Re: Picture of Jesus on the Wall
Show me where our government has a religion that they sponsor...and I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure Secular Humanism isn't a religion.
Paying taxes to schools even when you don't have children can be a pain, I know. However, we are all investing in our country's future this way, are we not? Do you have a better plan? I certainly don't. I like getting paid.
Is it really that hard to realize that not everyone is a Christian? I know I'm not alone here...well, maybe *here* on this forum but I know there are others out there like me. Putting up pictures of Jesus and other Christian figures in public schools gives the message that Christianity is the religion of this country, and it is not. You can say it's Secular Humanism, but I'm pretty darn sure our government has no sponsored religion, just like we don't claim an actual "national language."
I reiterate something I said earlier: Do we see Stars of David in public schools? Or Buddha statues? Or Shiva shrines? NO. While "separation of church and state" may have only been mentioned in a letter written Thomas Jefferson it was a good idea. Countries that allow religion to take over the government often fail...the Roman Empire, for one...the Middle East is in complete turmoil. To me it just seems better to keep these things separate. You can disagree, I just wanted to say that.
And is Secular Humanism all that bad? Ever looked it up?
Still corrupting young minds