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Thread: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

  1. #26

    Default Re: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

    It does look it like it has a ways to go to be up to speed, but I do see progress. (More than the slowest build on a Walgreens EVER) (in Guthrie)

    I haven't heard the outcome of the million gallon water sell, has anyone else? They were suppose to know this Friday after Rural Water District 2's meeting.

    After the seeing the owner, at the city council meeting, I do continue to have high hopes for his little adventure. He states he will have visitors from around the world, not just Oklahoma. Time will tell.

  2. Default Re: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

    It looked like they were assembling the actual towing device when I drove by on Saturday.

  3. #28

    Default Re: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

    I'll second what Katt said about seeing the owner on TV20.

    I too felt much better about the whole deal...time will tell...

  4. #29

    Default Re: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

    BTW, I guess I am missing something here? Exactly what category is this thread under, I can't find it in any "City" forum?

  5. #30

    Default Re: U.S.'s largest wakeboard park to be built in Guthrie

    When you click on City boards, page down to "thread on board", it's the top one. I didn't know there was a difference between a thread and a board, but I guess there is, I'm still learning my way around here too. lol

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