Obviously this is not just as simple as "screw Texas" and those that do think it's that simple have no understanding of the long, long history of water rights lititgation throughout the country. The issue, as you can imagine, is much more complicated than "it's our water" and we want to keep it for our citizens.

The water being litigated is water that flows into the Red River and when combined with the Red River becomes too salty to be used as drinking water. Tarrant county desires to buy the water before it enters the Red River. This is not water that can be "saved" for Oklahoma's future growth. The water will flow into the Red River and eventually to the Gulf of Mexico. That argument is especially suspect given the flat population growth for even metro areas let alone the declining population in rural areas of Oklahoma. My suspicion is this will be another case of Oklahoma making an issue of a simple matter and losing in the end. Rather than creating a reasonable approach to water use, my guess is the state will take the low road and eventually lose in court. Unfortunately, this will set precedent that will likely have impacts far beyond some reasonable compromise.