around. I couldn't finish it on PC, the bugs and graphics glitches made it unplayable on my AMD crossfire cards.
    Woah woah woah. You haven't played GTA V? Dragon age is blah for me. I only liked the first one.

  7. Default Re: Video Games

    Or Skyrim?! I dropped over 180 hours on Skyrim. Can't believe that came out 4 years ago to the date.

    As far as Call of Duty, Battlefield, ect I ended that after the last games came out. I am a campaign person and those games have shifted more towards multiplayer the last few cycles. Not saying they weren't fun campaigns but they are really short to justify spending $60 up front. (maybe I will play them when they are in bargain bin) I am wrapping up Halo 5 right now and it is the same way.

    So for now I've shifted my focus on games like fallout, elder scrolls, batmans, assassins creeds, metal gears, ect. Long games that you can invest some time in. Also some indie games as well. Check out Soma on PC/PS4. Great horror indie game with a solid story.

  8. #583

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Don't get the hatred Bethesda gets, the last four release day titles I have purchased, FO4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, have all been very stable. Not perfect mind you, but still better than quite a few games ive purchased on release day where bugs and unfinished content were prevalent.
    I don't have any hatred towards them. Quite the contrary. I've purchased games from them on both the PS and PC platforms (I play PS for the casual aspect, I just don't have much time to play anymore).
    When I first purchased Skyrim for the PS3 when it came out (I hadn't built my PC yet), the game was unplayable. The drops were insane, making the game literally a walking glitch factory. I'm sure you recall that.
    Same with New Vegas (although that was developed by another company - Beth still published it). I played in on PS3 and it was extremely unstable.
    Then there was Dishonored... Another failed launch with the PS platform that had to be corrected (Beth published it). So, I'm not hater, I'm a fan of their work, although I'm not a super fanboy of theirs because their work really isn't that groundbreaking, rather just really fun.

    So... I'll most likely get FO4 on PC after the patches and after an upgrade of my rig months down the line.

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Remember the last Batman game? It didn't even run. Don't get my started on Diablo 3....
    Diablo 3 has been fixed for a while though, it's really fun. And while I didn't play D2, I have heard that D3 was finally made into the game it should have been at launch and more.

  9. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by TU 'cane View Post
    Diablo 3 has been fixed for a while though, it's really fun. And while I didn't play D2, I have heard that D3 was finally made into the game it should have been at launch and more.
    D3 has serious launch issues then they did that awful real money marketplace. I know they fixed it now but I'm not going back. If I could have refunded I would have.

    I spend quite a bit of time growing up playing D2. D3 felt like a slap in the face.

    Blizzard games haven't impressed me lately. I like Hearthstone on my iPad and the Overwatch Beta has been fun. HoTS was a cash grab MOBA that isn't fun to play. Starcraft 2 was boring pretty quick. They need to get back to what they did best.

  10. #585

    Default Re: Video Games

    GTA V came out when I was a PC snob. I built a space ship of a gaming rig and played all the new games on ultra, and had a 60hz UHD screen for games that supported it. I was super PO'ed by the fact rockstar didn't make a PC version. Skyrim was so buggy on launch that after I got my character saved into a death loop with no backups, AFTER dealing with characters flying off the world map, getting stuck in walls, and the world tearing apart if I turned the setting up anywhere near where my machine was capable of running. I uninstalled it and got distracted by a long line of disappointing MMO's like Star Wars the old republic that led me to hang up PC gaming for good.

    Btw the campaign on the new COD is quite extensive. I played the original black ops and felt ripped off. Modern warfare 3 was the same deal. With a bunch of recycled characters I didn't care about. Black ops 3 is a totally new(and very good) story with a bunch of Hollywood actors. 20 levels and lots of side accolades and challenges. I'd say it takes about 20 hours to just blast through it on normal ignoring the "side quests". There's also 1-4 player online co-op and a lot of awesome unlocks in the computer chip in your brain that essentially works like spells in elder scrolls. It's brought me back around to COD.

  11. #586

    Default Re: Video Games

    Anyone else play Project Cars for PS4?

  12. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    It has an FPS issue on PC... The framerate is tied to gamespeed. What a big no no.

    So everyone needs to cap their FPS at 60 to make sure you don't get any issues. I ran it at 144FPS on my 144 monitor and you can't lockpick or leave a terminal as it moves so fast.

    I locked my fps at 60 with GeForce Experience.
    I have mine running on ultra quality and it seems pretty smooth. But just to make sure how do you change it in GeForce EX? I searched everywhere for it and couldn't find the option to lock in FPS

  13. #588

    Default Re: Video Games

    There is a nice little message if you call Fallout 4's Vault Tec phone number.......1-888-482-858832

  14. Default Re: Video Games

    Anybody here watch LCS?

  15. Default Re: Video Games

    Okay, Pokemon Go... Who has it and what teams are you on?

  16. #591

    Default Re: Video Games


  17. #592

    Default Re: Video Games

    BTW - If I suddenly stop posting, it's because I walked into traffic chasing a pokemon.

  18. Default Re: Video Games

    Team Yellow is the best team. If you're not already on there here is a link to the Team Instinct Facebook group.


  19. #594

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    Team Yellow is the best team. If you're not already on there here is a link to the Team Instinct Facebook group.

    Thanks! Joined.

  20. #595

    Default Re: Video Games

    I'd have to roll back my phone software if I want to play. Hopefully something changes before official software comes out.

  21. #596

    Default Re: Video Games

    I downloaded the game tonight, and played it for about an hour and a half. I enjoyed it. No pokestops around me, nor the gym I work out at though.

  22. Default Re: Video Games

    Be careful if you side-load the Pokemon Go app.

  23. #598

    Default Re: Video Games

    I went to Will Rogers Park, the Myriad Gardens, and Bricktown today with a couple of friends to play Pokemon GO and there were tons of people playing as well. People of all ages and types were playing. Strangers socializing together, parents taking their kids to play, parents playing while their kids tag along. I saw several older people playing, but a majority I saw were around my age (mid 20s). It is so cool to see this. And plus, much more exercise! I've walked almost 25 miles while playing Pokemon GO since last Thursday.

  24. #599

    Default Re: Video Games

    I've walked quite the distance myself. I didnt know there were so many statues/monuments outside of harkins.

  25. Default Re: Video Games

    The zoo is really fun for Pokemon Go!

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