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Thread: Paycom Center (formerly Chesapeake Arena)

  1. Default Re: OKC (Cheseapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Remember the story of Moses and Pharaoh and the seven "fat years" and "lean years". Moses told Pharaoh to store up grain during the fat years so that he would have it available during the lean years.
    just for the record... it was joseph. moses was about 400 years later.

  2. #477

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Oh, you're right. My bad. I guess I'm not much of a biblical scholar.

  3. #478

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    Why would you (Betts) ever drive to a game? Weather? I remember one game I went to that it literally hurt to be outside because of how cold and windy it was.

    Anyway, I'm truly sick of people complaining about parking downtown for games or anything else. There is NEVER a parking problem, unless (as the other poster said) you are so lazy you can't stand to not be within 50 feet of your destination.
    She hasn't always lived DT and been within walking distance.

  4. #479

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    I didn't live downtown when the Hornets were here. In fact, I first saw my house going up when I was driving to a Hornets' game and I remember thinking about how nice it would be to live that close in. I started driving through Deep Deuce every time I came to a game and that's when I decided to move. Since I can walk to the NE corner of the Santa Fe garage, go up to the 2nd floor and walk over to the arena that way, I don't drive anymore, even in the most bitter cold weather. It's not worth it since I only have to walk about a block out in the open.

  5. #480

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBoy18 View Post
    Once the new 1-40 is completed, I seriously hope the build a huge parking lot south of the Arena, parking is a major issue when attending Thunder games
    I hope your just trying to get people started. I have season tickets and have never had a problem finding a place to park, and I often arrive DT about 45 minutes before tipoff.

  6. #481

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Parking at Thunder games has always been very reasonable. Some people are just unreasonable about parking.

  7. #482

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    We've never had a problem finding parking for any downtown event. Unless, like others have said, you want right by the door.
    Or, we could all drive Lamborghini's. I once saw a gentleman park his black one right in front of the Chesapeake Arena cause he was full of himself...

  8. #483

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    I won't be satisfied untill they let me park on the street right by the new Grand Entrance. I refuse to walk more than 199 ft. from car to seat!!!!

  9. #484

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I won't be satisfied untill they let me park on the street right by the new Grand Entrance. I refuse to walk more than 199 ft. from car to seat!!!!
    Well, hell, man, you might as well build a shack between the Marriott Gardens and the arena, lol.

  10. Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Plus, once the universally beloved CC is built next door I suspect there will be plenty of parking associated with the area.
    Of course! Altogether now, it will fix everything. It will fix everything. It will fix everything...

  11. Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I hope your just trying to get people started. I have season tickets and have never had a problem finding a place to park, and I often arrive DT about 45 minutes before tipoff.
    I try and make it to as many games as I can, basically whenever I am in town, and I always show up about 20 minutes before tipoff, park FOR FREE at Bass Pro, make a deal with a scalper, and I'm always in right before tip-off. You just have to know what to do downtown, and I feel like it goes without saying most of us are pretty educated about our options for different things in downtown.

    However, not all of us know the name of the Myriad Gardens, apparently... :-P

  12. #487
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    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Maybe it was just a premonition that Marriott will be the new CC hotel...and the park will be renamed the Marriott Gardens.

  13. #488

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Shhhhhh....someone let the cat out of the bag...let the conspiracies begin...LOL

  14. Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Either that or metro will jump on it and claim it as his rumor.

  15. #490

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Or, we could all drive Lamborghini's. I once saw a gentleman park his black one right in front of the Chesapeake Arena cause he was full of himself...

    Oh sorry, Ill try not to do that anymore.

  16. #491

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

  17. #492

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    They were testing the outside display on today. It's pretty impressive. Anyone else see it? I took some pictures I can upload later.

  18. #493

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    My employee was down there and said she saw balloons going up, regarding the new screen. Pics would be awesome! Any ideas as to when they're going to place the new arena name sign up? I know they probably still have yet to manufacture the sign but I didn't know if there was a time frame...

  19. #494

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    As long as it gets put up in time for the NBA season start (if there is one). :-(

  20. #495

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

  21. #496

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    They put the logo and arena name on the roof above the new entrance... You have to be on I-40 to see it, it looks good!

  22. #497

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Watson410 View Post
    They put the logo and arena name on the roof above the new entrance... You have to be on I-40 to see it, it looks good!
    Yep, news9 had an aerial shot of it last night during their 10pm newscast. Looks great!

  23. #498

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    I just drove past it a few minutes ago going Eastbound on I-40 and it is visible if you look at the arena and I wasn't even looking for it so it is noticable.

  24. #499

    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    When do they plan to have the grand entrance complete?

    Sorry if it's been answered in an obvious way but I couldn't find it anywhere.

  25. #500
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    Default Re: OKC (Chesapeake) Arena

    They're advertising that the arena will reopen in October. I don't know if this is the same thing as the grand entrance being done or not. If so, we might need to go down there and ask if they need some help.

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