I attempted to look on the City website to find a reference concerning the original MAPS vote but I couldn't find anything. This is what happened as I recall it. I am sorry, I know we all like independent references for facts such as this.
My point being that if this version of MAPS 3 fails it is not the end of the world for OKC. The City will just need to redesign the package to better meet the demands of the citizens. Then the new package may be voted on. This could happen within just a matter of a few months.
I would like to provide a little more information to consider. On the website
The City of Oklahoma City's Offical Home Page the list of votes for projects is provided at
MAPS 3 | Oklahoma City. I looked through the list of projects suggested.
The summary is as follows:
Downtown "Central Park" - 36 votes (estimated cost 130 million)
New Convention Center - 40 votes (estimated cost 280 million)
Fairgrounds - 22 votes (estimated cost 60 million)
I don't understand why so much money is being put toward projects that received so few votes.