Originally Posted by
Doug Loudenback
That's pretty dumb stuff that you said, above, guru. Why don't you just take off any objectivity masks that you might have been wearing and call a spade a spade when you keyboard your phrases to your common cause. You are opposed to Shadid, and presumably what he may stand for, and you are for Cornett, and presumably what he may stand for. No matter what, in either case.
In your comment above, you are obviously willing to declare that Shadid is lying. You don't qualify your remarks by saying that is your opinion, but you just state the matter as a fact which those of us who are far less worthy should be expected to place complete credence upon the face value of your own words. If you can or have already managed such a thing, I congratulate you. After all, you are the self-proclaimed sooner "guru."
Post your name and email and I'm sure that you will have lots of replies.
Are you willing to say that Cornett has lied, also? I mean, where's your fair play barometer in all of this stuff, if you have such a thing.