The Authority is carrying out the Core to Shore Urban Renewal Plan, approved by The City of Oklahoma City March 2, 2010, as amended November 27, 2012. To better facilitate the Urban Renewal Plan’s goals of creating infill neighborhoods surrounding the newly created park, it is appropriate and desirable to authorize the acquisition of the blocks surrounding the park. Additionally, in order to encourage property owners within the Urban Renewal Area with the means and desire to redevelop their property, it is appropriate and desirable to authorize owner participation agreements in accordance with the Oklahoma Urban Redevelopment Law.
The proposed Second Amendment to the Core to Shore Urban Renewal Plan amends Exhibits 4, 4A, and 4B to the Core to Shore Urban Renewal Plan to show the new areas where the Authority will be authorized to acquire real property. The proposed Second Amendment also grants the Authority the authorization to enter into owner participation agreements with landowners to redevelop or rehabilitate their properties consistent with the Urban Renewal Plan, provided the landowners meet criteria established by a policy adopted by the Authority.
OCURA may enter into agreements with the owners of record of property within the Urban Renewal Area if it determines it feasible and finds that the owner is financially and otherwise qualified to participate in the redevelopment of its property within the Urban Renewal Area. Wherever practicable, OCURA shall enter into agreements with the owners of record of properties receiving substantial benefit from public improvements and other public investments, such as infrastructure, parks or other public spaces, and transit. An owner participation agreement shall provide that the owner agrees to carry out the purposes of the Urban Renewal Plan and shall contain provisions deemed by OCURA to be necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future blight or to otherwise carry out the purposes of the Oklahoma Urban Redevelopment Law. An owner participation agreement shall be consistent with and make requirements similar to the conditions imposed in agreements for land dispostion, including the requirement to redevelop the property in accordance with this Urban Renewal Plan, as may be amended from time to time.