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Thread: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

  1. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.


    Well, we have to accept our lot in life

    Lauri--I'm waiting for my copy of Sims 2 Seasons to arrive!
    Still corrupting young minds

  2. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I got Sims 2 - Seasons! 2 copies! lol
    So much good news.. two copies...? Was there a mistake or did you order extra?

    Does this count? My washer just broke so I get a new one?

    I'm trying here folks!

    Congrats to everyone on all of their good news.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #28

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    both were birthday presents - I'll exchange one of them through Amazon for something else!

  4. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    So much good news.. two copies...? Was there a mistake or did you order extra?

    Does this count? My washer just broke so I get a new one?

    I'm trying here folks!

    Congrats to everyone on all of their good news.
    As I recall you saying before, you wanted new appliances anyway right? So, sounds good to me! Are you sure that wrench you banged around in there didn't do the breaking?

  5. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    lol! That's the kitchen... boo hoo, a new washer/dryer puts that on the bottom of my wishlist now. I hate to spend money on 'not' fun stuff like laundry.

    Speaking of... any suggestions on a line? I mean a brand, not a clothes line ( although.. wait a minute.. hmmmmmmm ha,ha)

    Any experience with a front loading machine? Man, appliances are expensive! The one I like uses Steam ( excuse me! what's wrong with hot water? ) But apparently, steam cleans better, uses less water and less electricity plus it wrings the heck out of clothes by spinning a million rpms so no water is left for the dryer.. it has wrinkle care ( ?) on and on... problem? $1200 bucks for a washer! wow.

    But, the good news ( since I'm trying to remain chipper) is that I'll save $100 a year by using this machine!So, it will pay for itself in 12 years! (?) And even better Home Depot will give me a gift card!

    yippee... I'm in a great mood...not.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #31

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    My youngest daughter got "Soldier of the Month" at Ft Sill and she's re-enlisting today. She asked that the re-enlistment ceremony be today, on my birthday, to honor me.

    My almost two year old grandson said "I wuv ooh, Gigi"

    I got Sims 2 - Seasons! 2 copies! lol
    I know you're proud of your daughter. My daughter is getting ready to enlist in the Marines...lol. I'm thankfull that she's heading in the right direction as she starts her adult life. Even if she want's to be a Jar Head.

  7. #32

    Talking Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I got sims that I have been wanting and the freaking never ending money (cheat codes)...lol

    I got my blankets warshed ( washed) last night and now I am sitting here drinking my 7 frapp of the day....

    Oh yeah my daughter wants to go to prom with someone and said yes but no to the after party so GOING OUT TO SHOP FOR HER FIRST PROM DRESS THIS WEEKEND...
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  8. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I went to an interview today at Orthopedics Institute and got offered the job. The only thing that might hold me back is the 3lbs of meth I did yesterday. Think that will show up on the drug test? (J/K) The benefits are really good and I am excited. When I was driving home from taking my drug test all I kept thinking was, 'wow it'd suck to be one of those people that get high so then they're all nervous about the results.' It felt good knowing I will pass it for sure. I put in my 2 weeks notice at my current job today and they were really understanding about it, I was worried it might make the day a little rough but it didn't at all. I'm feeling pretty good right now. It still seems unreal though, I've worked here for quite some time so it's going to be hard to leave. Anyone else have something?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    well I did the unthinkable.. I traded my sports car for a pick up...

    Getting ready for the indoor yard sale here at the shopping center in April. Getting ready for our Anniversary in April at work and Easter and Prom.. Calgon take me away
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  10. #35

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOTTCUTZ View Post
    well I did the unthinkable.. I traded my sports car for a pick up...

    Getting ready for the indoor yard sale here at the shopping center in April. Getting ready for our Anniversary in April at work and Easter and Prom.. Calgon take me away
    Definitely unthinkable....Get ready for all the "Can you help me move" calls hottcutz

  11. #36

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    first day Easy mom calls she needs stufff delivered...lol already happened...lol

    and I am moving stuff in april,ugggggggggggggg
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  12. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Congrats CMSturgeon on your new job!

    Congrats hottcutz on your new truck..

    congrats to me for getting my new washer and dryer installed.. yipee. Laundry.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #38

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.


    I will be doing laundry also this week..

    Oh yeah we hired another girl so I get some time off this week...yay me
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  14. #39

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Wow. Just wow.

    I read all of these and just kept smiling even more. New jobs, great students, expecting birth, fun trips, family accomplishments, that's just amazing

    I'm just happy I left my apartment today. Slowly reclaiming independence. Not sure WHY I have so many problems leaving. The last time I lived alone I never wanted to go home... well, I don't live alone now but its kinda like I do. Between his work schedule and gaming I don't see him much

    I have my wonderful chihuahua to come home to and he's ALWAYS excited to see me!

    Everyday my myspace and facebook are flooded with messages from friends that miss me I feel LOVED!

    And a great big THANK YOU to all of ya'll on OKC Talk. I'd prolly be pickin' my nose from boredom if I didn't have this place!

  15. #40
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelicfly View Post
    Wow. Just wow.

    I read all of these and just kept smiling even more. New jobs, great students, expecting birth, fun trips, family accomplishments, that's just amazing

    I'm just happy I left my apartment today. Slowly reclaiming independence. Not sure WHY I have so many problems leaving. The last time I lived alone I never wanted to go home... well, I don't live alone now but its kinda like I do. Between his work schedule and gaming I don't see him much

    I have my wonderful chihuahua to come home to and he's ALWAYS excited to see me!

    Everyday my myspace and facebook are flooded with messages from friends that miss me I feel LOVED!

    And a great big THANK YOU to all of ya'll on OKC Talk. I'd prolly be pickin' my nose from boredom if I didn't have this place!
    We are glad you are here, and really glad that you are an active participant . We need more members like you..........This site is habit forming, but it's a great habit to have.

  16. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I'm really glad I started this thread. It makes me feel great to read all the good news too. And okctalk is definitely habit forming, I enjoy spending time here.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Today is a great day!!!!!!!!!!

    The sun is shining and I actually woke up on time after spending all day sleeping catching up from being burned out from work..

    I am babysitting my neices and nephew friday I cant wait to see them..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  18. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I have tried some new healthy recipes from the Cooking Light cookbooks I received last week and so far they are GREAT!

    I also worked out yesterday and today...I even played racquetball with the husband last week..I think I hit the ball maybe 50-55% of the time? Not bad for a person with no depth-perception bwahaha. I am a stinky, stinky mess right now.

    I bought some cute shirts yesterday, pretty inexpensive, too.

    I think I will buy some pansies today to put on my balcony...hoping that they get enough sun to live?

    Tomorrow is movie/pizza day with my sis! I'm really excited about that!

    And Sunday, the sis and I are going to have lunch with my mom. I think now is a good time to see her.

    All very little things, but I'm reaching as best I can :P
    Still corrupting young minds

  19. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Wow Bandnerd, good job on starting out a good healthy regimen. I'm eating a cheeseburger from Wendy's right now and havent worked out in like 2 weeks. And they have some brownies down stairs that are sounding REALLY good right about now. I am so going to get fat if I don't get some damn control.

  20. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Ok, I got the job I wanted so I am really excited. But I have a feeling something is going to ruin it, so I'm not going to get caught up in all of that.

    I am holding a family bar-b-q at my house on Easter Sunday so the new generation of children in my big family can experience the neat easter egg hunt/family gathering I did as a child myself. Those were always one of the few good memories (although I always got the fewest eggs, but that wont happen this year, I'm tackling some 4 year olds, j/k) of my child hood. As people walk in the door I'm going to tell them, "if you think a rude thought about someone else keep it to yourself or get the hell out."

    Hmmmm. Lets see. What else. I am tan, and the weird spots from my feet went away from the spray tan, lol.

    Oh, and I bought some camping stuff last night so the hubby and I can go camping for his birthday near the end of April. By the way, Academy has those chairs that fold up and fit into a bag and have cup holders for only $4.86 right now. Bought 4 of them.

    Anybody else have something positive to share?

  21. #46

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    We found the prom dress of her "dreams" I am putting a picture of what it kinda looks like ...

    This kinda dress is very flattering for bigger girls.. We were so excited.. Kinda spent to much on it, but heck she only lives once..

    She deserved it anyhow.. She is an awesome kid.. The dress is a dark pink with black on it.. Beautiful!!
    Last edited by Deni; 04-11-2007 at 11:07 AM.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  22. #47

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    oh sorry !!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the JOB...Yay for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  23. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Wow, that is gorgeous Hottcutz - you'll have to take tons of pics so we can see ... I'm sure you'll be doing her hair.. can't wait to see it.

    Congrats on the job..Cmsturgeon

    Well, I got my washer/dryer.. love them ( well as much as I can love applicances) but at least I have them.

    Still trying to swap OS - got rid of Vista, installed XP Pro ( thanks again for the help Ibda12u and OKCPulse - my buds!!) but the driver disk didn't work so he is sending me an overnight copy of the drivers and McAffee Virus protector.. pretty much took everything out of my computer. I think I wish I would have just returned the computer and started over.. I have a bad feeling I'll have problems.

    Anyway, supposed to be positive... making plans for Cedar Point - home of the best roller coasters.. so that is something fun to look forward to .. and we're all healthy so I'm good.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  24. Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    Hottcutz, I pink and black sounds even cuter than the dress you posted. I am needing to get rid of the prom dress I wore senior year if anyone knows someone else shopping. It was very expensive so I have to take lots of money for it. I dont think I can sell it, its too purty. Ok, changed my mind, not selling. lol. Karried I bought a dell laptop and slowly hate it more and more.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Talk about anything good you have going on in your life, no matter the topic.

    I just found out I am also chapperoning the Prom.. Yay ME!!!! We are having it at OU ball room so I am wearing my Orange and Black pants suit...lol

    Name a good place to eat for Prom dates.. Her date is legally blind so he cant drive. I am driving them..

    We were thinking Texas Roadhouse but that is on North okc and the prom is in Norman.

    Yes I will be doing her hair.. and her makeup and lots of PICS!!! I am way excited for her. I think I am living through her.. lol
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

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