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Thread: Edmond Traffic

  1. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Couple of quick points; On the easiest route to UCO, try 15th to Rankin, North to the campus. Also, 9th to University, North directly into the campus. Hope that helps! As to the traffic, I commute by bicycle, and can usually get anywhere in town in 15-20 minutes without riding on a major traffic artery. It does bother me to see the outrageous number of gi-normous SUVs occupied by a single person. Ok, flame away!

  2. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Thanks for the tips, Tim. I'll give the 15th to Rankin route a try on Thursday.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  3. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    If I'm in a big hurry, I'll take 35 North and exit 2nd street going West back into town ...seems a bit longer but no traffic.

    Tim, no flaming here .. you're helping our environment.. one thought, have you seen those bright orange vests? That will help with your visibility should one of those SUV's miss seeing you in their blind spot.

    SUV vs Bike shudder.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Why thank you! Usually I take one little-bitty poke at SUVs and the wrath of GAWD rains down! I have an extensive collection of lights, reflective clothing and flashy-shiny stuff. The most important safety device any cyclist can have is a little common sense. Good news (since you graciously allowed me space on a traffic thread) the City of Edmond has recently approved the creation of a Bicycle Committee to study cycle/pedestrian issues, create safe routes and promote the use of alternative transportation. This is a worldwide trend that is finally reaching the Midwest, and when we finally reach max density on traffic counts and fuel prices, us goofy looking people on bikes may well be hailed as visionaries!

  5. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy View Post
    Thanks for the tips, Tim. I'll give the 15th to Rankin route a try on Thursday.
    Excellent! If you see a couple on bicycles heading South, smile and wave!

  6. #31

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Tim, the only goofy thing about bicycle riders is the spandex.

    -- the men with shaved legs are a little creepy as well.

  7. #32
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    sweetdaisy, you're a UCO student? Since when? Both Midtowner and I are alums from UCO.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Count me in too...Class of '98

  9. #34

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Best way to UCO is to take Fretz to 2nd.

    Fretz may have a slower speed limit, but there is not traffic and not nearly as many stop lights.

  10. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Tim, the only goofy thing about bicycle riders is the spandex.

    -- the men with shaved legs are a little creepy as well.
    Haaarrumph. Obviously Midtowner, you are jealous. I expected more from a UCO alum.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    I used to ride my bike to class just about every day -- it's the only way to get around campus.

    When I used to have free time, I'd make a daily trip out to lake Hefner where I'd circle the lake a couple times. I took a pretty bad fall out the trails in Mitch park, and really haven't ridden since.

    I always felt it was not safe to ride my bike on major streets. I always cursed the people who do. It's dangerous for cars and the bike riders alike. Good to hear Edmond is finally following through with its trails system!

    No need for funny clothes and shaved legs though. I never have heard a satisfactory explanation for the use of either.

  12. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Yup. The trails system is coming along, once the EBC is up and running (riding) we hope to have designated safe route signage up. As to the spandex, the shorts have big cushy pads inside and the jerseys wick moisture. The reason a lot of us shave legs is to facilitate rapid healing of road-rash. It's just easier to keep clean without all that hair!

  13. #38

    Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Timing the lights appropriately is indeed needed. Whether we are better or worse than anywhere else is irrelevant (IMHO) and a sorry excuse for the status quo.

    Another problem is the abundance of 30-35 MPH speed limits on major four lane thorough fairs. I know we as a society are way too busy but some of it is out of our control.

    In the past year my wife went back to work working 12 hour day shifts (6:30-7:00 PM at Deaconess), then my manager cancelled the 1 PM to 9 PM shift coverage (we were promised for a minimum three years) so being on call starts earlier and my shift when on call changed from my normal 7:00-3:30 shift to 10:00 - 6:30 shift.

    The problem is my daycare is "only" open from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. I have to get to 15 and Kelly from Bryant and Danforth getting a Kindergartener ready for the day and be there when they open the door at 6:30 AM.

    Then I have to haul you know what to Baptist Medical Center park on the south forty and be in my department in under 30 minutes for the 7:00 shifts and I have to drive like a bat out of Hades (if I'm lucky and don't have to work late) to make it back to 15th and Kelly in under 30 minutes praying too God I don't get delayed by the train, road construction, wreck or a well meaning police officer or pay $5 every minute after 6:00. At 6:30 they call DHS to pick late kids. Hey they have families, school and second jobs to get to too.

    Then my wife decides to have an affair, leave and file for divorce. Not that her job allowed her to be much help with the kids on her work days but now its even more hectic. Then there are school programs, ballet and soccer practices, and church on Wednesdays.....

    1. I did not choose for my wife to go back to work and she had never worked 12's before during the time I knew her.

    2. I was adamantly opposed to the schedule restructuring at my job and my wife deciding to work 12's was based on the promise of having that coverage until 8:00 PM before going on call.

    3. I did not want a divorce and this hectic schedule.

    How do traffic speed limits and lights fit into this?

    My only remaining option based on three major changes that were completely out of my control is to make my time efficient time on the road. There are no current openings closer to home and moving closer to work is not an option right now either.

    We have cars today because they are a necessity for efficiency. There are still some recreation drivers out there for the view and the Sunday drive but most of us need to if not daily but several times a day get from point A to point B quickly, safely and efficiently. It costs way too much to maintain a car, buy gas, pay taxes for roads and poorly executed stop lights to further suffer at the hands of well meaning citation wielding police (who alone are deemed qualified to speed at will for any reason at any time but that’s another topic).

    While having inefficient lights and poorly executed traffic patterns is not a violation of my constitutional rights by any means we spend way too much money to maintain the ability to travel independently and efficiently to settle for the currently disorganized status quo.

    Please someone in the Edmond City planning powers that be get this on the front burner and get us in the 21st century.

    We are not a "small bedroom community" anymore for better or worse and its time to dump the unreasonably low non school zone speed limits that are only 5 to 10 miles an hour above the school zone speed limits when there are four or more lanes of traffic. Boulevard, Danforth, Bryant, 15th, 33rd, 2cnd, Kelly etc all have segments with 30-35 MPH speed limits that have more to do with generating revenue than promoting safety. If safety was really the issue the police would not break the speed limit either except for true life or death emergencies.

    I have personally witness two or more squad cars racing each other on Broadway extension between 1:00 and 3:00 AM and been passed on the Turnpike like I was standing going 80 MPH on the way to an emergency call back at the hospital only to see the police car simply pull off 122cnd and into the police station at a casual pace.

  14. Default Re: Edmond Traffic

    Wow Scooter.. I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma. Do you have the kids full-time now?

    Any chance you could get the kids closer to where you work? Or hire someone to pick them up at daycare for a few hours after work?

    That's a stressful way to live.. you must be exhausted. I hope you are getting some breaks and taking care of yourself.

    I hope it gets better for you!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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